How to Use 5 Whys for Root Cause Analysis With Examples

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For some companies, quality issues account for up to 40% of operational costs. That’s like setting fire to nearly half your budget!

What if you could spot these problems early on?

Enter the 5 Whys technique—a problem-solving technique born in the halls of Toyota Motor Corporation.

In the 1930s, founder Sakichi Toyoda revolutionized their approach to persistent production issues. Instead of quick fixes, he championed a method of repeatedly asking “Why?”—five times, specifically—to get to the heart of each problem.

The 5 Whys method was later integrated into Six Sigma methodologies—a set of techniques that reduce defects and improve quality in production processes. Today, it is widely adopted across various industries, from automotive to healthcare.

With this guide on using 5 Whys, you’re all set to become your company’s in-house root cause analysis expert. Let’s get started!

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Understanding the 5 Whys Method

In problem-solving, uncovering an issue’s underlying cause or root cause is essential for implementing effective and lasting solutions. 

The 5 Whys technique offers a straightforward and powerful approach to examining problems. It involves repeatedly asking ‘Why?’ until the underlying cause is identified.

What is the 5 Whys method?

Five Whys (or 5 Whys) has been defined as an ‘iterative interrogative technique used to investigate the cause-and-effect dynamics that contribute to a specific issue.’

This technique is a five-step journey into the heart of a problem, a little like peeling an onion. By repeatedly asking “Why?” teams can peel back the layers of symptoms to uncover the underlying root cause.

The framework provides a structured approach to problem-solving where each answer becomes a stepping stone toward a deeper understanding that eventually uncovers the true source of the issue.

Importance of 5 Whys in root cause analysis and problem-solving

The 5 Whys technique plays a crucial role in root cause analysis (RCA) by enabling organizations to:

  • Instill a culture of inquiry: It encourages teams to question existing processes and assumptions, leading to continuous improvement
  • Identify underlying issues: It helps uncover hidden problems that might not be immediately apparent
  • Refine processes: By addressing root causes, companies can improve their processes to prevent future issues
  • Enhance decision-making: It promotes data-driven decision-making by basing solutions on fundamental causes rather than symptoms
  • Improve project controls: It enhances project controls by uncovering the root causes of deviations, enabling more effective corrective actions
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How to Implement the 5 Whys Methodology

Implementing the 5 Whys methodology is straightforward and can yield powerful insights. Here’s a systematic step-by-step guide on how to implement the 5 Whys:

📌 Step 1: Define the problem: Clearly state the problem you want to solve. Be specific and avoid vague or generic descriptions.

📌 Step 2: Start asking why: Ask “why?” five times, building upon each answer to delve deeper into the root causes of the problem. Each “why” should lead to a more fundamental level of understanding.

📌 Step 3: Find the root cause of the issue: After asking “Why?” repeatedly, analyze the answers to identify the underlying cause of the problem. This may require further discussion and analysis.

📌 Step 4: Implement the solution: Develop and implement a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem. Ensure that the solution is effective and sustainable.

📌 Step 5: Evaluate the solution’s effectiveness and adjust as needed. This process will help resolve the problem, and the final solution will produce the desired results.

You can leverage powerful solutions to enhance your 5 Whys analysis process. 

Let’s see an example of the 5 Whys methodology in action:

Problem statement: A patient received the wrong medication during their hospital stay.

Applying the 5 Whys methodology:

1. Why did the patient receive the wrong medication?

The nurse did not complete the patient identification process correctly.

2. Why did the nurse not complete the patient identification?

The patient did not have a wristband for identification.

3. Why did the patient not have a wristband?

The wristband had been removed for a procedure and was not replaced afterward.

4. Why was the wristband not replaced?

The staff was unaware it needed to be put back on after the procedure.

5. Why were they unaware of this requirement?

There was no established protocol or training regarding the replacement of wristbands after procedures.

Identification of root cause and solution implementation

The root cause identified through this process is the lack of a protocol for replacing wristbands post-procedure. To resolve this issue, the hospital can implement a standardized procedure for ensuring that all patients have their identification wristbands replaced immediately after any medical intervention.

You’ve now seen the 5 Whys in action. Is there a simple, straightforward way to adopt it in your organization?

Applying 5 Whys using ClickUp

ClickUp is powerful project management software that provides various goal-setting and task management tools and features, as well as real-time collaboration features. It can be also used for detailed root cause analysis and process mapping.

Start by creating a dedicated space for your analyses in ClickUp Docs. Here, you can brainstorm, document each “Why,” and ensure everyone’s insights are captured and considered. Use rich-text formatting like blue or green banners to highlight different Whys and the conclusions or questions they led to.

You can also highlight text and add comments to seek clarification or provide feedback. If you’re doing your 5 Whys analysis in a dynamic brainstorming session, you can edit the document collaboratively in real time.

ClickUp Docs: How to use 5 Whys
Create shareable links and manage permissions for team, guest, or public access with ClickUp Docs

ClickUp’s Mind Maps offer a powerful visual tool to enhance your analysis.

This feature transforms your notes into a visual representation of the problem, enabling teams to understand the relationships between different factors more easily and identify patterns or recurring themes. 

ClickUp Mind Maps: How to use 5 Whys
Use ClickUp Mind Maps to represent ideas visually, then edit, delete, or reorganize them to fit your needs

As your analysis progresses, turn insights into action with ClickUp Tasks. These digital to-do lists, which function as individual action items, help you organize and track how the proposed solutions are being implemented in your work. 

You can assign them to team members, set due dates, and add comments to keep everyone updated on progress. 

ClickUp Tasks: How to use 5 Whys
Prioritize your tasks using five different priority levels with ClickUp Tasks

This seamless integration of documentation and action ensures that the insights from your 5 Whys analysis translate into concrete steps going forward.

To make the 5 Whys process even more accessible, ClickUp offers specialized root cause analysis templates. These templates guide users through each process step, ensuring no critical aspects are overlooked.

ClickUp Root Cause Analysis Template

The ClickUp Root Cause Analysis Template provides a structured, comprehensive root cause analysis framework. It guides you through defining the problem, conducting the 5 Whys technique, and documenting corrective actions.

Analyze data in a visual format using ClickUp’s Root Cause Analysis Template

Here’s how you can use it:

  • Use a shared ClickUp Doc to brainstorm and define the problem with your team
  • Brainstorm with stakeholders to uncover root causes
  • Use ClickUp Table View to analyze data related to the problem
  • Once you’ve identified the root cause of the problem, start taking action

ClickUp 5 Whys Template

Specifically designed for the 5 Whys technique, the ClickUp 5 Whys Template guides you through each “Why” question. It allows for detailed notes and attachments at each step, ensuring a thorough problem exploration.

Use ClickUp’s 5 Whys Template to visualize your process with step-by-step workflows

The ClickUp 5 Whys Template streamlines root cause analysis. This Whiteboard template enables you to:

  • Create a ClickUp Task to define the problem 
  • Use the ClickUp Board View to create a visual representation of your 5 Whys process
  • Document your findings using ClickUp Docs
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to identify root causes
  • Take action and monitor progress

By integrating these ClickUp features into your 5 Whys methodology, you create a more organized, visual, and data-driven approach to identifying and addressing the root causes of problems across your organization. 

This comprehensive toolset ensures that your team can conduct thorough analyses and implement effective solutions efficiently conduct thorough analyses and implement effective solutions.

💡 Pro Tip: Need some inspiration? Here is a list of 5 Whys templates to help you get started. These templates serve as excellent examples for uncovering underlying causes.

Challenges of implementing the 5 Whys and overcoming them

While the 5 Whys is an effective tool, it is not without its challenges. Here are some common hurdles and strategies to overcome them:

Challenge 1: Stopping at symptoms instead of root causes

It’s easy to get caught in a loop of superficial solutions. Teams might think they’ve nailed the problem when they identify a symptom, but that’s often just the tip of the iceberg. 

For instance, a customer service team might blame increased complaints on staffing shortages and hire more people. However, if the real issue is poor training, the problem will persist. 

Solution: To avoid this trap, encourage your team to keep digging. Ask “Why?” repeatedly—even if you have to ask ‘why’ more than five times—until you unearth the root cause.

Challenge 2: Cognitive biases influencing the analysis

Our own biases can cloud our judgment. Preconceived notions can lead teams to overlook specific causes or jump to conclusions. For example, a manager who blames operators for equipment failures might miss underlying mechanical problems. 

Solution: To avoid this bias trap, assemble a diverse team with different viewpoints. Back up your “Why?” answers with data and evidence. A study by Harvard Business Review found that diverse teams are 35% more effective at problem-solving because they bring a more comprehensive range of perspectives to the table.

Challenge 3: Failing to involve the right stakeholders

A successful root-cause analysis depends on having all the pieces of the puzzle. If you leave out key stakeholders with firsthand knowledge of the problem, you risk getting a distorted or incomplete picture. 

For instance, analyzing a production issue without input from line workers might overlook crucial operational details.

Solution: Team members from all levels of the issue should be involved to ensure a comprehensive analysis. This will give you a more complete understanding of the problem. A report by McKinsey & Company found that projects involving cross-functional teams are 20% more successful.

Challenge 4: Stopping at a single root cause

Many problems are like tangled webs, often with more than one root cause. Teams might get excited when they find one underlying cause, but that doesn’t mean they’ve seen it all. 

Solution: Exploring multiple causes and addressing multiple root causes is essential.

Challenge 5: Not documenting the learnings

Knowledge is power, but only if you keep track of it. Without proper documentation, valuable insights from your 5 Whys analysis can be forgotten. And if you don’t follow up on the solutions, you may have to deal with the same problem repeatedly.

Solution: Implement a systematic approach to documenting your 5 Whys analyses. Use ClickUp Docs to create a centralized repository, such as a wiki, for all your problem-solving efforts. 

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The 5 Whys Examples in Different Sectors

The 5 Whys technique is a simple and powerful tool that can be applied to various industries. It has proven effective in identifying root causes and implementing lasting solutions. 

Let’s explore real-world examples of how different sectors leverage the 5 Whys technique.

Lean manufacturing

Problem statement: A car manufacturer notices an increase in defective vehicles.

1. Why are so many of our vehicles involved in traffic accidents this winter?

The number of brakes failing to function has increased.

2. Why are the brakes failing to function this winter?

Because the viscosity of the brake fluid becomes too high in cold weather, it leads to a slower response when applying brakes.

3. Why is the viscosity too high this winter?

Because we changed our brake fuel vendor this year, and the brake fluid we are now receiving tends to thicken in cold weather.

4. Why did we change our brake fuel vendor?

Because the vendor was offering brake fluid at a lower price.

5. Why was the brake fluid of this vendor cheaper?

Because it was meant for warmer countries and lacked anti-coagulant.

Root cause: Cost-cutting decision to change vendors without thoroughly vetting the new product’s suitability for all operating conditions.

Solution: (a) Return to the earlier brake fluid vendor, (b) double-check technical specs for new vendors, and (c) ensure the production head is consulted before changing material vendors.

Resolving software bugs

Problem statement: Bug reports related to the flagship application software are causing incident management issues at the client end due to frequent system crashes during user login.

1. Why does the application crash during login?

Because it throws a null pointer exception.

2. Why is there a null pointer exception?

Because the user object is null.

3. Why is the user object null?                                                            

Because the database query returns no result.

4. Why does the database query return no result?                                                            

Because the user table is corrupted.

5. Why is the user table corrupted?                                                            

Because of an unexpected shutdown during a database update.

Root cause: Lack of robust database management practices to handle unexpected shutdowns and ensure data integrity.

Solution: Establish proper backup procedures and ensure database integrity checks after unexpected shutdowns.

Team problem-solving

Problem statement: A team’s project is consistently behind schedule.

1. Why is the project behind schedule?                                                                  

Because tasks are delayed.

2. Why are tasks delayed?                                                                                    

Because team members are missing deadlines this month.

3. Why are team members missing deadlines?                                                                  

Because they’re unclear about priorities.

4. Why are they unclear about priorities?                                                        

Because this month, the frequency of communication from the project management office has decreased.

5. Why is there reduced communication?                                                        

Because the project manager is overloaded with administrative tasks related to the financial year-end.

Root cause: Inadequate resource allocation, leading to the project manager being overwhelmed with non-project-related tasks, affecting team communication and prioritization.

Solution: Reassign administrative tasks to others so the project manager can focus on team communication and prioritization. Develop a standardized meeting agenda template in ClickUp and provide training on effective meeting management. Implement best practices for effective meeting participation.

Case studies: Practical applications of the 5 Whys

Consider the following case studies to understand better how the 5 Whys technique can be applied in practice: 

Case study 1: Toyota’s paint defects

Toyota, where the 5 Whys technique originated, famously used this method to solve a persistent paint defect issue in the Toyota production system.

Problem statement: Cars were leaving the paint shop with small blemishes that required costly rework.

1. Why were there blemishes on the cars?                                                              

Because dust was settling on the wet paint.

2. Why was dust settling on the paint?                                                                    

Because the air in the paint shop wasn’t clean enough.

3. Why wasn’t the air clean enough?                                                                     

Because the air filtration system wasn’t working effectively.

4. Why wasn’t the filtration system effective?                                                                     

Because the filters weren’t being changed regularly.

5. Why weren’t filters changed regularly?                                                                     

Because there was no system in place to track filter life and schedule changes.

Root cause: Lack of a systematic approach to air filtration maintenance in the paint shop.

Solution: Toyota implemented a regular filter change schedule and tracking system, significantly reducing paint defects and rework costs.

Case study 2: GitLab’s database outage analysis 

In 2017, GitLab faced a major database outage, leading to significant downtime and data loss.

Problem statement: went down due to a database glitch.

1. Why did go down?                                                                           

Because a directory in the production database was accidentally deleted.

2. Why was it deleted?                                                                                          

Because a sys admin ran a command that removed the data.

3. Why did the sys admin run that command?

They intended to remove replication lag by removing the database replica but targeted the wrong database.

4. Why did they succeed in deleting the production database?

Because of the lack of safeguards to protect against accidental deletion of critical production data.

5. Why were there no safeguards?                                                                                          

Because there were no approval-based internal controls to protect the production database from deletion.

Root cause: Insufficient operational safeguards and approval processes for critical database actions, combined with inadequate distinction between production and replica environments in the command interface.

Solution: GitLab improved its operational procedures by adding more safeguards and clear documentation and requiring approvals for critical actions.

Case study 3: Reducing downtime in Toyota manufacturing

Toyota aimed to solve frequent glitches in robot arms on the shop and production floor.

Problem statement: A robot arm stopped functioning on a production line.

1. Why did the robot stop?                                                                                           

The circuit has overloaded, causing a fuse to blow.

2. Why is the circuit overloaded?                                                                                         

The bearings were locked up because of insufficient lubrication.

3. Why was there insufficient lubrication on the bearings?

The oil pump on the robot does not circulate sufficient oil. 

4. Why does the pump not circulate sufficient oil?

The pump intake is clogged with metal shavings.

5. Why is the intake clogged with metal shavings?

Because there is no filter on the pump. 

Outcome: The manufacturer instituted strict maintenance protocols and accountability measures, which reduced defects by 30%.

These examples and case studies show that the 5 Whys technique is equally effective in different industries and scenarios. From manufacturing giants like Toyota and Bosch to tech leaders like GitLab and Google, systematically asking “Why?” helps organizations uncover root causes and implement lasting solutions.

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Make the 5 Whys Part of Your Toolkit With ClickUp

The 5 Whys methodology showcases the power of simple yet profound questioning in problem-solving. By encouraging teams to delve deeper, this technique uncovers root causes, leading to more effective and lasting solutions across various sectors.

Now that you’ve seen how to use the 5 whys with examples, make it a point to experiment with the framework in your field. Whether tackling technical challenges or enhancing customer experiences, the simple act of asking “Why?” can yield powerful insights and transformative solutions.

Can’t wait to supercharge your problem-solving efforts? Sign up for ClickUp today and leverage powerful tools to conduct your 5 Whys analyses, driving continuous improvement in your organization.

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