How to Use the Feedback Sandwich Method

How to Use the Feedback Sandwich Method

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One of your team members, Ashley, poured her heart into a presentation, but she couldn’t deliver it well. As her manager, you could simply point out what went wrong or acknowledge her efforts while delivering your feedback. While the former approach will most likely discourage Ashley, the latter will motivate her to do better next time. 

That’s what the Feedback Sandwich Method is all about: Continuous improvement. 

This approach harnesses the power of constructive feedback to accelerate skill development and help employees better understand workplace expectations.

As a manager or leader, it is crucial for you to ensure that feedback is provided consistently and constructively. Feedback Sandwich Method is an effective tool that can help you deliver constructive feedback in a thoughtful manner.

This article will explain the Feedback Sandwich Method, its importance, and how to use it.

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Understanding Feedback Sandwich 

The Feedback Sandwich, also known as the ‘compliment sandwich,’ is a feedback technique that involves delivering constructive criticism between two layers of positive feedback. 

The approach begins by acknowledging the individual’s strengths or accomplishments to set a positive note. It is then followed by constructive feedback and concludes with another positive statement to reinforce their value and potential. The closing positive note ensures the recipient is motivated to learn and grow.

The feedback sandwich establishes a sense of trust and creates a comfortable environment. It also encourages employees to be more receptive to constructive criticism and even proactively ask for feedback in future instances.

Did you know? It is called a Feedback ‘Sandwich’ because the positive compliments represent the bread, and the negative feedback is the filling. 

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Feedback Sandwich

Feedback Sandwich method has been receiving a lot of negative attention recently. Several leaders argue that delivering negative feedback buried inside positive feedback sends “mixed signals” or is often ‘lost in translation’.

Let’s review this methodology’s pros and cons to make the best use of it.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Feedback Sandwich
Enhances receptiveness to feedbackLacks clarity in feedback
Increases motivation and moraleForced compliments or inauthentic praise
Nurtures a supportive and collaborative environmentConcerns of manipulation
Reduced conflict and tensionFocus on protecting feedback provider

Now let’s explore these in detail.

Advantages of the Feedback Sandwich

Here are the key advantages the feedback sandwich brings to the table:

Enhanced receptiveness to feedback

The Feedback Sandwich Method enhances the recipient’s ability to process constructive criticism by creating a psychological buffer. This approach makes sure that the goal is not to criticize or belittle them but to help them grow and develop their own skills. 

Increased motivation and morale

Genuine positive feedback is a powerful motivator. By acknowledging employees’ strengths and accomplishments, you validate their efforts and reinforce their value to the team.

Recognizing an employee’s strengths also helps them identify areas where they excel and leverage those strengths to address areas needing improvement. This sense of empowerment and self-efficacy enhances motivation and morale.

Builds a collaborative atmosphere

The Feedback Sandwich’s positive and welcoming tone nurtures a supportive and collaborative environment. The approach also builds trust and rapport, creating a foundation for open and honest communication.

Furthermore, framing feedback positively results in a more receptive and engaged listener.

Reduced conflict and tension

The Feedback Sandwich Method helps mitigate defensiveness, anger, or frustration from direct criticism, especially if you’re giving negative feedback about a sensitive topic.

This approach ensures the recipient listens attentively and considers the feedback objectively, leading to a less emotionally charged exchange. This way, both parties can find solutions and achieve positive outcomes.

In addition to feedback on a managerial, functional, and intra-team capacity, here are the benefits of the feedback sandwich on a leadership level:

  • Reinforces desired behaviors: By highlighting specific positive actions and results, leaders encourage employees to repeat and maintain such behavior. This is particularly impactful when the feedback aligns with organizational goals
  • Employee development: The Feedback Sandwich provides a positive framework for constructive feedback, promoting growth without undermining confidence. It also drives self-awareness and encourages employees to take ownership of their development
  • Improved team dynamics: This method incorporates a supportive element that plays a huge role in building collaboration, trust, and open communication among team members.

Drawbacks and criticisms of the Feedback Sandwich Method

Here are some disadvantages and criticisms associated with the Feedback Sandwich approach.

Lack of clarity

If the feedback doesn’t convey the negative criticism and positive comments clearly, the method doesn’t impart any benefits. This is particularly problematic if:

  • The area needing improvement is significant: If the core message is buried under layers of praise, the recipient might miss the key takeaway or underestimate the importance of addressing the issue
  • The recipient is not used to receiving feedback in this format: Some individuals may find the positive framing confusing or misleading, especially if they are accustomed to a more direct approach

Perceived inauthenticity

One of the negative aspects of Feedback Sandwich is forced compliments. If the positive feedback feels forced or insincere, recipients may feel manipulated or patronized, leading to resentment and mistrust. If you are struggling to find something positive to say, it indicates that the Feedback Sandwich Method is not the most appropriate approach in this situation.

Manipulation concerns

Some critics argue that the Feedback Sandwich is manipulative. It attempts to soften the blow of criticism with praise. While it may work for the first few times, when repeated frequently, employees may become more cynical or distrustful of the approach.

Feedback provider vs. Feedback receiver

Feedback Sandwich is often criticized for protecting the feedback provider from feeling uncomfortable giving negative feedback, rather than actually helping the employee with clear action points.

While these criticisms and drawbacks are real concerns, an effective implementation and mindful approach undoubtedly address all of them. With that in mind, let’s look at how to implement Feedback Sandwich Method at your workplace.

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How to Use Feedback Sandwich

Various factors, like presentation, tonality, and delivery, must be considered while using the Feedback Sandwich Method. 

The first part of creating an effective feedback session is understanding nonverbal communication’s subtle yet powerful role in this process. 

Nuances of nonverbal communication during Feedback Sandwich

Nonverbal cues play a vital role in how your message is received. A well-crafted message may easily be misinterpreted if your body language and tone don’t align with your words.

While delivering the Feedback Sandwich, strive to project warmth, approachability, and respect through your body language and tone of voice. Here’s a breakdown of some key nonverbal elements and how to use them effectively:

  • Maintain eye contact: Make eye contact at regular intervals throughout the conversation. This demonstrates that you are present, engaged, and invested in the conversation
  • Adopt open body language: Lean in slightly to show attentiveness and avoid leaning back, which conveys disinterest or disapproval. Open body language creates a more inviting atmosphere and demonstrates that you’re receptive to the recipient’s response
  • Use a calm and encouraging tone of voice: Speak in a calm and measured tone, avoiding a harsh or condescending voice. Vary the pitch of your voice to keep the conversation engaging. It is vital to speak with an encouraging inflection to reflect your belief in the recipient’s ability to improve

Remember, your nonverbal cues should reinforce the supportive and constructive nature of the feedback.

Assertiveness and its impact on the Feedback Sandwich Method

Being assertive ensures that constructive feedback is not overshadowed or diluted. Balancing assertiveness with the positive framing of the Feedback Sandwich is a delicate but essential act for delivering well-received and impactful feedback.

Here is what incorporating assertiveness into the Feedback Sandwich enables you to do:

  • Build credibility: You will be perceived as a credible and trustworthy source of feedback
  • Maintain a respectful tone: Even when addressing shortcomings, assertiveness helps you stay professional and respectful of the other person
  • Ensure clarity: The recipient will clearly understand the areas that need improvement and the expected changes
  • Emphasize the message: Assertiveness ensures that the listener will be more likely to accept the feedback and take action to improve
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Essential tips and practices to nail your Feedback Sandwich

With a strong grasp of non-verbal cues, indirect communication, and assertiveness, your feedback sandwich is now off to a powerful start. Let’s strengthen your feedback system with a few essential tips and practices.

Tip #1: Genuine and specific praise

The positive feedback should be sincere and specific. Generic compliments show a lack of interest from your end and often leave the recipient feeling undervalued and undermined. Instead, focus on specific actions, behaviors, or outcomes that you genuinely appreciate. This will help boost their morale, motivation, and self-esteem, creating a more receptive environment for the constructive feedback that follows.

When crafting your praise, review and incorporate these elements :

  • Impact: Did the recipient’s actions have a positive impact on the team, project, or organization?
  • Initiative: Did the recipient go above and beyond their job duties?
  • Skills and talents: Did the recipient showcase a particular skill or talent that deserves recognition?
  • Effort and improvement: Did the recipient put in a lot of effort on a task or project, or have they shown improvement in a specific area?

By delivering specific feedback and sincere praise, you show the recipient that you value their contributions and efforts. It often requires a little time to compile these details, and it is best to plan ahead of time for review. When writing such feedback, tools such as ClickUp Docs can help transform your feedback process in both quality and time.

ClickUp 3.0 Docs Sharing feature
Create a concrete action plan, devise feedback sandwiches, document every perspective, and effortlessly share records during the feedback sessions with ClickUp Docs

ClickUp Docs is a documentation tool that allows you to highlight key points with rich editing capabilities. Use it to develop clear action plans and instantly delegate performance improvement-related tasks to your employees.

While ClickUp Docs functions as your reference point for the feedback meeting, Use ClickUp Brain to generate a meeting summary so that key points are documented well for future reference.

Tip #2: Constructive criticism with actionable suggestions

Constructive feedback is the opportunity to address areas for improvement and guide the recipient toward growth. However, for this corrective feedback to truly be effective, this feedback must be actionable.

Actionable suggestions provide the recipient with a roadmap for improvement. Here’s how you can make your constructive criticism actionable:

  • Be specific and targeted: Pinpoint the exact behavior or action you want to see changed
  • Focus on observable behavior: Avoid assumptions about the recipient’s intentions or motivations, and stick to what you have observed and experienced
  • Offer concrete solutions: Instead of only pointing out the problem, suggest potential solutions or strategies
  • Make it SMART: Whenever possible, make your suggestions SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound
  • Collaborate: Engage the recipient in a discussion about potential solutions. Ask for their input and ideas. This collaborative approach leads to more creative and effective solutions and helps the recipient feel more invested in their own improvement
ClickUp 3.0 Chat view simplified
Reduce communication timelines, instantly set up feedback exchanges, and delegate improvement tasks with ClickUp Chat View

ClickUp Chat View is a platform instant messaging tool exceptional for establishing a direct line of communication with your employees. The tool allows you to instantly connect with whoever you need to deliver feedback to and also supports immediate task creation within the app after your feedback sandwich is delivered, reducing the time for your recipient to take immediate and effective action.

Collecting employee feedback at scale

The great thing about Feedback Sandwich is that it works both ways. ClickUp offers a diverse range of employee feedback examples through ready-to-use templates to help drive productive feedback sessions between you and your team. 

The ClickUp Employee Feedback Template is an ideal choice for devising actionable feedback.

Collect, manage, visualize, and share your feedback to employees without skipping a beat using the ClickUp Employee Feedback Template

The ClickUp Employee Feedback Template is a go-to solution for collecting, managing, and sharing feedback with employees. It enables managers to consolidate feedback in a structured and consistent manner. Through its clear visualizations, this template demonstrates positive trends as well as areas of improvement. 

As a completely customizable template, ClickUp Employee Feedback includes custom statuses, fields, and views to help you track feedback progress and analyze employee progress. The platform’s instant messaging feature, ClickUp Chat View, allows you to instantly tag, appreciate, and reward employees for their contributions, suggestions, and achievements.

To facilitate a seamless feedback experience for both internal and external stakeholders, you can use ClickUp Forms.

ClickUp Forms
Structure your prompts, gather and visualize feedback data, and drive development with ClickUp Forms

Using the ClickUp Forms tool, you can ask your employees to share clear, actionable feedback. Encourage them to share two welcome changes and one area of improvement from the last quarter, for instance, so that the spirit of Sandwich Feedback remains intact.

Allow anonymous submission options to cultivate honest workplace communication, and drive continuous improvement.

Once the responses come back, analyze them to identify trends, and take action to create a positive work environment where everyone feels heard and valued. This tool can also be easily customized to collect feedback data pertinent to a specific project, business, or industry.

Seamlessly visualize employee progress and enhance communication in every follow-up feedback session with the ClickUp Employee Feedback and Check-In Template

Pro Tip: Use ClickUp’s Feedback Form Template to deliver employee feedback, visualize satisfaction levels efficiently, address concerns, and enhance communication. It features built-in tools such as the ClickUp Chat View to instantly connect with your employees and ClickUp Tasks to instantly create and assign tasks based on the session’s outcome.

Tip #3: Balance the positive vs negative feedback ratio

Another key practice in the Feedback Sandwich method is balancing positive and negative feedback.

While there’s no strict rule, a good rule of thumb is to aim for a ratio of 2:1 positive to negative feedback. This ensures that the positive feedback sets a positive tone and reinforces the recipient’s strengths, while the constructive feedback remains the focal point of the conversation.

The ratio should be adjusted depending on the specific situation and the recipient’s personality. If the recipient of your feedback is:

  • New to the role or task or not confident, you may want to increase the ratio of positive feedback to constructive feedback. This helps build their confidence and creates a safe space for them to receive feedback
  • Experienced professional and confident, you may be able to use a slightly more balanced ratio of positive to negative feedback. However, it’s still important to start with some positive feedback to set the tone and acknowledge their strengths

Please remember: These are general suggestions; personal judgment based on individual nature should also be considered when deciding the positive-to-negative feedback ratio. 

Here are some additional tips for balancing the ratio of positive to negative feedback:

  • Keep the positive feedback precise, concise, and focused. The goal is to set a positive tone, not to over-praise
  • End on a positive note. Reiterate your confidence in the recipient’s ability to improve and offer your support

Tip #4: Timing is key

Delivering timely feedback is a fundamental part of the Feedback Sandwich. It makes the feedback more relevant and actionable. The recipient will easily recall the specific details and context of the feedback for a better understanding.

An immediate feedback session might not always seem possible. But tools such as ClickUp Calendar help you to make an action plan promptly while ensuring none of your day-to-day tasks are hindered. 

ClickUp 3.0 Calendar view simplified
Keep track of your upcoming feedback sandwich sessions, drive productivity, and boost time management with the ClickUp Calendar

Use it to organize feedback sessions, plan performance review timelines, and visualize your team’s progress on a flexible calendar to keep everyone on the same page. The tool also integrates your team’s upcoming tasks and workload so that your timing to share feedback is spot on without damaging overall productivity. 

ClickUp meeting list in Tasks
Manage your feedback meetings efficiently with ClickUp Meetings

If you’re working remotely, ClickUp Meetings is the perfect way to deliver timely feedback. It integrates with project management tasks in ClickUp, allowing for easy access to relevant information and context during the feedback session.

It also allows for asynchronous feedback through comments and annotations on tasks or documents, which can be helpful for follow-ups or situations where real-time meetings aren’t feasible. 

Tip #5: Deliver in a private setting

A crucial practice for a Feedback Sandwich session is to conduct it in a private setting. Here are the main reasons this is imperative:

  • In a private setting, the recipient is more likely to be receptive to the feedback and open to discussing it openly and honestly. Public criticism is embarrassing and humiliating and will damage the recipient’s self-esteem and motivation
  • A private setting allows for a more nuanced and confidential conversation. You may need to discuss sensitive topics or personal challenges that the recipient may not feel comfortable sharing in front of others

Tip #6: Connect through empathy and understanding 

Empathy and understanding in the feedback sandwich set the foundation of this method’s positive tone. These two elements help establish the reality, challenges, time, and effort to develop a new habit or positive behavior. 

By empathizing with and understanding other person’s feelings, your dialogue will offer support and encouragement and express your confidence in their ability to improve.

Tip #7: Ensure an open dialogue

Feedback systems should be a two-way conversation. In addition to the manager or leader’s viewpoint, the recipient must also be able to ask clarifying questions, share their perspective, provide feedback and discuss potential solutions collaboratively.

An open dialogue serves here these key purposes:

  • It helps to ensure feedback is understood exactly as intended. The recipient may have misinterpreted something you said or not be fully aware of the impact of their behavior
  • Open dialogues allow the recipient to share their perspective. This can provide valuable insights into the situation, improve your understanding, and help you tailor your feedback. There may be underlying factors that you were not aware of, or the recipient may have a valid explanation for their behavior
  • Discussing potential solutions collaboratively builds a sense of ownership, accountability, and inclusivity. An open dialogue drives collaborative problem-solving. This paves the way for more creative and effective solutions than when apparent changes are dictated
Kickstart an open dialogue on upskilling and progress improvement with the ClickUp Employee One-on-One Template

ClickUp Employee One-on-One Template is ideal for an open dialogue between managers and employees. The template allows you to set goals and track progress collaboratively on individual and team levels. It is also perfect for organizing notes, feedback, and resources from each feedback meeting and ensures no mistake is left unturned and uncorrected. 

Tip #8: Place follow-up calls

A feedback session is just the beginning. The real learning happens through the ongoing feedback loop. Managers and leaders intent on driving change must ensure their interactions are fruitful and enable their employees to adapt promptly.

Scheduling a follow-up meeting demonstrates your ongoing commitment to the recipient’s development and reinforces the importance of the feedback. This meeting also lets you discuss the recipient’s progress in more detail.

Here are some specific questions to ask during the follow-up meeting:

  • Have you had a chance to reflect on the feedback I provided?
  • What steps are you taking to implement the suggestions we discussed?
  • Are there any challenges you are facing in making these changes?
  • Is there any additional support you need from me?

By actively listening to the recipient’s responses and providing ongoing support, you will be better equipped to help them translate the feedback into concrete actions and achieve their full potential much faster.

For instance, use ClickUp Reminders to effectively follow up and manage everyone’s time without disturbing employee productivity. One of the main advantages of Click Reminders is that it also schedules alerts on behalf of your team. This always ensures that all team members are on the same page.

ClickUp Reminders
Track and schedule your feedback meetings in just a few clicks with ClickUp Reminders

Further, customize your tasks and assign specific priority levels to ensure that your feedback recipient is able to visualize and understand the importance of the actions they must adopt.

ClickUp Tasks allows you to plan, organize, and collaborate with your team to conduct follow-ups on your feedback sandwich interaction.

ClickUp 3.0 Task view Checklist
Instantly add and manage actionable tasks from your feedback session with ClickUp Tasks

Tip #9: Adapt to the individual

No matter how standardized the business is, the employees who make up the task force are unique in their way. A crucial practice in the Feedback Sandwich Method is to be mindful that not everyone responds to feedback similarly.

Here are key situations and how to address them:

  • Direct communicators: They appreciate a straightforward and direct approach to feedback. Such individuals may find it helpful to hear constructive criticism clearly and concisely without sugarcoating
  • Indirect communicators: They prefer a gentle and nuanced approach. Such individuals may benefit from a more positive framing of the feedback as they are sensitive to criticism

You must adapt and blend the Feedback Sandwich Method to each individual’s communication style, personality, and style. However, it is also important to consider objective employee data, such as past performance, training data, skill assessments, etc.

ClickUp Brain can help you instantly summarize key points of your employees’ details and performance data. This enables you to adapt your feedback communication plan specifically around your employees’ strengths and weaknesses. It can become your virtual assistant to tailor your employees’ development plans quickly, suggest tasks that must be adopted, and even share an overview of their workload.

These tips and tricks are the crux of delivering constructive criticism in a motivating and supportive way. Let’s look at a quick example to give you a clearer perspective.

Quick kickstarter: A Feedback Sandwich example

While you may have numerous ideas in mind with just these practices and nuances, here is a quick practical example of a feedback sandwich to help get you started:

Case: You are a manager providing feedback to an employee named Jack, a talented graphic designer who consistently produces high-quality work but struggles with meeting deadlines.

  • Top slice of positive feedback: “Jack, your creativity and attention to detail consistently produce outstanding designs. Clients rave about your work, and your talent is undeniable”
  • Filling of constructive feedback: “However, I’ve noticed you’ve missed deadlines on several projects, which has put pressure on the team and affected client relationships. Meeting deadlines is crucial for our commitments”
  • Bottom slice of positive feedback: “I’m confident you can deliver excellent work on time. Let’s explore strategies to help you better manage your time and prioritize tasks. I’m here to support you”
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Alternative Feedback Techniques

While the Feedback Sandwich is useful in almost every situation, it’s not the only approach to giving feedback. Here are some alternative techniques to have on hand depending on the time, context, and nature of the feedback:

1. SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact) feedback

This structured alternative to the feedback sandwich method focuses on delivering clear, specific, and objective feedback. The primary intent of the approach is to have a more direct conversation, focusing on facts rather than interpretations.

Here are three key steps involved in implementing the SBI method:

  • Situation: Describe the specific context in which the behavior occurred
  • Behavior: Objectively describe the observed behavior
  • Impact: Explain the consequences of the behavior on you, the team, or the project

The SBI method provides clear, actionable feedback while minimizing defensiveness. However, its directness can be perceived as harsh, and thorough preparation is required to avoid subjective interpretations.

2. Feedforward

Another proactive approach is the Feedforward. This future-oriented constructive feedback system focuses on helping individuals improve their performance and achieve their goals. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, it emphasizes potential solutions and actionable steps for improvement.

Here are the four key elements that make up this method:

  • Focus on the future: Shift the conversation from what went wrong to what should be done differently in the future
  • Ask questions: Engage the recipient in a dialogue about their goals and aspirations with pertinent questions on feedback
  • Offer suggestions: Provide actionable suggestions for improvement, focusing on specific behaviors and skills that must be developed
  • Collaborate: Work together to create a plan for implementing the suggestions and achieving the desired outcomes

It is important to remember that this approach requires strong trust between both parties and may not address the underlying causes of past issues. It’s best suited for individuals with a growth mindset who are open to exploring solutions and future improvements.

3. 360-Degree feedback

The 360-degree feedback process is driven by additional input and research. The approach gathers input from multiple sources, including peers, subordinates, supervisors, and sometimes clients or customers.

The approach provides a well-rounded perspective on an individual’s performance and promotes accountability. It is valuable for identifying blind spots and areas for development that may not be apparent without a deep dive.

Here are the steps to implement the 360-degree feedback methodology,

  • Identify raters: Select individuals who have interacted with the recipient in different contexts and provide diverse perspectives on their performance
  • Collect feedback: Use surveys, interviews, or other tools to gather feedback from the selected raters
  • Analyze feedback: Compile and analyze the feedback, looking for common themes and patterns
  • Share feedback: Provide the recipient with a summary of the feedback, highlighting key strengths and areas for development
  • Develop action plan: Collaborate with the recipient to create a plan for addressing areas for improvement and leveraging strengths

However, it is important to consider that this approach can be time and resource-intensive and has the potential for bias in feedback.

4. Coaching

Coaching is an alternative feedback strategy that drives a collaborative relationship. In this approach, the feedback giver is a sounding board, guide, and nurturer to improve a wide range of development needs.

Through a series of conversations and activities, the feedback giver (or coach in this approach) works with the recipient to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and devise and monitor action plans.

Here are the key steps involved in coaching as a feedback approach:

  • Goal setting: Collaboratively define goals
  • Assessment: Identify the individual’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Action planning: Develop a plan with specific steps, timelines, and resources
  • Ongoing support: Provide continuous guidance, feedback, and resources
  • Evaluation: Regularly assess progress and adjust the plan as needed

Remember that coaching requires a significant time commitment, expertise from the coach, and a strong rapport between coach and recipient for success.

The most effective feedback technique will vary depending on the individual and the situation. Understanding the different approaches available and tailoring your feedback delivery help make continuous improvement and growth become seamless.

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Driving Change With the Feedback Sandwich

The Feedback Sandwich’s constructive approach is relevant, valuable, and popular in an increasingly dynamic workplace that welcomes diversity and individuality.

Its emphasis on positive reinforcement, coupled with clear and actionable suggestions for improvement, has the potential to transform a workplace environment into a much more welcoming space.

With the key tips and practices we’ve covered, the only thing left is ensuring that you have a powerful and ever-improving feedback management system. And ClickUp is the perfect platform for you to partner with.

Rather than simply delivering feedback, ClickUp gives you all the tools you need —from goal setting to performance tracking—to create and execute an action plan to help guide your employees toward excellence.

Sign up for ClickUp today to make your feedback sessions more productive!

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