How to Get into Tech Sales

How to Get into Tech Sales

The buyer’s journey in B2B tech has changed drastically. Nowadays, decision-makers research and compare multiple competitors before committing to a solution. They verify peer reviews, user-generated content, and more before deciding.

Sales cycles have become increasingly complex, with an average of seven decision-makers involved in the B2B buying process. This is where the role of a tech sales rep becomes crucial.

Tech sales reps must be excellent communicators, build relationships, and possess solid technical knowledge. If you have these skills, tech sales could be a rewarding career option.

Let’s dive into what you’ll need to succeed in tech sales.

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What Is Tech Sales?

Tech sales is the practice of selling technology products and services to both businesses and consumers.

Beyond merely promoting products, it requires a deep understanding of customers’ needs and demonstrating how technology can address their specific challenges and enhance their operations.

The benefits of working in tech sales are numerous:

  • Competitive salary and commissions: Tech sales roles often offer attractive base salaries with the potential for significant commissions
  • Dynamic industry: You’ll be working in a rapidly evolving industry, constantly engaging with cutting-edge technology
  • Versatile skills development: The skills you gain in tech sales, such as communication, negotiation, and technical knowledge, are highly valued across many sectors
  • Impactful work: You’ll contribute directly to business growth and innovation through strategic sales initiatives

So, if you’re up for a challenge and keen on making a real impact, getting into a tech sales team could be your next big move.

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Understanding the Tech Sales Landscape

Each tech sales title comes with its responsibilities and areas of expertise.

Here’s a quick look at some of the common roles:

1. Sales development representative (SDR)

This is usually an entry-level position in which your main job is to reach out to potential clients. You’ll be the first point of contact here. You’ll also be responsible for setting up meetings for the sales team to build relationships further and work towards closing deals.

2. Account executive (AE)

An account executive takes over from where the SDR left off. They work to deepen relationships with potential clients and turn those leads into customers. You’ll also be responsible for closing deals and nurturing existing accounts to explore new opportunities.

3. Sales engineer

This role bridges the gap between the sales team and the technical staff. As a sales engineer, you research and assist in product development while explaining the technical aspects of products to clients.

4. Technical sales representative

This is where you sell technical products, such as hardware or software. This role requires a deep understanding of your products and the ability to explain their benefits to customers.

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Are IT sales and technology sales really that different?

Let’s quickly touch upon the primary difference between IT sales and technology sales:

AspectIT SalesTech Sales
FocusIT sales focuses primarily on selling information technology services and products to businesses.Tech sales are broader and include selling any tech-related products or services, often incorporating newer tech like software or cloud solutions.
Client InteractionOften involves dealing with IT departments and managers.Depending on the product, it can involve a range of contacts, from C-level executives to technical staff.
Product KnowledgeDeep understanding of IT infrastructure and services.Requires knowledge of specific technologies, trends, and potentially broader market needs.

Tech sales are tightly linked with recruitment and education for the following reasons:

  • Recruitment: The tech industry is always looking for skilled salespeople who can not only sell but also understand the technical nuances of the products. Effective recruitment strategies are crucial for finding the right talent who can drive sales and understand tech
  • Education: Due to the complex nature of tech products, ongoing education is vital for tech sales professionals. This includes formal training that keeps them updated on the latest technologies and sales techniques
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What Skills Would You Need to Get into Tech Sales?

When breaking into tech sales, balancing hard and soft skills is crucial for success in this competitive industry.

Here’s a snapshot of the essential skills:

Hard skills vs. soft skills 

Hard skills in tech sales include:

  • Technical knowledge related to the products you’re selling
  • Data analysis capabilities for understanding market trends
  • Proficiency in CRM software to manage customer interactions efficiently

On the other hand, soft skills are equally essential as well.

These include:

  • Listening and communication skills: Being a great listener helps you truly understand the client’s needs. On the other hand, strong communication skills allow you to articulate how your product can meet those needs effectively
  • Adaptability: The tech field is always evolving, so being able to adapt to new products, changes in the market, and different client personalities is a must
  • Problem-solving: You’ll often need to think on your feet to find solutions that align  with your product’s capabilities and the client’s requirements

Specific tech sales skills

In tech sales, many hiring managers also look for specific skills that can set you apart from the competition.

Here’s what’s at the top of the list:

  • Technical expertise: Understand the ins and outs of the products you sell. This might mean grasping software integrations, cloud solutions, sales productivity tools, or cybersecurity measures. This knowledge will help you define your area of expertise
  • Strategic prospecting skills: You must be able to identify and target the right leads. This will help you save time and increase your overall success rate
  • Demo skills: Demonstrating your product effectively can make or break a sale. You must know how to highlight a product’s best features in a way that’s relevant to your prospects

Without a strong set of both hard and soft skills, it would be challenging for you to meet the expectations of today’s tech-savvy customers. These skills enable you to build client trust, tailor your pitches, and close deals more effectively.

So, develop these essential skills to thrive in the dynamic field of tech sales.

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How to Enter the Tech Sales Industry?

Breaking into tech sales can seem daunting, especially if you’re new to the industry or are moving from a different industry.

Here are some concrete steps to get you started on your journey:

1. Start with building relevant skills

It all starts with sharpening your toolkit. Whether it’s through courses, workshops, or self-study, you need a solid understanding of tech products and sales techniques.

Look for resources that can teach you the basics of software as a service (SaaS), on-premises software, and cloud computing—these are staple topics in tech sales discussions.

2. Learn how to manage sales

Sales management is more than just selling; it’s about strategizing, forecasting, and understanding market dynamics. You must engage with content and training that delve into sales strategies and customer lifecycle management.

This knowledge will help you close deals and build sustainable customer relationships. You also need to get some experience with multiple sales tools, which may help you manage your sales tasks better. 

3. Understand customer relationship management

Getting a good grip on various sales enablement tools like the CRM system, sales automation tools, project management tools, etc. These tools help you track interactions with potential and existing customers, manage leads, and close sales more efficiently. Many free online resources and courses can get you up to speed with the most popular CRM software.

4. Recognize the significance of tech varieties

Understanding the different tech environments you might be selling in is crucial. You must know the nuances between SaaS, on-premises, and cloud solutions. It’ll help you tailor your sales approach to different customer needs and position you as an informed salesperson who can guide customers through their tech journey.

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How a Tool like ClickUp Can Help Manage Tech Sales

Using a tool like ClickUp can greatly enhance how you manage tech sales.

ClickUp integrates multiple functions into one platform, which makes it a versatile solution for sales teams. 

Here’s how it can help:

  • Customizable views and workflows: Tailor your sales pipelines and workflows to match your strategies perfectly
  • Task automation: Automate routine tasks to boost productivity and focus more on closing deals
  • Powerful dashboards: Monitor the entire sales process with detailed insights and analytics

ClickUp also offers ready-to-use sales plan templates, making it easier to start and streamline your tasks.

Let’s look at its popular tech sales-specific features:

1. Customizable views and workflows

Execute and track progress
Track your workflows and goals using ClickUp’s detailed view

ClickUp Views lets you tailor your workspace with over ten different views, such as List, Kanban, and Gantt charts, to manage your sales pipeline effectively. You can customize each view to fit the unique needs of your sales team. This makes tracking and managing tasks easier through every stage of the sales cycle.

2. Integrated CRM

Using ClickUp as a CRM and managing customer data in ClickUp List view
Access and manage all the prospect and client data in ClickUp’s integrated CRM system

ClickUp’s CRM Platform offers a robust solution tailored for sales technology teams. It aims to optimize sales, from lead tracking to customer management.

The platform’s versatility in visualization allows teams to manage sales pipelines using multiple views, ensuring that every team member can track progress in a format that suits their workflow.

3. Automation of sales processes

Custom automation in ClickUp
Create custom automation relevant to your workflows using ClickUp’s automation tools

ClickUp automation helps streamline your sales operations. You can automatically assign tasks based on sales stages or customer status updates. This helps maintain a seamless flow through the sales pipeline and reduces the manual effort needed for task management.

4. Dashboard overviews

creating a KPI dashboard in ClickUp GIF
Create and track your sales KPIs using the ClickUp dashboard

Use ClickUp’s dashboard for a real-time overview of your sales pipeline and deals. You can also customize the dashboards to display key critical metrics and data points for making informed decisions.

5. Custom fields and statuses

custom field mapping feature in ClickUp
Map your crucial sales information using ClickUp’s custom fields and statuses

Adapt ClickUp to your sales strategy by using ClickUp custom fields to track critical information specific to your deals and custom statuses to reflect the unique stages of your sales process. This level of customization ensures that ClickUp works for you, not the other way around.

6. Management of sales plans

Manage your sales plans with a customizable template by ClickUp

The ClickUp Sales Plan Template is a powerful tool designed to refine the creation and management of sales plans. It’s a vital asset for any sales team, especially those involved in tech sales.

Here’s an overview of how this template can elevate your sales efforts:

  • Lay out your sales goals systematically through a ready-to-use framework
  • Structure your sales plans and ensure all team members are aligned and working towards the same objectives
  • Customize features to tailor your sales strategy to specific business needs
  • Set and track SMART goals to maintain clear, actionable objectives
  • Use Gantt and Timeline views for better project visualization and team collaboration
  • Increase overall efficiency by organizing tasks with custom statuses

Breaking into tech sales without existing experience or college education

Jumping into tech sales without a college degree or prior experience in the field might seem tough, but it’s definitely achievable with the right approach.

If you’re wondering how to get into tech sales with no experience, here’s what you can do:

  • Use your past sales experience to your advantage: Even if your past sales experience isn’t in tech, it’s still valuable. Highlight skills like customer engagement, deal negotiation, and lead management
  • Network relentlessly: Attend industry meetups, tech seminars, and sales workshops to connect with professionals already in the field. Engaging on platforms like LinkedIn also helps you gain visibility and establish industry connections
  • Pursue certifications: Certifications can enhance your credibility, especially if you lack a formal degree. Look into sales or tech-specific certifications that are recognized in the industry
  • Craft a standout resume: Focus on skills that translate well into tech sales, such as problem-solving, customer service, and results-driven achievements
  • Learn from diverse sources: Explore sales podcasts, webinars, and online forums where seasoned tech sales professionals share insights and advice

Tip: Read about what a day in the life of a sales manager and executive looks like. These resources can be incredibly valuable for understanding the industry landscape.

Apart from this, explore how to use AI in sales to enhance your competitiveness and efficiency in a tech-driven sales environment, even if you lack prior experience. 

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Benefits and Drawbacks of a Career in Tech Sales

A career in tech sales comes with its fair share of perks and challenges. Understanding both can help you decide about stepping into this dynamic field.

Benefits of a career in tech sales

Here are the major benefits:

  • High pay: Tech sales positions often offer attractive base salaries plus commissions, making it possible to earn a substantial income based on performance
  • Career mobility: With various roles available, from entry-level positions to management, there’s plenty of room for advancement. Success in tech sales can also open doors to other areas within tech companies
  • Remote work opportunities: Many tech sales jobs offer the flexibility to work from anywhere. This can lead to a better work-life balance and savings on commuting costs

Drawbacks of a career in tech sales

Consider these potential challenges:

  • High-pressure environment: Sales targets and quotas can create a stressful atmosphere. The constant pressure to perform can lead to burnout if not managed properly
  • Difficulty in changing industries: Specializing in tech sales might make it challenging to transition into another industry due to the specific skills and knowledge required

Here’s how you can mitigate the potential drawbacks of a career in tech sales:

  • Develop stress reduction techniques such as regular exercise, meditation, or hobbies. Time management skills can also help balance work demands
  • Keep your skills versatile and your network broad. Engaging in ongoing education and branching out within professional networks can open opportunities beyond tech sales
  • Establish achievable targets and sales KPIs and systematically work towards them. Celebrate small victories to maintain motivation and focus

By acknowledging and preparing for the benefits and challenges of a career in tech sales, you can position yourself for success while effectively managing potential obstacles.

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Kickstart Your Tech Sales Career Today with ClickUp

Stepping into the world of tech sales without prior experience might seem daunting, but with determination and the right strategy, it’s definitely within reach.

You can make a significant impact by utilizing your sales experience, networking tirelessly, gaining relevant certifications, and crafting a standout resume.

Also, make sure you use the necessary sales apps to your benefit. These tools will help you manage leads more efficiently, track performance metrics, and improve your sales strategies.

Tools like ClickUp, with its customizable CRM and sales plan templates, can refine this journey and make it easier to manage your sales pipeline and collaborate effectively. This way, you can streamline your workflow and achieve your career goals more effectively.

Sign up on ClickUp and see how it can transform your sales strategy today!

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