There are two kinds of people: those who like to go with the flow and those who prefer to have a plan.
Which category do you fall into? ⚖️
If it’s the second, you’ll love what a life plan template can do for you. And if it’s the first, a life planning template might just change your mind—and your life.
A personal life planning template gives you direction and motivation, helps you establish priorities, and tells you what to focus on at any given moment as you move toward your ideal life. 🙌
Sound good?
Read on to find out how a life planning template helps you achieve your goals, create more meaning, purpose, and joy in your life, and simply get more done. 🤩
- What Is a Life Planning Template?
- What Makes a Good Life Planning Template?
- 10 Life Planning Templates to Use in 2024
- 1. Life Planning Template
- 2. 30-60-90-Day Life Planning Template
- 3. Daily Planner Template
- 4. Daily Action Plan Template
- 5. Personal Development & Life Planning Plan Template
- 6. Personal Habit Tracker Template
- 7. Personal Productivity Template
- 8. Personal Productivity Report Template
- 9. Getting Things Done Framework Template
- 10. Daily To-Do List Template
- Manage Life Better With Free Life Planning Templates
What Is a Life Planning Template?
A life planner template helps you set life goals (or shorter-term ones), plan your action steps, and then evaluate how you’re doing against that plan.
Use this kind of template to achieve professional goals, make changes in your personal life, or keep the different areas of your life in balance.
You can also apply it to any time frame.
For example, perhaps you have a long-term, 10-year plan for your dream life that includes a successful career, a happy family, and a perfect home.
Or maybe you have a short-term goal, like saving to buy a house or improving your health and well-being over the next year. You might want to move premises or improve sales in your business over the next three months.
Or perhaps you simply need a task management or time management tool to help you be more productive every day. Whatever your aspirations, a goal planner helps you make better decisions at every turn as you weigh your choices against your goals.
And with a clear vision to focus on, self-discipline comes more naturally. Essentially, a life planning template is project management for your life, made easy. 🙌
What Makes a Good Life Planning Template?
Whether it’s a plan for your life or a plan for your day, a personal life planning template gets you from your starting point—right now—to your goal. ✨
To do that effectively, a life planning template should help you:
- Set SMART goals in line with your core values—goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (i.e., with a specific deadline)
- Lay down a roadmap to follow, with clear milestones to aim for and smaller tasks to accomplish along the way
- Identify any resources you might need—for example, money, skills, or helpful people—so you have access to them when you need them
- Effectively manage your tasks every day according to your highest priorities
- Proactively anticipate obstacles—whether those are physical or in the form of limiting beliefs—and create a plan to overcome them
- Track your progress against your action plan as you move toward your goals
10 Life Planning Templates to Use in 2024
Now that you know how a life planning template helps you set goals and achieve them, you’ll be happy to discover that there are many different types of free life planning templates available online. So even if your budget is limited, pricing won’t be an issue.
To help you decide which one would work best for you, consider your goal and the time frame you’re working with. Are you aiming for a long-term goal, like creating a life that matches your vision board?
Maybe you need a year plan template to use as a business plan or to accelerate your personal growth. Or perhaps you want to go much more micro and manage your daily productivity or life plan. 🛠️
No matter what your goal-setting needs, we have a free life planning template for you. Let’s look at some options.
1. Life Planning Template
The ClickUp Life Plan Template is for those with big aspirations. You could quite simply call this personal project “My Life Plan.” 🤩
The process starts with identifying your life vision and your values. Aligning those two helps you stay motivated and ensures that you’re working towards the right goals for you.
From there, break your plan down into specific SMART goals, do a self-assessment to see where you are right now in relation to those goals, and set your priorities.
This free life planning template also allows you to specify the area of your life for each goal—for example, relationships, wellness, or mental health—and to identify an accountability partner to help you stay motivated and on track.
Once you’ve set it all up, track your progress using colored status markers that tell you whether a task is Complete, In Progress, or still To Do.
And depending on your preference, look at your plan in List view or as a Life Board.
2. 30-60-90-Day Life Planning Template
The ClickUp 30-60-90-Day Plan Template is a valuable tool for anyone looking to organize their life plans. It helps create a structured approach to achieving personal goals over three months.
The Life Planning Template provides a roadmap, breaking down specific goals into tasks to accomplish in the first, second, and third months. The Planning Board offers friendly reminders of what you’re aiming to achieve. With custom fields to specify the Planning Stage and who’s responsible for each task, you’ll feel supported from day one.
The template also includes a calendar to help schedule all those tasks, and a chat feature to connect with others and quickly reach out for help when needed. For a quick overview of all your tasks, four colored tabs show tasks that are complete, in progress, still left to do, and on pause while waiting for input from someone else. 📚
3. Daily Planner Template
If you’re a fan of daily planner apps, you’ll love this free life planning template.
Get ahead of your day, reduce your stress levels, and boost your productivity with the ClickUp Daily Planner Template.
Start by listing your goals for the day, then break them down into smaller tasks if necessary. Then organize these tasks into categories like Work or Personal and invite others to collaborate on them too.
Prioritize your tasks so you know what needs to be done first, then allocate each task a time slot in the day. Be sure to be realistic with your time estimates and leave some buffer time—things often take longer than expected, and unexpected tasks will sometimes interfere with your plans. 👀
Then as you work through your tasks, keep track of your progress by marking them as Open or Complete. This helps to give you a sense of achievement and creates momentum that keeps you going. At the end of the day, review how your plan worked out and decide on any tweaks you need to make to your process for the next day.
4. Daily Action Plan Template
Designed to help you collaborate with your team as you plan events and programs, the ClickUp Daily Action Plan Template also works well as a life planning template. It breaks your bigger goals down into daily action steps that need to be completed to make sure you meet the personal deadlines you’ve set for yourself.
Categorize each task according to Type—for example, whether it’s a goal or an action step towards a goal—and Level of Complexity, and measure progress for that task on the Goal Progress bar. Status icons identify tasks that are still on the To-Do list and those that are in progress or complete. See at a glance which items are done, which are due that day, and which are overdue.
Then step back to look at the whole timeline to track your progress as you move towards your personal goal. ✨
5. Personal Development & Life Planning Plan Template
Not surprisingly, the ClickUp Personal Development Plan Template is designed to help you achieve your personal goals. It organizes your progress toward self-focused goals, like improving your relationships or self-care. It also helps with work-related ambitions, like learning a useful new skill or even a second language.
This free life planning template helps you identify your goals and assess exactly where you are with them now. Then put together a step-by-step guide to get where you want to go.
Use this template to set up tasks per quarter and time block them in your calendar, as well as to plan for any resources you might need—like workbooks, online tutorials, or one-to-one coaching. It also encourages you to consider any roadblocks you may encounter and identify an accountability partner to support you through the process.
Track your progress and log any realizations you have as you work through your tasks. And of course, don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate your Wins and Accomplishments along the way by highlighting them as you go! 🙌
6. Personal Habit Tracker Template
Trying to change an old habit that’s not serving you or put a healthy new one in place to help you move forward in your life? If so, the ClickUp Personal Habit Tracker Template is for you.
As always, you’ll start by identifying what you want to achieve, like getting more exercise or studying for an upcoming exam. Then create your tasks: Get specific about exactly what you need to do to reach your goal and set a timeline for it.
For example, you may decide to take a walk at lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or study for 30 minutes after dinner every weekday. ⏲️
Check your tasks off as you do them to keep track of your progress against the month’s progress bar. Also, assess how you’re doing each week and make adjustments to your weekly goals as necessary. Access this template below or check out our other habit tracking templates!
7. Personal Productivity Template
The ClickUp Personal Productivity Template can be used to achieve personal goals as well as to improve your productivity. Perhaps you want to eat healthier, or you’re a freelancer who wants to deliver more client work each day.
This simple free life planning template helps you decide on your goals, set priorities, lay out tasks, and flag any dependencies that might slow things down.
For example, if you’re trying to eat better, you may choose to set aside 30 minutes every Saturday morning—before you do your weekly grocery shop—with a printable meal planner to plan your meals for the following week so you have the ingredients you need on hand. Then track whether you did your meal planning, bought the ingredients, and finally prepared that healthy meal each day.
And if you’re a freelancer, you might plan to set aside time to prioritize tasks and then create a worksheet schedule to help you work through them in the right order. Then gather your resources, set aside distractions like social media, and monitor how you’re doing. 👀
8. Personal Productivity Report Template
Designed to improve the output of your team by measuring the productivity of each of your team members, the ClickUp Personal Productivity Report Template works for your own productivity goals too.
Log every task and categorize it according to a Task Type, for example, whether it’s Deep Work, Coworking Time, a Recurring Task, or Break Time. Then track lead time and progress on that task using status fields.
Choose between Calendar view or List view to see all your tasks at a glance so you don’t miss a beat.
9. Getting Things Done Framework Template
If you run your life with To-Do list apps, then the ClickUp Getting Things Done Framework Template is for you.
Get organized by capturing all your tasks, meetings, and random thoughts on this personal life planning template. Categorize everything as you see fit. Maybe you’ll create categories for ideas, calendar items, longer-term projects, or things that need to be done right away.
You can also specify whether an idea is actionable or simply for reference, and if it’s actionable, estimate the amount of effort a task requires. Then list any dependencies for that task and URLs you might want to refer to when dealing with it.
Handy status fields include Someday/Maybe and Trash options, as well as the usual To Do, In Progress, and Complete fields, so you never lose an idea—unless you want to. 💡
10. Daily To-Do List Template
The ClickUp Daily To-Do List Template helps you stay on top of all your tasks, supporting you to do more every day, which also contributes towards your long-term success. It reduces overwhelm and helps you stay focused on what’s important—not to mention the satisfying feeling of accomplishment that comes from ticking off items as they’re completed. 🤩
Start by brainstorming all the tasks you need to do, bearing in mind you might need to break some of them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Then categorize and prioritize them. Estimate how long each should take and give it a deadline.
You’ll immediately see where to start, and keep track of your progress by checking off items as you go. You can also set up notifications of upcoming deadlines and easily collaborate with others by inviting them to join your workspace.
Manage Life Better With Free Life Planning Templates
Simply getting through your daily task list can feel like a chore, never mind achieving long-term goals. Luckily there’s help at hand. 👋
Using a personal life planning template helps you think through your long-term goals, as well as shorter-term projects, then plan and prioritize your tasks and stay focused as you work through them.
To find the right template for your needs, look no further than ClickUp. Our extensive range of templates helps you achieve your personal and business goals—as well as do anything else you need to. It’s a one-stop shop that gives you all the tools you need to live your best life. ✨