Performance Review Examples Featured Image

100 Performance Review Examples (Phrases + Comments)

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How your employees feel is how your customers will feel.” – Richard Branson.

This simple truth underscores the power of a motivated and engaged workforce. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to go the extra mile, and that feeling ripples out to customers, affecting their experience and satisfaction.

But how do you ensure your employees feel supported? One of the most impactful ways is through regular and meaningful performance reviews. These reviews aren’t just formalities but opportunities for growth, recognition, and alignment. 

Research by Gallup shows that employees who receive quarterly progress checks are 90% more likely to be engaged and 2.1 times more likely to feel the review process is fair and transparent. Consistent, thoughtful feedback creates a sense of fairness and direction, both essential for fostering an empowered workforce.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to conduct employee performance reviews using real examples and phrases to help you assess performance and encourage improvement and engagement.

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Understanding the Concept of Performance Review

A performance review is a formal assessment in which an employer evaluates an employee’s work performance over a specific period. It involves analyzing key aspects such as productivity, skill development, goal achievement, and areas for improvement. 

The review provides a structured opportunity for constructive feedback, goal-setting, and discussions about career growth, helping align individual contributions with the company’s overall objectives.

Performance reviews play a crucial role in retaining top talent. Here’s how:

  • Stay on track: Ensure everyone’s aligned with company goals
  • Fuel motivation: Recognize achievements and provide a pat on the back
  • Level-up skills: Identify areas for growth and offer guidance
  • Build trust: Open communication leads to stronger relationships
  • Build a positive team environment: Satisfied employees are more likely to stick around

Every company will have its way of conducting performance reviews. For example, Netflix’s performance management system is popular as it strengthens employees’ freedom and accountability. Netflix abandoned the traditional annual performance review system, opting for a more innovative approach. 

Instead of formal evaluations, they implemented a 360-degree feedback system, the Keeper Test, and the 4A Principles of Feedback. This shift from ratings and retrospective assessments aims to create a more open and collaborative performance management environment. 

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Examples of Performance Reviews

Did you know that employees who feel undervalued can be up to 18% less productive and 15% less profitable for a company? However, studies show that 78% of employees are more motivated to work harder when rewarded. 

It’s a clear case of how human nature responds positively to incentives. 

These employee feedback examples are divided into different categories to address the qualities of the employee’s performance.

1. Employee aptitude

Employee aptitude, or their natural ability to learn and apply knowledge, is a vital factor in overall job performance. Here are some positive and critical phrases to help you assess employee aptitude in your performance reviews.

Positive feedback

  1. “Your positive attitude brings a sense of energy to the team that motivates everyone around you.”
  2. “I appreciate how you approach challenges with optimism; it creates a supportive atmosphere for the entire group.”
  3. “Your willingness to embrace feedback and grow from it demonstrates a commendable attitude toward personal development.”
  4. “The way you handle stressful situations with calmness reflects your strong attitude and resilience.”
  5. “You consistently exhibit a can-do attitude, inspiring your colleagues to confidently tackle tasks.”
  6. “Your openness to new ideas and collaboration contributes greatly to our team’s innovative spirit and success.”

Your openness to new ideas and collaboration contributes greatly to our team’s innovative spirit and success.

Critical feedback

  1. “Your tendency to overlook details can lead to errors that impact the overall quality of your work; a more thorough review process would benefit your output.”
  2. “While you demonstrate strong initiative, there are times when collaboration is essential; seeking input from team members could enhance project outcomes.”
  3. “Your communication style can be abrupt; a more considerate approach in conveying feedback would foster a more positive team environment.”
  4. “There are instances when your time management skills fall short, resulting in missed deadlines; prioritizing tasks effectively will help you stay on track.”
  5. “While your ideas are often innovative, presenting them without sufficient context can confuse others; providing clarity will help your vision resonate more.”
  6. “Your reluctance to accept constructive criticism can hinder your growth; embracing feedback is crucial for personal development and team success.”

While you demonstrate strong initiative, there are times when collaboration is essential; seeking input from team members could enhance project outcomes.

2. Attendance and reliability 

Attendance and reliability are essential qualities for any employee. Let’s examine the BBC case study to learn how important performance reviews are for employees. 

The BBC implemented a new performance review system featuring six-month meetings between employees and their team leaders. These team meetings emphasized open, two-way discussions about job goals, performance feedback, and career development. 

The results were overwhelmingly positive. Whereas only a small proportion of employees had performance reviews with their managers, the first round of the new approach saw 85% of employees having them, subsequently rising to 91%. 

Positive feedback

  1. “Your punctuality in attending every team meeting this quarter has set a standard for others, demonstrating your commitment to our projects and teamwork.”
  2. “I noticed how you completed the project deliverables on time last month, even stepping in to assist a colleague who was falling behind. Your reliability made a significant difference.”
  3. “Your consistent attendance during the critical phase of the product launch not only kept the team aligned but also boosted morale, knowing we could rely on your support.”
  4. “Your ability to meet every deadline during the last sprint, even when challenges arose, showcased your dependability and reinforced trust within the team.”
  5. “We appreciate how you always show up ready to contribute, especially during last week’s brainstorming session, where your insights led to innovative solutions for our challenges.”
  6. “Your reliability during the busy holiday season was remarkable; you volunteered to cover extra shifts, ensuring we met all our customer demands and maintained service quality.”

We appreciate how you always show up ready to contribute, especially during last week’s brainstorming session, where your insights led to innovative solutions for our challenges.

Critical feedback

  1. “We need you to help guide the team during key project phases, but some team members have raised concerns about your absence, as it affects our overall progress and cohesion.”
  2. “We need to address your tendency to arrive late to meetings, as it disrupts the flow of our discussions and undermines the team’s ability to stay on schedule. How can we fix this?”
  3. “Missing deadlines has become a recurring issue, and it’s important to recognize how it impacts not just your workload but the entire team’s productivity and morale.”
  4. “If you keep missing critical planning sessions, it will hinder our ability to move forward effectively; we need your input to make informed decisions.”
  5. “While we value your contributions, your absence from key meetings has caused delays and uncertainty in our projects. We need to work on establishing a more dependable schedule.”
  6. “Your decision to skip important team events has left others feeling unsupported; it’s crucial to prioritize attendance for the sake of collaboration and team spirit.”

If you keep missing critical planning sessions, it will hinder our ability to move forward effectively; we need your input to make informed decisions.

3. Communication and interpersonal skills

Effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential for building strong relationships, strengthening teamwork, and bringing in more business.  

Positive feedback

  1. “I’ve noticed during project meetings that your ability to explain complex concepts in a straightforward manner really helps everyone understand their responsibilities, which has made a significant difference in our workflow.”
  2. “When team members expressed concerns about the new software, you took the time to listen actively. Your approach reassured everyone and led to suggestions that improved our implementation strategy.”
  3. “Your participation in our brainstorming sessions has been fantastic. You always encourage others to share their ideas, which creates an environment where innovation thrives.”
  4. “After the last presentation, your constructive feedback really helped the presenter refine their approach. The final pitch was much stronger and left a positive impression on the client.”
  5. “I appreciate how you energized our recent team-building activities. Your enthusiasm encouraged everyone to engage, fostering a positive atmosphere that strengthened our team bonds.”
  6. “You did an excellent job mediating the discussion between the marketing and sales teams. Your ability to facilitate open communication helped both sides align their strategies and resolve misunderstandings effectively.”

You did an excellent job mediating the discussion between the marketing and sales teams. Your ability to facilitate open communication helped both sides align their strategies and resolve misunderstandings effectively.

Critical feedback

  1. “During our recent project discussions, there were moments when your explanations were unclear, leading to confusion among team members about their roles. Clarifying your points could greatly enhance our collaboration.”
  2. “I noticed that in team meetings, you often dominate the conversation without allowing others to contribute. Encouraging more input from everyone would create a more inclusive environment.”
  3. “There have been instances where your written communications contained errors that caused misunderstandings. Taking extra time to proofread your messages would help ensure clarity and professionalism.”
  4. “While your ideas are often innovative, it seems that your delivery can sometimes come off as dismissive of others’ contributions. Being more open to feedback would foster better teamwork and cooperation.”
  5. “I observed that during the last client call, your responses were sometimes too abrupt, which may have left the client feeling undervalued. Taking a moment to acknowledge their concerns would improve our relationship with them.”
  6. “Your reluctance to participate in team-building activities has been noted. Engaging with your colleagues outside of work could enhance relationships and improve team dynamics overall.”

During our recent project discussions, there were moments when your explanations were unclear, leading to confusion among team members about their roles. Clarifying your points could greatly enhance our collaboration.

4. Time management

Effective time management is crucial for achieving goals, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and maximizing productivity. Employees who excel in time management can meet deadlines consistently, deliver high-quality work, and reduce stress. 

Positive feedback

  1. “Your ability to prioritize tasks effectively has been instrumental in meeting our project deadlines consistently, ensuring that we stay on track and focused.”
  2. “I’ve been impressed by how you manage your time during busy periods. You consistently break down your workload into manageable chunks, which helps you maintain productivity even under pressure.”
  3. “Your proactive approach to scheduling meetings and setting reminders has greatly contributed to our team’s efficiency, ensuring that important discussions happen without delay.”
  4. “I admire how you allocate time for both individual tasks and team collaboration. This balance not only enhances your own productivity but also supports the team’s goals.”
  5. “Your use of time-blocking techniques has significantly improved your workflow. This method has allowed you to dedicate focused time to critical tasks while minimizing distractions.”
  6. “Your consistent punctuality in attending meetings and submitting reports reflects your strong commitment to managing your time well. This reliability sets a positive example for the entire team.”

I admire how you allocate time for both individual tasks and team collaboration. This balance not only enhances your own productivity but also supports the team’s goals.

Critical feedback

  1. “There have been several instances where your deadlines were missed due to poor time management. It’s essential to better prioritize tasks to avoid this in the future.”
  2. “I’ve noticed that you often underestimate the time required for projects. This leads to rushed work and could affect the quality of your output. We need to work toward more realistic planning. Let me know how I can help.”
  3. “I’ve noticed that you have a tendency to get distracted during work hours. Identifying and minimizing these distractions is important to enhance your productivity.”
  4. “Repeatedly, you have postponed important tasks until the last minute, creating unnecessary stress for you and the team. A more proactive approach is necessary to improve your time management.”
  5. “It’s concerning that you frequently attend meetings unprepared. Preparing in advance will lead to more productive discussions.”
  6. “Your lack of follow-through on assigned tasks has led to delays in our projects. Focusing on better tracking and accountability for your responsibilities is crucial for our overall workflow.”

I’ve noticed that you often underestimate the time required for projects. This leads to rushed work and could affect the quality of your output. We need to work toward more realistic planning. Let me know how I can help.

5. Leadership

Leadership is a multifaceted skill that involves inspiring others, motivating teams, and driving positive change. The most crucial task for any leader is to create a shared vision. This helps establish roles and responsibilities and ultimately measures team productivity. 

Positive feedback

  1. “Your ability to inspire and motivate the team has been instrumental in driving our recent project success, creating a culture of collaboration and enthusiasm.”
  2. “I admire how you handle challenges with composure and decisiveness, setting a strong example for the team during difficult situations.”
  3. “Your open-door policy encourages team members to share their ideas and concerns, fostering an environment of trust and open communication.”
  4. “You consistently demonstrate a commitment to developing others, providing guidance and mentorship that significantly enhances the skills and confidence of your colleagues.”
  5. “Your visionary thinking has helped shape our strategic direction, effectively aligning the team’s efforts with our long-term goals.”
  6. “You have a remarkable ability to delegate tasks according to individual strengths, empowering team members to take ownership and excel in their roles.”

You consistently demonstrate a commitment to developing others, providing guidance and mentorship that significantly enhances the skills and confidence of your colleagues.

Critical feedback

  1. “Your reluctance to delegate tasks has led to a bottleneck in workflow, preventing team members from fully utilizing their skills and contributing to their potential.”
  2. “There have been instances where your feedback was unclear, leaving team members unsure about expectations and how to improve their performance.”
  3. “While you have a strong vision, the lack of consistent communication about our goals has created confusion among team members regarding priorities.”
  4. “At times, your decision-making process appears to overlook input from the team, which can lead to missed opportunities and lower morale.”
  5. “Your approach to conflict resolution often avoids addressing underlying issues, resulting in unresolved tensions that affect team dynamics.”
  6. “While your leadership style is assertive, it can sometimes come off as inflexible, making it difficult for team members to voice their concerns or suggestions.”

At times, your decision-making process appears to overlook input from the team, which can lead to missed opportunities and lower morale.

Quality of work

An employee’s work quality is critical in determining their overall performance. Consider an employee’s quality of work based on their attention to detail, accuracy, and ability to meet expectations.

Positive feedback

  1. “Your dedication to your individual tasks is admirable. By focusing on your responsibilities, you’ve demonstrated a strong commitment to the team’s goals.”
  2. “Your feedback is always valuable. You make it a point to provide specific and actionable feedback, so everyone can clearly understand the areas where we can improve.”
  3. “By delegating effectively and empowering team members, you have ensured a more sustainable workload for everyone and maximize our team’s potential.”
  4. “Your enthusiasm for driving progress is inspiring. I love how you encourage open discussion and consider all perspectives before making final choices.”
  5. “Your leadership is essential to our team’s success. You have nurtured a positive and motivating work environment by actively recognizing and celebrating our team’s accomplishments.”
  6. “Your commitment to maintaining a positive team atmosphere is commendable.”

Your commitment to maintaining a positive team atmosphere is commendable.

Negative feedback 

  1. Your recent reports have contained several inaccuracies, which not only undermine the credibility of your work but also necessitate additional review time from the team.”
  2. “There have been multiple instances where deadlines were missed due to insufficient attention to detail, impacting project timelines and deliverables.”
  3. “While your initial ideas are strong, the execution often lacks depth and thoroughness, resulting in outcomes that fall short of expectations.”
  4. “Feedback from clients indicates that the quality of your deliverables does not consistently meet our standards, which could jeopardize future contracts.”
  5. “Your tendency to rush through tasks has led to incomplete work that requires significant revisions, causing frustration for both you and your colleagues.”
  6. “During the last project, there were several overlooked requirements that affected the overall quality, highlighting the need for a more structured approach to reviewing your work.”

During the last project, there were several overlooked requirements that affected the overall quality, highlighting the need for a more structured approach to reviewing your work.

7. Creativity

Creativity is a valuable asset in today’s fast-paced business environment.  While giving feedback, address the employee’s ability to think outside the box, generate new ideas, and approach problems from different perspectives.

Positive feedback

  1. “Your creative changes to the training program made it more fun, leading to higher participation and positive feedback.”
  2. “The engaging visuals and storytelling you used in the product launch presentation impressed everyone and set a great example for the future.”
  3. “When we had tight deadlines, your idea to use agile methods helped us adapt quickly and deliver quality work ahead of schedule.”
  4. “The interactive workshop you designed encouraged collaboration and sparked new ideas, resulting in actionable plans for the team.”
  5. “Your ability to connect different ideas during our team meetings often leads to creative breakthroughs that enhance our overall strategy.”
  6. “Your fresh ideas for the user interface redesign really boosted user engagement.”

The interactive workshop you designed encouraged collaboration and sparked new ideas, resulting in actionable plans for the team.

Critical feedback

  1. ‘‘Your last project lacked originality, and it seemed you relied too heavily on previous ideas rather than exploring new concepts.”
  2. “During brainstorming sessions, your contributions often don’t align with the objectives, which can hinder the team’s creative flow.”
  3. “It’s important to push the boundaries of your ideas; sticking to familiar solutions limits our potential for innovation.”
  4. “While your ideas are often well-researched, they sometimes lack the creativity needed to capture our audience’s interest effectively.”
  5. “Your tendency to dismiss unconventional suggestions from team members can stifle creativity and prevent the emergence of unique solutions.”
  6. “It seems you often play it safe with your ideas; embracing calculated risks could lead to more innovative outcomes.”

While your ideas are often well-researched, they sometimes lack the creativity needed to capture our audience’s interest effectively.

8. Flexibility

 When evaluating an employee’s performance in this area, consider their ability to adapt to new situations, work with different teams, and balance multiple responsibilities.

Flexible employees can adjust their approach to work as needed, embrace change, and work effectively in different environments.

Positive feedback

  1. “Your willingness to adjust plans on the fly during our recent project helped the team navigate unexpected challenges with ease.”
  2. “You consistently demonstrate flexibility by embracing new tasks, even outside your usual responsibilities, which greatly enhances our team’s productivity.”
  3. “Your ability to shift priorities without losing focus has been invaluable, especially when we faced tight deadlines and changing client demands.”
  4. “During team discussions, your openness to different viewpoints fosters a collaborative atmosphere, encouraging others to share their ideas freely.”
  5. “Your adaptability in learning new software tools quickly has made our transitions smoother and allowed the team to maintain momentum.”
  6. “You handle last-minute changes with grace, ensuring that the team stays on track and motivated, regardless of the challenges we encounter.”
  7. “Your ability to adapt to changing circumstances is truly impressive. During our recent team restructuring, you seamlessly transitioned to a new role, demonstrating your versatility and commitment to the team’s success.”
  8. “Your flexibility in working remotely has been a great asset to our team. You consistently meet deadlines and maintain high-quality work, even while adjusting to different work environments. Your adaptability has contributed significantly to our team’s overall productivity and morale.”

You handle last-minute changes with grace, ensuring that the team stays on track and motivated, regardless of the challenges we encounter.

Critical feedback

  1. “I’ve noticed you struggle to adjust when plans change, which has sometimes slowed us down.”
  2. “When new priorities come up, it seems like you prefer sticking to the original plan, and that can create challenges for the team.”
  3. “Your approach to following established processes has been helpful, but it sometimes stops us from finding better ways to do things.”
  4. “I think we could benefit from a more open mindset toward new ideas; being more adaptable might help us tackle challenges more effectively.”
  5. “During team discussions, it would be great to see you more willing to consider different viewpoints; it could really enhance our collaboration.”
  6. “When a project needs a shift, I’ve seen you hesitate to change course, which can lead to missed opportunities for improvement.”
  7. “While your attention to detail is commendable, it can sometimes hinder your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Being more flexible in your approach could help us identify and implement innovative solutions more quickly.”
  8. Your preference for routine and predictability can be a valuable asset, but it’s important to balance that with a willingness to embrace change. Being more open to new ideas and approaches could help us seize opportunities and avoid becoming stagnant.”

While your attention to detail is commendable, it can sometimes hinder your ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Being more flexible in your approach could help us identify and implement innovative solutions more quickly.

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How To Write a Performance Review

Writing performance reviews can seem challenging, but with the right tools, they can become more structured, efficient, and insightful. 

Let’s walk through how you can use ClickUp–an all-in-one project management and team collaboration tool that writes impactful performance reviews and helps employees track their progress, manage goals for improvement, and streamline the entire review process.

1. Set up goals 

Before diving into the performance review, it’s essential to have a clear picture of the employee’s goals and achievements. ClickUp Goals helps you set, track, and visualize progress toward specific objectives.

In ClickUp, goals are high-level objectives made up of smaller, measurable targets. When all the Targets are completed, the goal is achieved!

For example, you can use Goals to track employee performance on objectives like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), Sprints, or weekly scorecards. You can set up a dedicated Space for all your goals and OKRs, organizing them into Folders that fit your business needs—whether company-wide, departmental, quarterly, or region-based goals.

ClickUp Goals
Set up achievable targets with automatic progress tracking within ClickUp Goals

For instance, a team-based Folder could include separate Lists for each team, where each List contains tasks representing specific goals or OKRs.

Under the OKRs, create a task for the objective and add subtasks for each key result. This keeps everything neatly organized and easily trackable and helps determine future goals for performance review appraisals based on past trends. You can assign these tasks to individuals or teams, set due dates, and add detailed descriptions to guide the team’s efforts.

Custom Fields in ClickUp are especially useful for tracking goals and OKRs. For instance, the Progress (Auto) Custom Field is a dynamic progress bar that automatically updates based on completing subtasks, checklists, and assigned comments. 

2. Track performance

ClickUp Dashboards make writing performance reviews much easier. With customizable widgets, you can create an OKR dashboard that displays each team member’s key performance indicators (KPIs).

ClickUp Dashboard
Manage tasks, track deadlines, and see team workloads in real-time across the company in one place–team dashboards in ClickUp

There are countless ways to use ClickUp Dashboards to visually represent work for your team. The Dashboard view integrates your Dashboards directly into your Workspace, ensuring your team can easily access the data they need alongside their tasks.

For instance, you can use time-based cards to show how tasks evolve—highlighting changes in priority, time estimates, or Sprint points during a project. An Activity view card can display task activity, such as comments and status changes, giving you real-time insights into productivity metrics

To dive deeper into data analysis, you can:

  • Create a Custom Bar Chart card that pulls data directly from your workspace. This helps you visualize trends and performance metrics that are most relevant to your review discussions
  • Set up rolling time periods for these cards allows the data to update automatically, ensuring your metrics are always current
  • Use a Billable Report card, which displays all billable time entries. This can be particularly useful for client-facing work or teams that need to track billable hours closely

ClickUp was the best solution for us because it combines multiple project management tools into one. From Mind-Mapping to Documents to Sprints, ClickUp is a dynamic tool to organize any department’s task management needs and give visibility across the whole company

Andrea ParkBusiness Operations Coordinator at Spekit

3. Take notes and summarize them easily

ClickUp Docs can elevate continuous performance management by providing a structured way to document feedback, performance insights, and action plans. You can build Docs tailored to any type of work, whether you need detailed performance review templates, team wikis, or knowledge bases.

ClickUp Docs
Connect ClickUp Docs to your workflows to make performance management easier for HR managers

Performance reviews are often collaborative, involving feedback from peers, managers, and even the employee being reviewed. 

With ClickUp Docs, you can:

  •  Edit in real-time alongside your team, making it easy to gather input and refine your notes
  • Tag others with comments, assign action items, and convert key points into trackable tasks, ensuring that feedback translates into actionable next steps
  • Link Docs directly to tasks and goals, providing a seamless flow of information for reviews

Imagine having a performance review document linked to an employee’s key tasks and goals; you can easily reference their progress and make updates within the document.

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Use ClickUp Brain to brainstorm the feedback you can give to your employees during performance reviews

ClickUp Brain, ClickUp’s AI-powered assistant, can help you summarize complex discussions, refine your notes, and generate content based on custom prompts, making your review process faster and more efficient. 

How to use ClickUp Brain for performance reviews:

  • Generate performance review summaries, feedback templates, or role-specific evaluations using AI prompts
  • Highlight key insights, blockers, and action items for a streamlined follow-up process
  • Pull up relevant information and tasks from anywhere in the workspace

4. Use free performance management templates

One of the most effective ways to streamline your performance review process is to use ClickUp’s free performance review templates. These templates are specifically designed to help you manage every aspect of performance management, from setting goals and tracking progress to documenting feedback and creating development plans. 

Here are three of them:

1. Performance Report Template by ClickUp

The ClickUp Performance Report Template is designed to help you provide a clear, organized, and customizable way to report on the overall progress of multiple projects. 

Monitor progress in real-time, analyze trends easily, and create automated performance reports all in one place with ClickUp Performance Report Template

This template allows you to consolidate all your metrics and KPIs into one comprehensive report, making it easy to keep an eye on your team’s performance:

  • Custom Statuses: Create tasks with custom statuses that reflect the progress of each performance report. Whether you need statuses like In Progress, Needs Review, or Completed, custom statuses give you the flexibility to adapt the workflow to your exact reporting needs
  • Custom Fields: Organize and categorize your performance reports with specific attributes like priority levels, project categories, or performance ratings. These fields allow you to quickly visualize key performance metrics, making it easier to identify areas of success and those needing improvement
  • Custom views: Start with Docs and expand your workflow with various custom views, including List, Gantt, Workload, and Calendar. These views help you see your data from different angles—whether you’re tracking project timelines with Gantt charts, visualizing team capacity with Workload views, or scheduling review dates on your Calendar

2. Performance Review Template by ClickUp

With ClickUp’s Performance Review Template, you can efficiently analyze performance, organize your thoughts, and ensure that every employee receives the valuable feedback they need to grow and succeed. 

Organize the entire performance management process in one place with the ClickUp Performance Review Template

Here’s how you can use the template:

  • Set up calendar view: Use the Calendar view to easily schedule the review and send out invitations to ensure everyone is prepared and on the same page
  • Gather relevant data: Create tasks to track each metric, using custom fields to compare progress over time. For example, set up tasks that log key performance indicators and use the performance measurement codes to quickly analyze and organize your findings. You can also create a task to track your overall goal for the review and set a due date for when you aim to accomplish it, ensuring the review stays focused and timely
  • Create and document performance review: Once you’ve gathered the necessary data and set a goal for the review, it’s time to create the performance review document using Docs. This template offers a structured format to capture all essential details—from performance highlights and areas for improvement to agreed-upon goals and action steps
  • View all progress in one place: During the review session, you can discuss the data collected, analyze performance trends, and review the specific goals set for the meeting. Use the Board view to create an interactive visual representation of the performance review, making it easy to visualize progress, identify patterns, and engage your employee in a more dynamic conversation

3. Performance Reviews Template by ClickUp

ClickUp Performance Reviews Template empowers your HR team by offering a streamlined, engaging, and comprehensive approach to performance management. This template provides everything you need to enhance feedback, boost career growth, and motivate your team.

Manage employee self-appraisals, manager reviews, and company-wide career conversations with ClickUp Performance Reviews Template

 Here are a few standout features of this template:

  • Board and list views: Use Board View to visualize the review process with interactive cards, making it easy to see where each review stands. List View provides a detailed overview, perfect for tracking the progress of multiple reviews and keeping everything organized in one place
  • Color-coded statuses: Use color-coded statuses to highlight key stages of the review process. This visual tool simplifies tracking and helps managers and employees stay on top of deadlines and next steps
  • Custom Fields for detailed tracking: Enhance your performance reviews with Custom Fields that allow you to add specific data points to each review. Key fields include:
  • Quarter: Track which quarter the review is associated with to maintain a structured timeline
  • Department: Organize reviews by department to streamline feedback and identify department-specific trends
  • Progress: Monitor the status of the review, whether it’s in the initial appraisal stage or nearing completion
  • Manager: Assign the review to the appropriate manager, ensuring accountability and clear communication
  • Requestor: Identify who initiated the review—this could be the employee, their manager, or HR
  • Request category: Classify the review type, such as performance appraisal, career discussion, or feedback session
  • Region: If you manage a global team, use the Region field to categorize reviews by geographic location
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Transform Performance Reviews With ClickUp

Performance reviews are more than just a checkbox—they’re a powerful tool for helping employees grow, improve their technical skills, and align with company goals. They provide structured feedback that can guide professional growth, boost motivation, and map out career development paths. 

However, finding the right words during a review can be tricky. That’s why having a list of performance review examples can be a lifesaver, helping you hit the right notes when discussing everything from project achievements to areas needing improvement.

ClickUp revolutionizes how your HR team operates and helps you conduct performance reviews. It neatly organizes everything from tracking employee progress and scheduling reviews to conducting customer satisfaction surveys. It also supports other crucial HR functions like onboarding, employee engagement, and career development.

Sign up on ClickUp today! 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is an example of a positive performance review?

Here’s an example of a positive performance review. You can customize it for a particular employee. [Employee’s Name] has consistently exceeded expectations in their role as [Job Title]. Their [specific skill or quality] has been invaluable to the team. They have successfully [mention specific achievements or contributions]. Their positive attitude, dedication, and willingness to go above and beyond have significantly impacted our department.

2. How do you write a performance review for yourself examples?

When writing a performance review for you, highlight your most significant accomplishments and how they contributed to the company’s goals. Use the STAR Method to describe the Situation, your Task, the Action you took, and the Result achieved. Ask your manager or colleagues for input to ensure your self-assessment is accurate and comprehensive.

3. How do I write a performance goal for myself?

To write a performance goal, ensure it’s SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Align it with your company’s objectives and set challenging yet realistic targets. For example, instead of saying, “I want to improve my performance,” you could set a goal like “Increase sales by 15% in the next quarter”.

4. How to write a performance review example?

To write a performance review example, use the STAR method to describe the Situation, Task, Action, and Result of a specific accomplishment. For example:

  • Situation: “I was assigned to lead the new product launch project”
  • Task: “My task was to ensure the product was launched on time and within budget”
  • Action: “I developed a detailed project plan, delegated tasks to team members, and monitored progress closely”
  • Result: “Due to my efforts, the product was launched successfully, ahead of schedule, and under budget”

5. How do I write a comment about my performance?

When writing a self-assessment performance review, be honest, focus on key achievements, identify areas for improvement, and align your comments with the company’s goals. For example, you might say, ‘I’m pleased with my performance in [area]. I successfully [achievement]. I’d like to improve my [skill] to better contribute.’

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