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10 Free Service Request Templates To Simplify Service Management Workflows

You answer one question about resetting passwords, then another about a printer jam, and pretty soon, you feel like a walking FAQ.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if this process could be streamlined? 

Think service request templates! Users can fill them out, providing all the details you need to swoop in and save the day—no more fishing for information or playing phone tag—just clear information and quicker problem resolutions. 

These templates can be customized for different departments, saving everyone a ton of time and frustration. 

This blog post outlines 10 free service request templates that can help you handle service requests without losing your sanity! 

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What Are Service Request Templates?

Service request templates are pre-built forms that simplify submitting requests. They guide you through the process, ensuring you include all the essential details for faster resolution.

Are you stuck with a flickering monitor? A template might ask for your device model, error messages, and a brief description. 

Do you need a new software license? A template could prompt for the program name, desired user, and justification. 

They simplify the process for the user (no more info-gathering scramble) and the service team (clearer requests lead to faster fixes).

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What Makes a Good Service Request Template?

A good service request template should simplify things and not overcomplicate the user’s journey with information overload.

Here are some of the main aspects you should look for:

  • Focused questions: Asks only for information necessary to resolve the issue without overwhelming users with irrelevant details
  • Simple language: Avoids technical jargon and uses plain English that everyone can understand
  • Pre-populated fields: Automatically fills in user information or department based on login credentials
  • Conditional logic: Shows or hides questions based on previous answers (e.g., If ‘Issue’ is ‘Printer problem,’ show the ‘Model’ field)
  • Attachment upload: Allows users to attach screenshots, error logs, or relevant files
  • Search function: Enables users to find the appropriate template for their issue
  • Organized sections: The template groups related questions together (e.g., contact info, issue description)
  • Multiple answer options: Uses dropdown menus, radio buttons, or checkboxes for common selections
  • Clear instructions: Briefly explain what information is needed in each field

If some or all of these features are included in your service request forms, your users will be happy, and completing tasks will become quicker.

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10 Free Service Request Templates

Using these 10 free service request templates from ClickUp, you can simplify your workflow and increase customer satisfaction.

Whether managing an IT helpdesk, writing an incident report, or handling a general customer service operation, these customizable templates provide the perfect foundation for capturing vital information, tracking progress efficiently, and ensuring seamless service delivery. 

1. ClickUp Service Request Template

Track, manage, and resolve customer issues in your organization faster than before with the ClickUp Service Request Template

Staying on top of customer service requests is crucial for team efficiency and customer satisfaction. ClickUp’s Service Request Template tackles this challenge head-on, providing a comprehensive yet flexible system to manage and deliver exceptional service.

This list template goes beyond simply logging requests. It allows you to:

  • Organize with custom statuses: Track progress seamlessly with options like ‘Blocked,’ ‘New Request,’ and ‘Resolved,’ or customize it per your field. For example, to handle tech issues, the custom status will reflect ‘device type’
  • Capture detailed information: Use nine custom attributes like ‘Screenshot’ and ‘Contact Email’ and more to gain a clear understanding of each customer’s needs and issues
  • Use customizable views: Organize information effortlessly through six ClickUp configurations, including ‘Resolved Errors’ and ‘By Priority.’ For example, use table view to see all the resolved errors in a spread-sheet format and review the solutions provided
  • Elevate project management: Track time spent, use tags, set dependency warnings, and leverage email integration for a streamlined workflow. For example, use a time tracker to see how much time it takes to resolve the problem since the time it was generated to recognize the best service providers and benchmark resolutions

You can also set up ClickUp Automations to update team members on resolutions provided for each service request.

2. ClickUp Request Form Template

Reduce processing times and costs, and keep customers happy with the ClickUp Request Form Template

Are you struggling to keep track of employee and external contact requests? ClickUp’s Request Form Template offers a simplified solution for capturing, categorizing, and managing your requests. 

This template allows you to:

  • Maintain clear visibility on request progress. Use statuses like ‘In Progress,’ ‘New Request,’ or ‘Denied’ to keep everyone informed. For example, an IT department can use ‘Awaiting Hardware’ or ‘Requires Additional Information’ for specific stages in their workflow
  • Gather the information you need to address requests effectively. Create custom fields like ‘Purpose,’ ‘Line Manager,’ or ‘Department’ to tailor the form to your needs. For example, a marketing team might use a ‘Campaign Name’ field to categorize requests related to specific marketing initiatives
  • Access information effortlessly with customizable views. Choose from pre-built options like ‘User List’ or ‘Request Status,’ or create your own like ‘High Priority Requests’ for focused management

This template is designed for anyone who needs to manage requests from various sources, both internal and external. For example, team managers can use it to manage employee requests for equipment, access, time off, etc. 

Similarly, the HR department can use it as a feedback form or survey form to simplify the process of onboarding new hires, handling leave requests, or managing other employee-related inquiries.

3. ClickUp Change Request Template

Prioritize, track, manage, and approve change requests on your projects to reduce feedback fatigue with the ClickUp Change Request Template

ClickUp’s Change Request Template is flexible and helps you manage the change process efficiently. It ensures that all modifications are evaluated, approved, and implemented smoothly.

  • Use customized statuses: Maintain clear visibility into the review and approval process. Use statuses such as ‘Assigned Reviewer,’ ‘For Implementation,’ and ‘Implemented’ to keep everyone informed. For example, a software development team might use ‘In Testing’ or ‘Requires Code Review’ for specific stages in their change approval workflow
  • Enhance decision-making: Gather all the information you need to make informed decisions. Use the 14 custom fields available, such as ‘Scope Impact,’ ‘Reviewer,’ or ‘Implementation Date,’ to tailor the template to a specific change request. For example, a marketing team might use a ‘Campaign Name’ and ‘Target Launch Date’ field to assess the impact of a proposed website redesign
  • Organized flexible views: Navigate change requests effortlessly with pre-built options like ‘Project Locations’ or ‘Change Request Form,’ or create your own like ‘High-Risk Changes’ for focused analysis
  • Better request tracking: Assign time spent on resolving requests, add tags to filter request forms, and set dependency warnings to avoid roadblocks

An effective change request process requires a well-defined timeline. ClickUp helps you visualize this timeline with the ClickUp Calendar view to plot out key dates for submitting requests, securing approvals, and implementing changes. This visual representation ensures everyone stays on the same page and avoids delays.

Here’s what a ClickUp customer has to say about the Calendar view:

Workload and calendar views make capacity planning much easier

Tyler GuthrieDirector of Revenue Operations, Home Care Pulse

4. ClickUp Request for Information Template

Gather details from vendors, organize the response received, and make informed vendor choices with the ClickUp Request for Information Template

Simplify communication and keep your construction projects on track with ClickUp’s Request for Information Template. It facilitates the entire Request for Information (RFI) process, ensuring all requests are captured, managed, and resolved efficiently.

The template provides:

  • Centralized tracking: The RFI Log view provides a comprehensive overview of all RFIs received. Record details such as the time of the initial request, anticipated response times, cost and schedule adjustments, and issue resolutions, keeping everything organized in one place
  • Effortless information gathering: The RFI Submission Form view streamlines the RFI creation process with customizable and easy-to-fill forms. Capture all necessary information from requestors quickly and easily, eliminating the risk of missing crucial details
  • Clear scope definition: The RFI Scope view provides a clear understanding of the specific request, the relevatnt infromation, and related documents. This ensures everyone involved is on the same page and avoids confusion
  • Visualized progress: Maintain clear visibility on the progress of each RFI with the Project Board View. Track tasks through custom statuses such as New Request and Response Sent to keep stakeholders informed
  • Getting started made easy: The Getting Started Guide view equips you with all the relevant information you need to start using the template effectively, minimizing setup time and maximizing efficiency

5. ClickUp IT Support Template

Help your employees or customers resolve IT-related issues quickly with the ClickUp IT Support Template

Does your IT team receive a constant stream of support requests? From internet outages to blue screens, keeping up can feel overwhelming. 

ClickUp’s IT Support Template ensures all requests are captured, prioritized, and resolved efficiently, keeping your users productive. Here’s how:

  • Effortless ticketing: The IT Support Request Form view provides user-friendly forms for submitting new requests. Capture essential details like device type and contact information, and even attach screenshots or videos for clear communication of the issue
  • Organized categorization: The Requests by Item Type view provides a list view to find tickets for similar issues. Use custom fields such as ‘Department’ and ‘Support Needed’ to categorize requests for efficient handling
  • Visualized workflow: Maintain a clear overview of all open requests with the Requests by Status View. This Kanban board view displays the status of each request—New, Assessment, Escalate, or Resolved—ensuring nothing falls through the cracks
  • Empowered team members: The Getting Started Guide view equips your team with all the information they need to handle requests effectively in a convenient doc format

Pro tip: Keeping stakeholders informed is crucial for building trust and ensuring a positive support experience. Update ClickUp Task Statuses as you progress through resolving the issue. This transparency allows users to track the progress of their requests and promotes a sense of collaboration. You can also use IT templates to aid you in this process. 

6. ClickUp IT Incident Report Template

Help users or employees generate incident reports at work and resolve them efficiently with minimum downtime with the ClickUp IT Incident Report Template

Unforeseen IT incidents can disrupt operations and impact productivity. ClickUp’s IT Incident Report Template helps your team document, track, and resolve incidents efficiently, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.

It includes:

  • Comprehensive logging: Create a centralized incident report log in the Table view. Capture all essential details, including date, time, affected systems, relevant logs, and any additional information for a complete picture of the event
  • Customizable data capture: Use custom fields to tailor the template to your needs. Capture details like ‘Incident Type,’ ‘Severity,’ ‘Software System,’ and ‘Department’ for effortless incident categorization and tracking
  • Detailed response documentation: Create tasks to document the response taken to address the incident. This includes any mitigation steps implemented, such as data restoration or system shutdowns, ensuring a clear record of the resolution process
  • Thorough review: Set a recurring task to review the completed report. This ensures all necessary information is included and accurate, promoting a culture of data integrity
  • Trend identification: IT incident reports are valuable historical records. By leveraging ClickUp’s robust search and filtering capabilities, you can identify recurring issues and implement long-term solutions to strengthen your overall IT infrastructure

7. ClickUp Creative Request Template

Keep track of creative ideas and tasks, assign them to relevant team members, and see progress in real-time for each request with the ClickUp Creative Request Template

Are you drowning in emails and chasing approvals? ClickUp’s Creative Request Template is your life raft! This powerful tool simplifies the entire creative request process, from initial concept to final delivery, ensuring clear communication, efficient project management, and a smoother workflow for everyone involved.

This customizable template is equipped with:

  • Streamlined forms: The Creative Request Form view allows stakeholders or team members to submit requests easily. These user-friendly forms capture all the essential details you need to get started, minimizing back-and-forth communication
  • Clear communication: The Start Here view provides a quick overview of the template, ensuring everyone understands how to submit requests effectively
  • Centralized overview: The Creative Request List View provides an organized view of all incoming requests. Use custom fields such as ‘Assignee,’ ‘Requested By,’ and ‘Priority’ for effortless filtering and prioritization
  • Visualized progress tracking: Maintain complete control over your creative pipeline with the Kanban-style Creative Request Pipeline view. This view segregates tasks into seven distinct statuses, including ‘In Progress, ‘For Approval,’ and ‘Delivered,’ ensuring clear visibility into the progress of each request

8. ClickUp Team Requests Template

Organize, manage, track, respond, and resolve all your employee requests from any department with the ClickUp Team Requests Template

Managing a remote team can be challenging, especially when tracking their diverse requests. From needing new equipment to requesting HR assistance, keeping up with individual needs can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t have service desk software

ClickUp’s Team Requests Template can help employees overcome request fatigue, and you can resolve them through:

  • Centralized view: The List view provides a single source of truth for all team requests. Track their status at a glance, eliminating confusion and keeping everyone on the same page
  • Simplified request submission: The Internal Request Form view lets employees submit requests quickly and easily. Structured sections for details, priority, and type ensure all the necessary information is captured upfront
  • Visual pipeline of tasks: Maintain a clear view of the request fulfillment process with the Board View. Tasks are organized into five distinct statuses, such as ‘New Requests’ and ‘Completed,’ providing a pipeline with drag and drop feature to move tasks through different statuses for efficient tracking
  • Prioritization made easy: The Types of Requests view allows leaders to categorize and prioritize requests based on category (e.g., supplies, technical assistance). This ensures requests are addressed efficiently and team needs are met effectively

9. ClickUp Feature Request List Template

Help your product development, tech, and software teams raise feature requests quickly and get resolutions in time with ClickUp Feature Request List Template

Do you crave a smooth-running system for managing feature requests? Look no further than ClickUp’s Feature Request List Template! This powerful template allows you to collect, evaluate, prioritize, and track feature requests effectively, ensuring your product development aligns perfectly with user needs and strategic goals:

Here’s how:

  • Collect data easily: Leverage ClickUp Forms to gather feature requests from users. Capture valuable feedback and suggestions in a centralized location, eliminating the risk of missing crucial ideas
  • Efficient triage: The ‘Triage’ process allows you to categorize requests based on pre-defined criteria. This streamlines initial evaluation and ensures each request receives the appropriate attention
  • Data-driven prioritization: Move beyond subjective decision-making. Assess the impact and feasibility of each request, enabling you to prioritize features based on strategic value and available resources in an organized list view
  • Clear communication and action: Assign tasks, track progress, and keep stakeholders informed with real-time progress tracking and a built-in Chat view in ClickUp. This encourages transparency and ensures everyone is aligned with the development roadmap

10. ClickUp Work Request Template

Resolve employee grievances to improve job satisfaction and productivity levels with the ClickUp Work Request Template

Ditch the confusion and embrace seamless project request execution with ClickUp’s Work Request Template! This template allows you to organize tasks and track progress efficiently, ensuring every project is completed on time and within budget.

It allows:

  • Clear intake and approval process: Use the Work Request Form to gather all the necessary information upfront. This ensures everyone is on the same page from the beginning, minimizing rework and delays
  • Centralized project visibility: The Request Summary view lays out the foundation of each work request, capturing essential details such as project name, description, and timeline for clear visibility
  • Visualized task management: Transform your work orders into actionable tasks with the Board view. This visual representation allows you to assign team members, set due dates, and monitor progress in real-time, encouraging a collaborative workflow
  • Comprehensive task details: The Stages List view allows you to tailor the template to your needs. Include essential custom fields such as task name, description, priority, and assigned team member for a complete picture of each work request
  • Streamlined review process: Establish a clear review process using Milestones in ClickUp. This ensures project managers, team leads, or other stakeholders can review and approve work requests efficiently, keeping projects moving forward
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Perfect Your Service Request Management with ClickUp

Service request templates standardize information gathering and simplify workflows. This translates to faster resolution times, happier customers, and a lighter load on those facilitating these support functions. 

Apart from these templates, you can leverage ClickUp as a full-fledged project management platform that allows you to manage tasks easily, build custom forms to capture specific details, and automate repetitive work. Plus, its AI-powered tools provide intelligent suggestions and simplify work. 

By combining the efficiency of these request templates with ClickUp’s robust project management features, you can transform your service delivery and keep your team operating at peak performance.

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