
3 Ways to Create Visibility Around Your Work Wins

Learn how ClickUp leaders strategically share team successes to drive company-wide learning and recognition.

Read time: 9 min


When teams don't share their wins, valuable knowledge often stays siloed within departments.

How can you create a system to document and distribute lessons learned from your successes?

At ClickUp, highlighting wins is as routine as updating our project boards. This practice reflects our core values of collaboration, ownership, and continuous improvement.

The tactics shared in this playbook, drawn from ClickUp leaders, offer practical ways to strengthen win-sharing in any organization.

You'll learn:

  • 3 key indicators for selecting recognition-worthy achievements from Trish Sanderson, Head of Community at ClickUp
  • How to communicate technical wins for different work audiences from Jeremy Galante, SEO Director at ClickUp
  • The framework to track, record, and distribute team wins from Sarah Gold, Operations Manager at ClickUp
Trish Sanderson

Trish SandersonHead of Community at ClickUp

Whether assisting with portfolios for senior-level promotions or documenting metrics and tasks, maintaining a clear perspective on completed work and its business impact is my goal to elevate my teams to the next level.

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Tactic #1: Specify key indicators

The first tactic is to be strategic with what wins you share. It's best not to overwhelm others with notifications for every success. Instead, set key indicators, or signals, for wins that truly matter to the broader organization.

To make your win updates more compelling and informative, Trish recommends these key ingredients:

  • Accreditation: Directly tag contributors and those who removed obstacles
  • Team branding: Highlight your team in a memorable way
  • Bulletproof metrics: Provide solid, actionable numbers
Trish Sanderson

Trish SandersonHead of Community at ClickUp

Be direct when something isn't worth celebrating on a large scale or if there's a disparity in what constitutes a win. These conversations can be sensitive, so establish clear standards for when to celebrate loudly and when to acknowledge progress quietly.

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Trish uses three key indicators to identify wins worth sharing: significant impact, widespread influence, and strategic milestones.

Significant Impact

Highlight achievements that improve key business metrics, like cost savings or increased efficiency, benefiting multiple departments

Widespread Influence

Point out successes that positively affect multiple teams, such as new approaches that enhance collaboration and reduce workloads

Strategic Milestones

Share benchmarks that align with company-wide goals, like completing critical projects or exceeding performance targets

ClickUp Community Update

With this tactic, you demonstrate how your efforts and work align with company objectives and goals. This puts you in a stronger position to justify support and resources for future projects.

Tactic #2: Tailor your messages

You've found a significant win worth sharing. The next step is to communicate it effectively across various departments.

Not everyone in your organization speaks your team's "language." Especially in specialized fields like SEO, where even closely related teams like Content may only have a basic grasp of the work involved.

To increase the value and clarity of your communication, keep these points in mind:

  • Include links to detailed resources for further exploration
  • Add visuals to clarify complex ideas or lend credibility
  • Provide context for significant metrics or sentiments
  • Use general language instead of specialized terms
Jeremy Galante

Jeremy GalanteSEO Director at ClickUp

Put yourself in the audience's shoes. Teams involved closely with the product may be more curious to see the topic categories we're ranking for and what ICPs they fall under. Meanwhile, leadership and executives care more about big-picture objectives and how we're trending against specific competitors.

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Jeremy follows three core principles to approach tailored messaging: notability, clarity, and consistency.


Share information that aligns with company objectives and demonstrates tangible value to your audience


Communicate updates in a way that's easily understood by everyone, regardless of their expertise level


Make your updates a regular, expected part of company communication to reinforce your team's value

SEO Wins Update

Tailored updates help different teams understand the relevance of your work to their goals. As a result, you're contributing to a cycle of personal and collective growth, building an environment that encourages creative problem-solving.

Tactic #3: Use a reporting framework

Third-party chat tools are great for immediate news but make it hard to revisit past learnings and wins. Information gets buried in daily chatter, preventing team members from quickly finding and acting on updates.

A better way is to use a weekly reporting framework that consolidates different department updates into a single, accessible recap.

When deciding what to include in the weekly recap, Sarah suggests focusing on:

  • Key projects receiving close leadership attention
  • Knowledge benefiting the wider organization
  • Learnings impacting pillar KPIs
Sarah Gold

Sarah GoldOperations Manager at ClickUp

One good litmus test is: does this summary help people know if it'll be a relevant read?

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Sarah's weekly task template streamlines this process. It features three essential fields for team leaders to centralize high-priority updates for fellow managers: High-level Summary, KPI Trends and Programs, and Issues and Risks.

High-level Summary

Give a general sense of what's going on, any impact on others, and overall capacity

KPI Trends and Programs

Call out KPI trends, share wins and learnings, and provide updates on key programs

Issues and Risks

Prioritize challenges and opportunities to improve change management

Weekly Team Report

Implementing this framework improves your capacity to observe team performance trends. With these insights, leaders can learn from each other's successful strategies, then scale them across the organization.

Extra goodies: How to get quick wins

While the three tactics focus on sharing major achievements, it's also important to recognize and leverage quick wins. These smaller victories can build momentum and set the stage for bigger successes.

To kickstart your win-sharing initiative and build credibility, consider these two approaches for impactful results:

Execution-First Approach

  • Look for quick wins right in front of you through simple research
  • Focus on doing the work first, then refine processes
  • Use these wins to build trust and create space for bigger strategies

Positioning-First Approach

  • Present ideas to stakeholders and ask questions to uncover opportunities
  • Select a few projects that demonstrate your top skills without draining resources
  • Establish expertise through these projects, leading to bigger initiatives

Final takeaways

Sharing work wins is central to highlighting contributions and spreading best practices company-wide.

You can easily make this a regular practice using these three tactics:

  • Establish clear standards for what defines a win worth celebrating company-wide
  • Adapt your content to fit different work audiences' interests and expertise levels
  • Use a consistent format to share information, helping others understand and act on your team's progress and insights

Remember, when your team wins, your entire organization wins.

How will you use these tactics to build upon wins and drive ongoing progress?

Trish Sanderson

Trish SandersonHead of Community at ClickUp

By cultivating a culture of trust and transparency, you'll harness your team's skills for business needs. They'll be more inclined to embrace your strategy. From there, you can position them for success and truly understand their potential. Then? You really have something to talk about.

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