
How to Scale Content Output in the Age of Al

Optimize content production and maintain standards with Devin Reed's systems for scalable results.

Read time: 6 min


Content marketers today face immense pressure to produce more content with depleting resources.

Is your content production process scalable and repeatable, or does it rely heavily on ad-hoc decisions and improvisation?

In his talk on the Integrate to Elevate Marketing Virtual Series, Devin Reed, founder of The Reeder Newsletter, shares how he scales content output with the right systems.

He stresses the importance of defining a set of dedicated inputs, such as budget, time, and subject matter expertise—and feeding them into a structured content system.

devin reed

Devin ReedFounder of The Reeder Newsletter

That’s how I’ve grown my marketing career in a short time: being different, scaling, and driving undeniable results.

We've distilled Devin's insights into a playbook for you to build a sustainable, predictable function within your marketing organization.

Systematize content creation with templates

As a leader, Devin emphasizes the gravity of not having his team "rethinking the wheel" every time they tackle a recurring task. Instead, he advocates for a thorough, one-time process mapping that captures a workflow's intricate details.

During these calls, the focus is on hammering out the specifics of who is responsible for each step and when each phase needs to be completed.

devin reed

Devin ReedFounder of The Reeder Newsletter

We map it out once—all the tedious ins and outs of who has to review, who has to do what, when Design needs it at this time, and when Ops needs it at this time.

How to build templates for faster content production

The goal is to create a comprehensive, step-by-step content workflow that can be easily followed and replicated.

By investing in this upfront work, teams can "start to run faster" and more efficiently.

Step 1

Pinpoint tasks or processes your team performs regularly (e.g., review processes, design requests, reporting, etc.)

Step 2

Schedule a team call and go through each step, no matter how small or tedious, asking, "What's next? Who owns this? By when?"

Step 3

Convert the information checklist into a reusable project board template

Leverage AI to streamline content workflows

Devin's content creation process often begins with a spark of inspiration, usually from conversations with marketing peers or moments of epiphany during his daily walks.

Instead of letting these ideas slip away, Devin uses voice memos to record his thoughts on the go.

From there, the AI-generated transcription creates multiple drafts for various content pieces, such as LinkedIn posts, newsletter sections, or blog articles.

devin reed

Devin ReedFounder of The Reeder Newsletter

My best rule for tools is they don't build new habits. They facilitate existing ones.

How to speed up the idea-to-draft cycle

By leveraging AI and automation, you can transform your content creation process into a well-oiled machine.

To apply this AI-powered content creation workflow, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

Record voice memos to document initial thoughts and insights—don't worry about perfect phrasing; just capture the essence of your ideas

Step 2

Use generative AI tools like ClickUp Brain or ChatGPT to repurpose the raw content into relevant sections for LinkedIn posts, newsletters, blog posts, etc.

Step 3

Review the AI-generated drafts and refine them to match your brand voice and style

Step 4

Add any additional insights, examples, or context to enhance the content

You can capture ideas on the go, automate transcription and draft creation, and focus your energy on refining and polishing the content before publishing.

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Use content waterfalls to repurpose core content

Content waterfalls are a valuable tool in Devin's content strategy toolkit. He recognizes that many marketers, particularly content marketers, may not be thinking through this lens or using this approach to its fullest potential.

Content marketers can repurpose and distribute valuable insights across multiple channels, formats, and stages of the buyer's journey, ultimately driving better engagement, lead generation, and business growth.

Devin sees content waterfalls as part of a larger content system, where various processes and tactics work together to create consistent, high-performing outputs.

Devin Reed Content Waterfall Example

How to build a metric-driven content waterfall

When creating a content waterfall, Devin stresses the importance of starting with the desired outcomes in mind.

Rather than setting arbitrary goals like "10 blogs a month," he focuses on metrics that matter to the business, such as web traffic, follower growth, or pipeline influence.

Follow these steps to put Devin's content waterfall strategy into action:

Step 1

Select one of your valuable, engaging content assets (e.g., thought leadership) that aligns with your content strategy

Step 2

Analyze the core content to identify the main themes, key findings, and actionable insights

Step 3

Outline your plan with various formats like social media posts, email newsletters, and short videos

Step 4

Optimize each content asset for its intended platform and audience

Step 5

Distribute and promote the repurposed content

By prioritizing the "how" of your content creation, you can differentiate your brand, build trust with your audience, and ultimately drive more meaningful engagement and results from your content waterfall efforts.

Final takeaways

Scaling your content amplifies your voice and expands your reach with purposeful, impactful content. Here's how:

  • Create checklists and templates to streamline your content creation process
  • Automate transcriptions with AI, generate content drafts, and refine them to match your brand voice and style
  • Develop a content waterfall plan to repurpose key themes and insights of a core content asset

It calls for a strategic approach, a commitment to quality, and a willingness to embrace new tools and techniques to help focus on strategy, not just effort.

devin reed

Devin ReedFounder of The Reeder Newsletter

It's no use to scale content if it's vanilla and it's not working. More for the sake of more is the recipe for noise.

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