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How to Use Temptation Bundling to Boost Your Productivity

You know you should be working, but somehow, scrolling through Reels on Instagram is way more appealing. What if there was a way to turn that procrastination on its head and use it to your advantage? A time management game that tricks your brain into making those dreaded tasks feel, dare we say, enjoyable? 

Read on to learn all about a smart technique that’ll help you fight procrastination—temptation bundling!

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Understanding Temptation Bundling

Temptation bundling is the future of productivity. It pairs an activity you like to do with a less enjoyable activity you should do so that the allure of an enjoyable activity (instantly gratifying) motivates you toward achieving your goals. 

Here are the key concepts behind this method:

  • The want vs. should: It pairs activities you desire (watching a show) with tasks you know you should do (exercising). Past research suggests this creates a reward system, making the should behaviors more appealing 

A study revealed that giving the participants audiobooks to encourage temptation bundling boosted their average weekly workouts by 10–12%.

  • Turning ‘ugh’ into ‘ooh’: By associating a difficult task with something you enjoy, you build anticipation and excitement, making it feel less like a chore. This conditioning will eventually make finishing your ‘work’ a habit. For example, getting a pedi while replying to long overdue emails
  • Escaping procrastination’s tight grip: You overcome the tendency to prioritize instant gratification (snacking on your favorite chips) over long-term goals (finishing a project) by offering immediate rewards for tackling the ‘should’ tasks

Missing your very favorite restaurant but dreading that Zoom call? Temptation bundling hacks your desires for good! Pair the ‘want’ (restaurant food and ambiance) with the ‘should’ (Zoom call). Now, you only get to visit the cafe when you have those dreaded Zoom calls. 

This creates a positive link, making the unpleasant task more digestible. Over time, you might even find yourself answering those calls without heading out to a cafe—a win for self-control and motivation!

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The Principles and Science of Temptation Bundling

The science behind temptation bundling is rooted in behavioral economics, time management strategies, and psychology. The key principles that make temptation bundling effective are:

Overcoming present bias 

Temptation bundling helps overcome the tendency to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term goals. Pairing a ‘should’ behavior with a ‘want’ behavior makes the less enjoyable task feel more rewarding in the moment.

Leveraging anticipation and reward 

Temptation bundling works by creating a sense of self-control and excitement around completing the less enjoyable task, as it becomes the ‘gateway’ to the rewarding activity. This anticipation can increase motivation and make you look forward to the task. Imagine listening to an exciting true crime podcast while folding laundry or doing other household chores. Bet you can’t wait for episode two!

Building habits through conditioning 

Consistently pairing the less enjoyable task with the enjoyable activity conditions the brain to find the boring task more attractive over time. And this can help turn it into a habit, like snacking while you finish dreaded projects.

Reducing willpower demands 

Temptation bundling reduces the need for pure willpower by making the less enjoyable task feel more rewarding in the moment rather than relying solely on long-term goals to drive motivation. 

Exploration of multilevel model

Depending on your goals, you can apply temptation bundling at different ‘levels’. Here’s how it works:

  • Individual level: This is the classic example of task batching, such as pairing exercises with listening to a thrilling audio novel. You’re using temptation bundling to boost your productivity
  • Habit formation: Temptation bundling devices can be used to build new habits. For example, you could bundle flossing your teeth with watching a funny video clip. By associating the ‘should’ behavior (flossing) with the ‘want’ behavior (watching the clip), you give flossing a fresh start, making it more appealing and encourage the development of a regular flossing habit
  • Teamwork and collaboration: Temptation bundling can even be applied at a team level. For example, team meetings only happen during brainstorming walks in nature. This combines the ‘should’ behavior (meeting) with the ‘want’ behavior (enjoying nature) to potentially boost creativity and combat productivity killers

The significance of the power of a test

The power of a test is crucial to understanding the science behind temptation bundling in a few key ways:

Identifying effective bundles

Temptation bundling relies on the individual’s desires and motivations, such as a favorite activity or other guilty pleasures. What someone finds enjoyable can vary greatly. Testing different combinations of ‘want’ and ‘should’ activities via a control group allows researchers and individuals to see which pairings are most effective in boosting productivity or achieving goals.

Measuring success

Scientific studies rely on testing and measuring outcomes in a control group to assess the effectiveness of a technique and its primary outcome. In temptation bundling research, tests would track changes in behavior (e.g., increased exercise frequency) after participants implemented temptation bundling strategies versus delayed rewards.


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Testing different temptations in control condition bundles allows individuals to find what works best. For example, someone might find listening to tempting audio enjoyable while studying, while another prefers a silent environment. Testing different ‘want’ activities helps personalize the technique for maximum impact.

Identifying underlying mechanisms 

Researchers can use tests to explore the psychological mechanisms behind temptation bundling’s effectiveness and its long-term benefits. For example, studies could compare brain activity or self-reported feelings of anticipation or reward before and after using temptation bundling.

The power of testing allows scientists to refine the understanding of temptation bundling, personalize its application, and ultimately strengthen its effectiveness.

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How to Create a Temptation Bundle

Are you tempted enough to try your own temptation bundling strategy? Don’t worry if you just have some habit-tracking apps to be productive. We recommend giving ClickUp a try to conquer procrastination. Here’s how:

Customize your workflows

Plan your day with workflows that suit your style of working. With 15+ customizable ClickUp Views, you can plan your week, month, year, or more!

ClickUp Views
Visualize and plan your day with Customizable Views in ClickUp

ClickUp offers various views, including List, Board, Kanban, Calendar, and Gantt views. Each view presents your tasks differently, allowing you to visualize your temptation bundles from various angles.

  • List View—prioritization at a glance: Use the List view to prioritize your tasks. Arrange your bundled tasks with the ‘should do’ portion first, followed by the tempting activity. This simple approach keeps your goals front and center while reminding you of the reward that’s waiting for you
  • Board View—the big picture: The (Kanban) Board View visually represents your workflow. Create a dedicated board for temptation bundling. Use different columns to represent task stages (e.g., ‘To Do: Study Chapter 1,’ ‘Temptation Break: Listen to Upbeat Music,’ ‘Completed’) and use the drag and drop feature to update as it gets completed. This view provides a clear roadmap of your bundled tasks and progress
  • Calendar View—time blocking for success: Ideal for time blocking, Calendar View helps schedule dedicated chunks for your temptation bundles, including both the study time and the temptation breaks. This method ensures you allocate sufficient time for both aspects of the bundle, promoting a balanced and productive approach
  • Gantt View—visualize progress on every step: The Gantt View offers a timeline perspective, which is ideal for complex projects with multiple bundled tasks. Here, schedule each bundled task as a bar on the Gantt chart, with the start and end times clearly defined. This allows you to visualize the overall flow of your bundled tasks and identify potential bottlenecks or scheduling conflicts.
    Say you’re studying for multiple exams with specific deadlines. Use the Gantt View to schedule dedicated study sessions (the ‘should do’) paired with short breaks (the ‘want’) throughout the week leading up to each exam. This ensures you stay on track for all your exams while incorporating enjoyable activities to avoid burnout.

ClickUp Views are versatile and can be applied to any number of use cases—from creating effective study schedules to setting (and getting) fitness goals and moving the needle on all sorts of critical projects at work. 

Davide Mameli, Business Unit Manager at ICM.S (part of Accenture), says:-

ClickUp Views aren’t just cosmetic. They are a critical and powerful way for us to visually organize and structure work.

Davide Mameli, Business Unit Manager at ICM.S (part of Accenture)

Manage daily tasks efficiently with a time tracker

ClickUp Tasks
Create personalized custom statuses in ClickUp to manage tasks in alignment with the temptation bundling technique

For smaller ClickUp Tasks like reviewing notes, emails, or standup reports, create multiple tasks (should do) and pair each with a short, focused, indulgent break (want to do). Use ClickUp’s Project Time Tracking feature to stay on track and review how much time you spend in the day on work vs. leisure. 

You can record time spent on each task from your desktop, mobile, or web browser with a Chrome extension

For longer tasks, consider thematic bundling. If studying a novel for your Literature class, create subtasks for each chapter and pair them with listening to a chapter of a different novel you enjoy. Organize this in a list view and set a time limit for each chapter so that progress is trackable as you continue reading. 

For example, if your main task is ‘write a research paper on the history of flights’.

Create subtasks like 

  • Subtask 1 (30 min): Research key figures in the history of flight (Wright Brothers, Leonardo da Vinci); Temptation Break (10 min): Watch a short documentary on the Wright Brothers’ first flight
  • Subtask 2 (45 min): Outline the paper structure (Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion); Temptation Break (15 min): Listen to a motivational speech by a famous aviator
  • Subtask 3 (Repeat): Following the outline, research and write each body paragraph. Pair each writing session with a short, relevant documentary or podcast about a specific era of flight 

Studying with friends? Use ClickUp to create a shared list and assign tasks with bundled breaks, like watching a funny cat video together after completing a chapter.

Use recurring tasks in ClickUp to schedule your temptation bundles in advance, creating a consistent study routine with built-in breaks.

Simplify your work by setting priority levels for every task. For example, assign a higher priority to your ‘should do’ tasks within the bundle to ensure they get tackled first.

Leverage pre-built tools to minimize manual work you don’t enjoy

ClickUp has a library of 1000+ pre-built templates, and you can create your own custom templates for specific use cases. 

For example, we know that forming a new habit (especially a good one!) is difficult. Why not make it easier by using a habit tracker template? Instead of having to create a mechanism from scratch to track new habits by day, week, or month, such a template does the job for you with a readymade layout to help you attain peak self-discipline

Use the ClickUp Personal Habit Tracker Template to build motivation and self-discipline over time toward achieving personal goals without procrastinating any task

ClickUp’s Personal Habit Tracker Template makes it easier than ever to:

  • Craft your goals: Define what success looks like. Want to conquer those early mornings? Master, that daily exercise routine? The platform helps you set clear ClickUp Goals and visualize them for peak motivation
  • Track your progress: No more guesswork! ClickUp lets you monitor progress in real time, highlighting areas for celebration and pinpointing where you can focus your efforts
  • Customize your tracking: Ditch the one-size-fits-all approach. Personalize your tracker with custom statuses (Open, In Progress, Completed) and attributes (Read 15 Pages, 10k Steps) to reflect your unique goals
  • Multiple views: Switch seamlessly between Table, List, and Calendar views to find the format that best suits your tracking style
  • Advanced organization: Leverage tags, nested subtasks, and priority labels to keep your habit tracker meticulously organized
  • Smart adjustments: ClickUp’s Automations can monitor progress and send reminders or trigger adjustments when needed. This ensures you stay on track and can adapt your approach as you go

Don’t struggle with bothersome chores alone. Use task management tools instead. ClickUp’s Simple Task Management Template is a launchpad for daily organization and goal achievement!

Organize on point when planning, managing, and keeping track of daily tasks with ClickUp Simple Task Management Template

This user-friendly template offers a clear structure and built-in instructions, making it perfect for anyone new to task management. Get started with three intuitive views:

  • List view: Craft your to-do list with ease. Organize tasks using customizable columns and statuses, ensuring clarity and control
  • Board view: Embrace visual planning. Drag and drop tasks on a Kanban board, prioritizing and visualizing your workflow effortlessly
  • Doc view: This built-in guide provides clear instructions, helping you navigate and personalize your task management system

The template comes with two pre-set Statuses—‘To Do’ and ‘Done’—for immediate task status reflection. But don’t stop there! Create additional custom statuses to match your specific needs. This level of detail ensures your task management system is as granular (or flexible) as you require

Let’s not forget that ClickUp Brain’s AI tools, combined with other ClickUp features, can help you craft and implement effective temptation bundles. Here’s how it can enhance your productivity:

ClickUp Brain
Use ClickUp Brain to get ideas on building suitable temptation bundles
  • AI-powered task creation: ClickUp Brain’s ability to generate tasks and templates based on prompts can be a boon for brainstorming temptation bundles. Describe your ‘should do’ task to Brain, and it might suggest subtasks or even propose potential ‘want’ activities based on your past behavior and preferences. This jumpstarts the bundling process and saves you valuable brainstorming time
  • Automated break reminders: ClickUp Automations paired with Brain’s suggestions can create a seamless workflow. Set up an automation triggered by completing the ‘should do’ portion of your bundle. This automation, powered by Brain’s suggestions, can then send you a notification reminding you to take your well-earned ‘want’ activity break
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Real-World Examples of Temptation Bundling

Based on real-world case studies and examples, let’s examine how people, businesses, and organizations are employing temptation bundling. 

Books and Literature

There are interesting examples in literature that capture this idea. Here’s how we can see it in the world of Harry Potter:

Headmaster Dumbledore is known for his fondness for lemon drops (sherbet lemon in the U.K. version). Interestingly, he often carries them while delivering difficult or important messages. This could be seen as a way to make these challenging conversations more palatable, bundling the unpleasant news with a small treat.

A popular answer on Quora also seems to support this view.

Example of Temptation Bundling in the Harry Potter series
via Quora

Television and media firms

The concept of temptation bundling isn’t limited to individual productivity. Businesses, too, can leverage their power to influence consumer behavior. 

A prime example of this strategy in action is the ‘Thank God It’s Thursday’ (TGIT) programming block launched by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) during the 2014–15 television season.

ABC’s strategy centered around creating a powerful temptation bundle for viewers. Every Thursday, the network aired a block of three popular shows—Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, all created by the acclaimed screenwriter Shonda Rhimes. This thematic bundling offered viewers a consistent and engaging experience, catering to their enjoyment of Shonda Rhimes’ work.

ABC didn’t stop at just airing the shows. They actively encouraged viewers to embrace the TGIT experience as a whole. Promotions explicitly mentioned enjoying popcorn and red wine and creating a relaxing Thursday evening ritual alongside the shows. This additional layer of temptation bundling further incentivized viewership by associating the shows with a desirable and enjoyable experience.

The TGIT programming block demonstrates how businesses can leverage temptation bundling to create loyal customer bases. By strategically pairing desired products or services with enjoyable experiences, businesses can foster positive associations and drive consumer engagement.

Cycflix: Combining exercise and Netflix

One real-world example of temptation bundling in action is a system called ‘Cycflix’ created by Ronan Byrne, an engineer in Ireland.

Byrne struggled to stay motivated to exercise regularly on his stationary bike. So, he decided to apply the principles of temptation bundling to create a custom system that would only allow him to watch Netflix if he was actively cycling.

Here’s how Cycflix works:

  1. Byrne connected his stationary bike to a Raspberry Pi computer
  2. He then programmed the system to only allow Netflix to play if the bike was being pedaled at a certain minimum speed
  3. If he stopped pedaling, the Netflix playback would pause until he started cycling again

By pairing his desire to watch Netflix (the want behavior) with the requirement to exercise on the bike (the should behavior), Byrne significantly improved his exercise routine.

In an interview, Byrne reported that the Cycflix system increased his average weekly cycling time from 1 hour to 4–5 hours. He could binge-watch his favorite shows guilt-free, but only while staying active on the bike. This is a clever real-world application of temptation bundling principles. 

The Cycflix case study demonstrates how temptation bundling can be customized and implemented creatively to drive positive behavior change. It’s an inspiring example of using behavioral science insights to improve productivity and health.

Apps, commitment devices, and temptation bundling

We all know the feeling—the good intentions to eat healthier, increase exercise, or buckle down and study or work. But willpower is a fickle beast, easily depleted by the daily grind and more immediate temptations. Before we know it, those long-term goals get pushed aside.

Economists offer a solution: commitment devices. These are strategies that ‘lock you in’ to behaviors you might lack the willpower to maintain independently. 

A research experiment at the Wharton School demonstrates the combined effect of commitment devices and temptation bundling at a gym. Researchers divided participants into two groups. One group could listen to tempting audio novels (think Hunger Games)—but only while exercising (gym-only access). The excitement of the story proved to be a powerful motivator—this group’s gym visits were 51% more often than the control group!

While the effect faded over time, 61% of the participants in the temptation bundling group opted to keep paying for gym access with audiobooks and iPods. 

This highlights the effectiveness of this approach for many people.

Temptation bundling offers a strategic way to overcome limitations and achieve long-term goals. By pairing something enjoyable with a necessary task, we can transform our daily routines.

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Integrate Temptation Bundling into Your Day with ClickUp

Temptation bundling emerges as a surprisingly effective weapon in our fight against procrastination. This strategy boosts productivity and injects a dose of enjoyment into our daily routines. 

However, temptation bundling isn’t without its quirks. Finding the perfect pairings can be an exercise in trial and error, and their effectiveness can vary depending on the individual. This is where ClickUp steps in with its intuitive task management features, which help you brainstorm, organize, and experiment with different temptation bundles. 

Its time tracking keeps you honest, ensuring you dedicate focused effort to the ‘should do’ tasks while keeping your enjoyable breaks in check. Its customizable views allow you to visualize your progress and personalize your workflow, making temptation bundling an engaging and sustainable approach to boosting productivity. 

Sign up on ClickUp today and get more out of your day with temptation bundling!

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