Amplitude alternatives Blog Feature

10 Best Amplitude Alternatives for Product Analysis in 2024

Event-based analytics are the best way to visualize the customer journey from A to Z. Amplitude is a popular option for event-based analytics, but you don’t need Amplitude analytics to understand customer behavior. You just need the right data collection and event-tracking tool in your corner. ⚒️

To help you out, we’re breaking down what to look for in a solid alternative to Amplitude and sharing our list of top alternatives to Amplitude. Plus, you’ll find a bonus contender that will seriously streamline your workflows.

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What Should You Look For in Alternatives to Amplitude?

Amplitude does a pretty good job of logging customer retention metrics and user experience data, but it isn’t the only solution to help you boost conversion rates. If you’re shopping around for an Amplitude alternative, look for value-added functionalities like:

  • Real-time analytics: A solid analytics tool provides real-time insights so your product managers can make data-driven decisions in less time ⏱️
  • User behavior and retention metrics: User behavior is everything in product design. Look for tools like heatmaps and user journey visualizations to better understand the user experience
  • Segmentation and funnels: You don’t want to see all your audience data at once, so go with an Amplitude alternative with robust segmentation capabilities. Better yet, look for an option with conversion funnels that pinpoint exactly where users drop off 📌
  • Ecommerce and mobile app integrations: Ecommerce and mobile apps have special considerations, so don’t shortchange yourself—get analytics software that works for your business model
  • Scalability: You might be a small business today, but growth is in your future. Get a platform with a range of upgraded features you can add on as your user base grows 🌱
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The 10 Best Amplitude Alternatives to Use in 2024

Data-driven insights are your best friend whether you’re a startup or an enterprise. If you’re in the market for an event-based analytics solution, these are our favorite alternatives to Amplitude. 🛠️

1. Google Analytics

Amplitude alternatives: Google Analytics dashboard
Via Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a go-to option for anyone who’s a beginner at customer journey analytics—or who just needs an affordable analytics solution. Not only is this analytics tool free, but it also offers a surprisingly robust collection of features for advanced users. If you’re just getting into website analytics, we recommend trying Google’s solution first.

Google Analytics best features

  • Google has built-in automations for predictive modeling and actionable insights
  • Pull reports on acquisition, customer engagement, monetization, and more
  • Drill down on ad spending with attribution reports 💸
  • Integrate Google Analytics with Google Search Console for well-rounded behavioral analytics

Google Analytics limitations

  • Google Analytics is surprisingly complicated for a free beginner’s tool
  • Several users wish it integrated with Salesforce, HubSpot, and other popular tools

Google Analytics pricing

  • Free

Google Analytics ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (6,200+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (7,700+ reviews)

2. FullStory

Amplitude alternatives: FullStory’s dashboard
via FullStory

FullStory is a digital experience intelligence platform. It works in three parts: data capture, product analytics, and session insights. Together, the three steps give you a well-rounded idea of the current digital experience and how to kick things up a notch. 🔥

FullStory best features

  • Use heatmaps and session replays to see user data in real time
  • Create custom user journey maps
  • Specify who you’re targeting with smart segmentation
  • Integrate with Google Tag Manager, Adobe Analytics, and other platforms

FullStory limitations

  • Some people say the UX is confusing at first
  • Others say the session breakdown results aren’t user-friendly

FullStory pricing

  • Contact for pricing

FullStory ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (350+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (65 reviews)

3. Adobe Analytics

Amplitude alternatives: hovering over a graph in Adobe Analytics
via Adobe Analytics

Are you an Adobe fanatic? If your biz is already on the Adobe platform, it makes sense to try Adobe Analytics on for size. This Amplitude alternative includes in-depth customer journey mapping and predictive intelligence to track your team’s big goals. 🎯

Adobe Analytics best features

  • Track performance across your website, email, social media, and more
  • Improve attribution accuracy across paid, owned, and earned channels
  • Integrate with Adobe Target for A/B testing
  • Generate real-time data visualizations

Adobe Analytics limitations

  • Several users report issues with Adobe combining unrelated data points, which hurts overall accuracy
  • Others say the custom tracking feature needs work

Adobe Analytics pricing

  • Contact for pricing

Adobe Analytics ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.1/5 (990+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (220 reviews)

4. Kissmetrics

Amplitude alternatives: Kissmetrics' Metrics view
via Kissmetrics

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Keep it simple, stupid” (KISS)? Well, that’s what Kissmetrics brings to the table. They know analytics platforms can get complicated, so they simplify customer tracking. 🖲️

Not only do they generate gorgeous behavior reports, but Kissmetrics also specializes in analytics for ecommerce, B2B, fintech, and more.

Kissmetrics best features

  • View the most important metrics in the Key Metrics dashboard
  • Track engagement across sites and products
  • Monitor dropoff and friction points across multiple funnels
  • Measure feature usage, active users, page views, and other important data points

Kissmetrics limitations

  • The platform is expensive
  • Some users say the CRM integrations don’t work that well

Kissmetrics pricing

  • Silver: $199/month for 3 users
  • Gold: $499/month for 10 users
  • Custom: Contact for pricing

Kissmetrics ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.1/5 (160+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.3/5 (18 reviews)

5. Glassbox

Amplitude alternatives: Glassbox's dashboard
via Glassbox

This alternative to Amplitude makes customer behavior crystal clear. Use Glassbox to build digital products, fix technical issues pronto, and act on customer feedback. It captures 100% of your digital events through patented tagless data capture, helping you balance privacy (and compliance) with actionable insights. 🔎

Glassbox best features

  • Track native mobile app performance
  • Watch customer behavior via session replays
  • Use struggle and error analysis to eliminate points of friction
  • Use Glassbox’s digital recordkeeping to retain compliance data in one place

Glassbox limitations

  • Some users say Glassbox data isn’t very accurate
  • Other users report slow customer support response times

Glassbox pricing

  • Contact for pricing

Glassbox ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.9/5 (570+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.9/5 (30+ reviews)

6. CleverTap

Amplitude alternatives: CleverTap's dashboard
via CleverTap

Customer lifetime value (CLV) usually comes down to how well you engage customers—and that’s where CleverTap comes in. It makes the cut on this list of Amplitude alternatives because it helps you design customized experiences and monitor them for optimization. ✨

CleverTap best features

  • Use Clever.AI to segment audiences, personalize recommendations, and generate data-driven campaign strategies
  • Monitor engagement across push notifications, emails, apps, SMS, calls, and more
  • CleverTap offers one-on-one personalization based on audience demographics and other data attributes
  • Continuously run A/B tests on copy, CTAs, creative, and more to find the best possible combinations

CleverTap limitations

  • Some users report less-than-stellar customer support experiences
  • Others say the platform doesn’t offer enough features for the money

CleverTap pricing

  • Essentials: $75/month for up to 5,000 monthly active users (MAU)
  • Advanced: Contact for pricing
  • Cutting Edge: Contact for pricing

CleverTap ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (420+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (50+ reviews)

7. Mixpanel

Mixpanel's dashboard
via Mixpanel

Do you have a big, ambitious idea? Use Mixpanel data to validate your hypothesis based on real user analytics and make data-driven decisions. See how users interact with your digital products via simple yet robust reports on events, users, and properties. 

Mixpanel best features

  • Integrate your customer data platform (CDP) with Mixpanel for better data insights
  • Mixpanel supports collaboration by sharing data report ownership across your team
  • Need to share data insights quickly? Create a GIF or video for quick sharing ⚡
  • Mixpanel integrates with many tools, including Google Cloud, Figma, and Zapier

Mixpanel limitations

  • Some users report frequent errors
  • Others say the lack of documentation makes the platform difficult to navigate

Mixpanel pricing

  • Starter: Free
  • Growth: $20/month 
  • Enterprise: $833/month 

Mixpanel ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (1,080+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (120+ reviews)

8. Smartlook

Tracking events and page visits in Smartlook
via Smartlook

Quantitative metrics are a must-have, but qualitative insights also help you make decisions—that’s why so many product teams use Smartlook. This alternative to Amplitude analyzes user paths, tracks performance across multiple platforms, and visualizes user engagement via heatmaps. 🗺️

Smartlook best features

  • Integrate Smartlook with Salesforce, Slack, Zendesk, and more
  • Watch recordings of crashed sessions to see what went wrong
  • Got a mobile app? Use Smartlook to view in-app user behavior
  • Track small events like button clicks, page visits, and more in real time

Smartlook limitations

  • It’s a little pricey for the Pro plan
  • Some users say the platform is hard to navigate

Smartlook pricing

  • Free plan
  • Pro plan: $55/month 
  • Enterprise plan: Contact for pricing

Smartlook ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (860+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (130+ reviews)

9. Heap 

Heap's dashboard
via Heap

Heap bills itself as a hyper-accurate analytics platform that helps businesses eliminate blindspots and quickly fix user experience issues. It offers qualitative session replays and combines them with quantitative data to give you a more detailed picture of what’s happening. 👀

Heap best features

  • Keep your data clean and compliant with Heap data governance
  • It’s easy to send Heap data to your data warehouse (if you have one)
  • Create plug-and-play templates and analyses based on user behavior
  • Visualize all user journeys in one dashboard

Heap limitations

  • Several users say onboarding help and documentation are lacking
  • Others say Heap occasionally glitches out

Heap pricing

  • Free
  • Growth: Contact for pricing
  • Pro: Contact for pricing
  • Premier: Contact for pricing

Heap ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.4/5 (1,070+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (30+ reviews)

10. Contentsquare

Journey analysis of landing pages in Contentsquare
via Contentsquare

Contentsquare makes our list of Amplitude alternatives as it tracks user behavior down to the click. It specializes in retail media analytics, so it’s perfect for ecommerce brands. If you want extra help, Contentsquare also offers a hands-on Client Success Program to guide you through implementing the platform’s insights. 🙌

Contentsquare best features

  • Benchmark performance against your competitors
  • Visualize data through zone-based heatmaps
  • Glean actionable tips from your data with Contentsquare AI
  • See how your forms convert with Form Analysis

Contentsquare limitations

  • Some users wish the tool had better dashboards
  • Others say the platform occasionally crashes

Contentsquare pricing

  • Contact for pricing

Contentsquare ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.7/5 (440+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.8/5 (110+ reviews)
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Other Analytics Alternatives

The Amplitude alternatives above will get you where you need to go, but there’s just one little problem: they still silo your work and your analytics. ClickUp changes the way you manage projects, people, and data by bringing all of your work—and we mean all of it—into one platform. 🤩


ClickUp’s Table, List, Gantt, and Board views
Explore ClickUp to manage your projects with the power of AI, 15+ views, and task automations

ClickUp is the universe’s favorite project management tool that combines your tasks, documents, data, and performance KPIs in one sleek dashboard. Product management teams rely on ClickUp to align on a shared vision by building roadmaps, collecting user feedback, and visualizing the entire product cycle. 

Need to keep tabs on your customer satisfaction scores? ClickUp CRM is a no-code customer database for tracking customer information alongside your product specs, metrics, and more. 

But we know endless sheets of data are no fun. 📈

Managing customers' data in ClickUp List view
Manage customer data, personal tasks, and communication in ClickUp from any device

Use ClickUp templates to jazz up your reports and save time on formatting. ClickUp’s Analytics Report Template is a must-have for quickly building custom product reports for your team (or your boss). 

If you’re trying to make heads or tails of what those analytics mean, grab the ClickUp Data Analysis Report Template to quickly report your findings to the team. 🏆

ClickUp best features

  • Brainstorm user journeys and new features with your team in ClickUp Whiteboards
  • Integrate ClickUp with Slack, HubSpot, Google Drive, and more
  • Use ClickUp AI (the only AI-powered assistant tailored to your role) to summarize tasks and reports, draft emails, and other use cases
  • Get a high-level view of your performance metrics with a 100% customized ClickUp Dashboard 
  • Need to stay in touch with your crew? Shoot them a real-time ClickUp Chat

ClickUp limitations

  • ClickUp AI is only available on paid plans
  • There are a lot of features in ClickUp, so it might take a little time to get acquainted with the platform

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user
  • Business Plus: $19/month per user
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing
  • ClickUp AI is available on all paid plans for $5 per Workspace member per month

ClickUp ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.7/5 (9,130+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (3,900+ reviews)
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Boost the Employee and Customer Experience With ClickUp

Amplitude isn’t right for everyone, but the analytics tools in this guide will help marketing teams make sense of event-based analytics in less time. Although your typical product analytics platform is pretty robust, it may still require you to flip between different platforms to do your work.

Where’s the fun in that? 🤷

Say bye-bye to switching between platforms and embrace a simpler way of working with ClickUp. We bring performance metrics, advanced analytics, templates, AI, and so much more to your all-in-one digital workspace.

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