
How to Scale Content Output Faster While Keeping Quality High

Scaling content doesn't mean publishing blindly. Use specific systems in this playbook to be deliberate about your content output without sacrificing quality.

Read time: 6 min

Who this is for and why it matters

The hard truth is the volume of content expected from content marketers will not slow down. The dial is turning up to earn attention in the age of AI.

Unnecessary reworks, wasted resources, and lost leads are just a few hidden expenses eating up your budget. In the rush to hit publish, quality takes a backseat and content misses the mark. This pressure to justify marketing spend only compounds the output problem.

A report by HubSpot found 60% of marketers believe that their spending and the return on investment (ROI) generated by their marketing efforts are being examined and questioned more closely now compared to previous times.

Craft a content system that's built to last

The idea of a sustainable, predictable marketing function is not a goal to postpone for the next quarter. Delaying is costing you. If you've tried and failed, we're here to say try again.

But this time, take this framework to set up and defend your marketing plans.

We've packaged proven insights to help you scale your output, maintain top-notch quality—and enjoy the creative process again!

How to Scale Content Output Faster While Keeping Quality High TLDR V2

1. Use the waterfall system to maximize content production

You can create a consistent flow of evergreen content that continues to deliver value and drive results long after it's published by optimizing your production inputs.

An input is a raw material such as dollars, labor hours, or SME contributions that power content creation processes. Inputs get fed into the system to fuel content production and produce specific outputs like blogs, webinars, and other things we want to make.

The key is to identify the most valuable and efficient inputs that will generate the highest-quality content assets while minimizing the time and resources required.

Try the content waterfall model where you take a compelling piece of content, break it into smaller parts, and share them on different platforms.

Devin Reed Content Waterfall Example

For example, let's say you just hosted a webinar on the top 10 ways to boost your email open rates. Here's how you could repurpose that content:

  • Create short, attention-grabbing videos or infographics highlighting the most compelling tips from the webinar (top-of-funnel content)
  • Expand on each of the 10 tips from the webinar by creating a series of in-depth blog posts with CTAs to encourage readers to watch the full webinar (middle-of-funnel content)
  • Develop a nurture email sequence that reinforces the key takeaways from the webinar, shares relevant case studies, and guides audiences toward conversion (bottom-of-funnel content)

As content is adapted for different touchpoints, you've extended the reach and lifespan of valuable insights!

2. Expedite the path to published content with templates

A lack of templates is one of the biggest signs you can't scale. Writers have to make many small decisions about formatting, structure, and the level of detail for every piece of content. This increases friction.

No templates: "I've just been assigned to write a 2,000-word blog, a social infographic, and a LinkedIn post by Thursday...No worries."


  • You spend two workdays arranging placeholders while waiting for inspiration
  • You fail to optimize each piece of content for its platform and audience
  • You overthink everything

With templates: "Three content assets by Thursday? Let's go!"


  • You give yourself the gift of drafting and editing separately
  • You meet tight deadlines through an efficient workflow
  • You are not bogged down by small decisions

Here's a collaborative template designed for writers and editors to organize their ideas, research, outlines, drafts, and deliverables in one accessible place. It doubles as a quality control checklist and a smooth hand-off system all in one.

ClickUp content production scaling template

Modeled after ClickUp's own content scaling workflow, it still helps us minimize the risk of publishing low-quality content while moving fast. In fact, this process helped our team scale our monthly production by more than 300% in less than a year.

And it's yours to always put into perspective what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how it's done.

3. Choose the right tools to make your work habits better

On average, generative AI saves users 11.4 hours per week, yet 61% of B2B organizations lack guidelines for these tools. How do you make the most of AI without forcing it?

Devin Reed, content strategist and Head of Content at Clari, uses voice memos to capture ideas on the go. During his half-hour walks, he talks into his phone about what he's thinking of at the moment: a quick one-liner, an edit to the H1 on the homepage, or a random idea he wants to test.

He then transcribes them into drafts with automation tools. This reduces the time from ideation to publishing to 2-3 minutes.

When you're short on time or inspiration, AI can help. Type in a prompt, get a rough draft, and add your unique perspective. The result? An original, compelling piece of content. The sweet spot is tapping into AI when it makes sense and trusting your gut when it doesn't.

Use AI to complement your work style and free you up for strategic tasks, not burden you with extra work or decision fatigue.

As Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder and CMO at Orbit, points out, AI-generated content lacks the depth and originality that engages audiences.

So while AI tools are part of the new normal, they should never place the unique insights that only you can bring to the table.

4. Commit to outcomes over outputs

Vanity metrics like impressions, engagement rates, and follower growth don't always tell the whole story. While they shouldn't be entirely dismissed, think of them more as "visible" metrics—signs your content resonates with people.

Stay focused on the outcomes that matter most to your business, and be willing to experiment and iterate until you find what works. Sometimes that means looking beyond top-of-funnel metrics and digging deeper into how your content impacts the entire buyer journey.

Something is probably broken if your web traffic and inbound lead volume aren't growing after launching a new content strategy. But don't throw in the towel. Dig in, analyze your data, and figure out where you can improve. Consider these questions:

  • Is your content hitting the mark with your target audience?
  • Are your conversion paths too complex, or are your forms too long?
  • Are you promoting your content effectively across the right channels?

Continue to prioritize high-quality content

You've got the tools, the tactics, and the mindset you need to create killer content at scale. But the learning doesn't stop here.

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If you want to keep sharpening your skills and dominating the attention economy, hang out with us at the ClickUp Showcase. Get expert tips, tricks, and insights to help you get confident in the platform and take your content operations to new heights.

Plus, you can ask all your burning questions and see ClickUp in action, all on your own time. Get started scaling your content output, and remember, we're here to assist.

Read more playbooks

How to Scale Content Faster While Keeping the Quality High

Follow this framework to be deliberate about your content output without sacrificing quality.

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