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How to Ace Your Product Launch with This Checklist

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According to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, nearly 30,000 new products hit the market each year, but 95% of them fail


Because product launches are more than just marketing—they’re high-stakes events. A poorly executed launch can result in wasted investments and damage a brand’s reputation.

Take Google Glass, for example. Launched with immense hype in 2014, Google Glass was expected to revolutionize the augmented reality (AR) and wearables market. However, it flopped, reportedly costing the company billions. Perhaps the underwhelming response had something to do with the product itself, but a well-planned product launch can be just as critical to a product’s success.

With the right plan and tools, you can avoid common pitfalls and improve your chances of success. Our comprehensive product launch checklist will guide you through every critical phase, from pre-launch preparation to post-launch analysis.

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What Is a Product Launch?

A product launch is the process of introducing a new product to the market. It involves strategic planning, coordination, and execution to ensure the product meets consumer needs and stands out in a competitive landscape. 

A successful product launch helps position the product and boosts brand recognition. It also drives initial sales, setting the stage for long-term business growth and customer loyalty. 

📌 Take Cradlewise. Their AI-enabled smart crib automatically rocks babies back to sleep, monitors their sleep patterns, and addresses a clear pain point for sleep-deprived parents. 

Cradlewise offered a compelling solution that resonated deeply with its target audience. This strategic alignment of product development with market needs and timely media recognition from TIME magazine helped Cradlewise build credibility and rapidly gain traction as they launched their product. 🎯

Stages of a product launch

A product launch typically consists of four major stages:

Stage 1: Create a winning strategy 

Before anything hits the market, you need a solid product launch strategy. 🏆

Start by getting clear on your goals—think beyond just making sales. Are you aiming to enter new markets, increase brand visibility, or improve customer satisfaction? Understanding these objectives upfront will set the tone for the entire launch.

Choosing the right channels for your marketing goals—such as social media, email campaigns, or events—can make all the difference.

Stage 2: Plan the launch

A successful launch requires meticulous planning. Take your time—major launches can require up to six months of preparation, with follow-up efforts continuing for three months afterward. The timing must be strategic, and the scope—whether launching a full product, a minor update, or an MVP—will dictate the required level of effort.

📌 For example, Imagine Company X is about to launch its new smartphone. It decides to time the release with a major tech event like the annual Tech Expo to maximize impact. By launching during an event where key players and media are already focused on innovations, Company X can attract more attention, generate buzz, and ensure its product gets the spotlight it needs to stand out. 🔊

Stage 3: Create launch collaterals

Once planning is complete, it’s time to create launch collaterals. Developing marketing assets like customer success stories, case studies, and demo videos is vital to showcasing how your product can solve real problems. These materials should align with your audience’s decision-making process. 📄

Stage 4: Communicate with impact

The final step is getting your product out there. Collaborate with your product marketing and sales teams to ensure a smooth rollout. Focus on campaigns that drive awareness, adoption, and growth. To spread your message, leverage a solid product marketing strategy, digital marketing, virtual events, and customer communities. 

Effective marketing campaigns showcase your product’s unique value proposition. They establish a strong positioning statement that helps your audience understand what makes it stand out from competitors.

📌 For example: Nike’s recent product launch for their eco-friendly sneakers wasn’t just a campaign—it was a movement. Their marketing team collaborated with environmental advocates, hosted virtual events, and pushed influencer-driven content across platforms to spread the word. The result? Their launch led to a 30% spike in social media engagement within the first week. 📊

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Components of a Product Launch

Every successful product launch strategy relies on certain key components that ensure everything runs smoothly, from preparation to execution. Whether you’re fine-tuning your go-to-market strategy or tracking post-launch metrics, getting each stage right is critical to long-term success. 

With tools like ClickUp, you can streamline these processes to ensure nothing gets missed. 

The ClickUp Product Management Solution offers the tools to design, develop, and launch new products faster and more effectively. With built-in dashboards, sprint management, and real-time collaboration features, it ensures smooth coordination across the marketing, sales, and product teams, helping everyone stay on track throughout the product development process. 

Let’s follow the steps to propel your product launch to success and see how ClickUp can help.

Pre-launch preparation

A solid pre-launch strategy sets the stage for success. Here’s how you can build a strong foundation:

Conduct market research

First, conduct thorough research to identify your target audience’s pain points, competitive landscape, and market trends. This will help you build a product that solves real problems.

ClickUp Whiteboard for product launch checklist
Create the perfect canvas for team ideas and workflows with ClickUp Whiteboard

ClickUp Whiteboards, a native digital whiteboard feature, lets you visually map market research findings, connect ideas and workflows, and develop personas. This keeps your strategy grounded by accurate data and insights.

Develop the product

Your product development should match customer needs from research, ensuring every feature serves a purpose.

ClickUp for Product Teams: product launch checklist
Easily manage team-level views, workflows, and automations with ClickUp for Product Teams

With ClickUp, you can:

  • Manage sprints effectively: Plan, track, and optimize your sprint cycles to keep product development moving smoothly
  • Track progress with dashboards: Get a real-time overview of your team’s progress, monitor KPIs, and identify roadblocks with customizable dashboards
  • Streamline task management: Use task dependencies, Gantt charts, and Automations to manage workflows, ensuring every task is completed in the right sequence with minimal bottlenecks
  • Prioritize features: Use custom fields and prioritization tools to focus on building features that provide the most value to customers

Craft a go-to-market strategy 

Your go-to-market strategy should cover pricing, positioning, and distribution. It should also target the right audience and include innovative ways to drive viral growth.

And don’t be afraid to think outside the box. 

Dropbox’s go-to-market strategy doubled down on a referral program for distribution. This creative channel helped them grow from 100,000 to 4 million users in just 15 months. 🚀

Use ClickUp’s Gantt Chart View to plan your product launch with a clear timeline, covering everything from marketing to distribution. Set task dependencies, adjust deadlines, and spot bottlenecks easily, helping teams stay on track and ensure a smooth launch.

ClickUp Gantt Chart View: product launch checklist
Visualize and manage project workflows and tasks with ClickUp Gantt Chart View

Launch day

D-day has arrived—the launch date is here! 🎉

Today, execution is key. Here’s how you can have a smooth product launch:

Plan the launch event down to the T

Make sure every aspect of your event, from logistics to messaging, is flawlessly executed to create maximum impact. And whether virtual or in-person, your launch event needs to generate buzz. 

Use ClickUp Tasks to break down launch event planning into detailed steps. Customizable features like task statuses and priority levels help your team focus on the most critical tasks first. 

ClickUp Tasks: product launch checklist
Easily identify and act on tasks that need your attention with priority levels on ClickUp Tasks

By setting custom task statuses and assigning priority levels, you can quickly categorize tasks and keep your team aligned on what needs immediate attention.

You can also use ClickUp Custom Fields to add important context, such as links, relationships, or documents. 

ClickUp Task Dependencies provide clear visibility into how tasks are connected, helping ensure key event planning steps—like finalizing the venue, securing promotional materials, and preparing marketing assets—are completed in the right order. 

Equip customer support teams for success

Your customer support team needs the right tools and information for a smooth launch day. Ensure they can access product FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and a knowledge base that answers commonly asked questions. 

ClickUp Automations can be a game-changer for customer communication management during product launches. IT can automate routine tasks like assigning support tickets, setting priority levels, and notifying team members of urgent issues. 

ClickUp Automations: product launch checklist
Configure workflow automation on any Space, Folder, or List with ClickUp Automations

ClickUp Automations can also trigger responses or follow-ups for common customer inquiries, allowing your support team to quickly address any concerns without manual intervention. 

💡Pro Tip: Use ClickUp Brain to improve customer communication by simplifying the process of automating workflows. Just describe your needs in plain English; the built-in AI will instantly set up the automation for your chosen workflow.

This ensures a seamless and timely customer experience, reducing response times and preventing bottlenecks on launch day.

Leverage real-time monitoring

Real-time data is key to understanding how your product launch is performing. Whether it’s a digital or physical event, tracking specific KPIs can help you identify what’s working, what needs attention, and where quick adjustments are necessary. 

KPI Tracing on ClickUp Dashboard
Track KPIs on the ClickUp Dashboard

Some important KPIs to track include:

  • Traffic and user engagement: Monitor website visits, click-through rates (CTR), and time spent on key pages
  • Sales and conversion rates: Track real-time purchases, conversion rates, and abandoned cart metrics for e-commerce
  • Customer support metrics: Monitor call volume, support ticket resolution times, and customer satisfaction scores
  • Social media engagement: Track mentions, likes, shares, and comments to gauge online buzz
  • Event attendance and engagement: For physical events, monitor attendee numbers, session participation, and feedback from live polls or surveys
  • Email campaign performance: Track open rates, click-through rates, and engagement with pre-launch and launch-day emails

ClickUp Dashboards offer real-time insights into key metrics like traffic, sales, and user engagement, allowing you to monitor performance at a glance. 

With customizable widgets, you can track specific KPIs and visualize data in formats like graphs, charts, and tables. This helps you stay on top of critical information throughout your product launch.

ClickUp Dashboards for product launch checklist
Make informed decisions and celebrate achievements in real time with ClickUp Dashboards

Whether you need to identify trends, spot potential issues, or make data-driven decisions, ClickUp Dashboards provide the flexibility to make quick adjustments, keeping your launch on track and ensuring it meets your goals.

💡 Pro Tip: Always have a backup plan — If your launch platform crashes, what’s your contingency plan? Preparing for unforeseen technical issues is critical to ensuring a smooth launch.

Post-launch evaluation

Once your product is live, the real work begins—evaluating performance, gathering insights, and iterating based on user feedback. A thorough post-launch analysis helps you capitalize on successes while identifying areas for improvement.

Track metrics and KPIs 

Track key metrics like sales performance, customer acquisition cost, user adoption rate, retention rate, product usage metrics, and engagement to measure the success of your launch. Use ClickUp Goals to set measurable targets and track the progress of your KPIs in real time.

You can set specific objectives for every launch phase, whether it’s increasing product adoption, driving sales, or improving customer engagement.

ClickUp Goals for product launch checklist
Track progress toward goals and visualize progress percentages with ClickUp Goals

As performance data updates in real-time, you can quickly identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Collect feedback and iterate

Collecting feedback is crucial for continuously refining your product. To improve your product, use surveys, reviews, and customer conversations to gather insights on what’s working and where there’s room for improvement.

Use ClickUp Form View to create custom forms tailored to specific user needs. Its conditional logic feature allows you to personalize questions based on user responses. 

This helps you gather meaningful data, streamline the feedback process, and simplify analysis. Moreover, ClickUp Tasks makes it easy to manage feedback during iteration. By assigning tasks to team members, tracking progress, and setting deadlines, you ensure that feedback is acted upon quickly and efficiently. 

ClickUp Tasks for product launch checklist
Assign tasks to team members and set deadlines with ClickUp Tasks

Each piece of feedback can be turned into actionable tasks, organized by priority, and monitored through custom views, helping your team stay on track and continuously improve the product based on real user insights

Launch follow-up campaigns

Don’t let your product lose momentum after the initial launch. Now that you have sign-ups engage your SDR or sales teams to follow up with prospects. 

According to Salesforce, 77% of customers expect to interact with someone immediately when they contact a company. ⏱️

ClickUp Calendar lets you plan and schedule all of your follow-up marketing activities in one place. You can create a timeline for your email drip campaigns, schedule social media posts, and set reminders for your team to execute at the right moments. 

ClickUp Calendar for product launch checklist
Integrate calendars to keep your calendar synced with ClickUp Calendar

ClickUp also integrates your calendar with Google Calendar, Outlook, and other popular external platforms.

Plan product updates

Regular product updates and release management are vital to keeping your offering relevant and improving customer retention. With ClickUp Automations, you can easily manage the workflow for product updates by automating routine tasks like assigning update tasks to the team, sending progress notifications, and ensuring that no critical steps are missed.

Here’s what Zel Crampton, CEO of Diggs, says about using ClickUp for product launches:

I remember early 2021, we were trying to launch a whole bunch of products. We missed deadlines. We had issues. People were not communicating. We didn’t know who was like supposed to make decisions. We hired a few smart people, but I would say ClickUp has been sort of the backbone for the operation of the company, particularly for great workflows.

Zel CramptonCEO of Diggs
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Product Launch Checklist for Each Phase of the Launch

Launching a product can be complex, but breaking it down into key phases helps ensure nothing is overlooked. These product launch checklists cover each phase’s essential steps—pre-launch, launch day, and post-launch—giving you a comprehensive roadmap for success. 🛣️

Pre-launch phase checklist 

The pre-launch phase is about preparation and building the foundation for your launch. From market research to product testing and content creation, this stage sets the groundwork for a successful rollout.

  • Confirm all launch event details (logistics, presentations, media coordination)
  • Launch the product on all sales channels and platforms
  • Publish product landing page with clear call-to-actions
  • Ensure customer support team is ready to handle inquiries and issues on launch day
  • Monitor traffic, sales, and engagement data 
  • Track customer engagement and conversations on social media platforms
  • Run scheduled email marketing campaigns to announce the launch
  • Engage with influencers and partners for product promotion
  • Collect live feedback from users 
  • Respond to customer queries and issues promptly
  • Monitor product availability and functionality across platforms in real time
  • Adjust promotional messaging and strategies based on live performance metrics
  • Release press releases to industry outlets for additional coverage
  • Conduct live demos or webinars to highlight product features
  • Run ad campaigns to drive traffic and early sales
  • Engage with early adopters by offering discounts or special incentives

Launch phase checklist:

On launch day, every detail matters. The focus is on execution—ensuring your product is live, monitoring performance, and responding to real-time customer feedback.

Confirm all launch event details (logistics, presentations, media coordination)

  • Launch the product on all sales channels and platforms
  • Publish product landing page with clear call-to-actions
  • Ensure customer support team is ready to handle inquiries and issues on launch day
  • Monitor traffic, sales, and engagement data 
  • Track customer engagement and conversations on social media platforms
  • Run scheduled email marketing campaigns to announce the launch
  • Engage with influencers and partners for product promotion
  • Collect live feedback from users 
  • Respond to customer queries and issues promptly
  • Monitor product availability and functionality across platforms in real time
  • Adjust promotional messaging and strategies based on live performance metrics
  • Release press releases to industry outlets for additional coverage
  • Conduct live demos or webinars to highlight product features
  • Run ad campaigns to drive traffic and early sales
  • Engage with early adopters by offering discounts or special incentives

Post-launch phase checklist:

The post-launch phase focuses on evaluation and improvement. It’s about analyzing performance, gathering feedback, and planning the next steps to keep the momentum going.

  • Launch the product on all sales channels and platforms
  • Publish product landing page with clear call-to-actions
  • Ensure customer support team is ready to handle inquiries and issues on launch day
  • Monitor traffic, sales, and engagement data 
  • Track customer engagement and conversations on social media platforms
  • Run scheduled email marketing campaigns to announce the launch
  • Engage with influencers and partners for product promotion
  • Collect live feedback from users 
  • Respond to customer queries and issues promptly
  • Monitor product availability and functionality across platforms in real time
  • Adjust promotional messaging and strategies based on live performance metrics
  • Release press releases to industry outlets for additional coverage
  • Conduct live demos or webinars to highlight product features
  • Run ad campaigns to drive traffic and early sales
  • Engage with early adopters by offering discounts or special incentives

Key metrics to track post-launch 🔍

📊 Customer Engagement – Monitor traffic, click-through rates, and time on the page to gauge interest.

💰 Conversion Rates – Track how many users become paying customers.

📉 Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) – Measure the cost-effectiveness of customer acquisition efforts.

🔄 Retention Rates – Assess how many customers return after their first purchase.

Use ClickUp Dashboards and ClickUp Goals to track and optimize these metrics for post-launch success.

Simplify your product launch with this ready-to-use launch template

While the checklist above may seem complex or daunting, you can simplify the process using the ClickUp Product Launch Checklist Template. This template helps align your team by organizing tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. 📊

Create a roadmap for the successful launch of your product with ClickUp Product Launch Template

Here are the features that make this product launch template an essential tool for your launch:

  • Break down tasks: Organize every product launch task, from marketing activities to engineering milestones
  • Ensure real-time collaboration: Multiple team members can simultaneously update statuses, comment on tasks, and tag others for real-time feedback
  • Get detailed milestone tracking: Visualize the entire launch lifecycle with a clear breakdown of milestones, including pre-launch preparations, launch-day activities, and post-launch follow-ups
  • Create custom reports and data visualizations: Get customized reports that provide real-time insights into the progress of your product launch
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Best Practices for Using the Product Launch Checklist

  1. Prioritize tasks based on impact: Prioritize high-impact tasks that directly affect the success of your launch
  2. Review checklist regularly with stakeholders: Keep everyone aligned and ensure any changes in strategy or timelines are reflected in the checklist
  3. Incorporate milestones for major deliverables: Break your product launch into major milestones, such as completing the beta phase or finalizing marketing collateral. This allows your team to focus on achieving specific goals, providing a clear sense of progress as you move closer to launch day
  4. Assign task ownership for clarity and accountability: Assign ownership to ensure accountability and avoid confusion, delays, or duplicated efforts
  5. Maintain flexibility for last-minute changes: Build flexibility into your checklist to account for last-minute adjustments in timelines, resources, or marketing strategies
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Ready, Set, Launch! with ClickUp

A product launch is more than a single event—it’s the culmination of careful planning, strategic execution, and ongoing refinement. Success hinges on precisely navigating each stage, ensuring no detail is overlooked. 🎯

With a well-structured product launch checklist and project management tools like ClickUp, you deliver maximum impact while creating lasting value for your customers. 

Ready to take your product launch to the next level? Sign up for ClickUp today and streamline your entire launch process, from planning to execution. 🏁

Everything you need to stay organized and get work done.
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