How to Use AI for Brainstorming (Use Cases and Tools)

Creative brainstorming is a tricky process, and traditional brainstorming sessions can prove to be quite limiting at times.

What if there was a brainstorming tool to jumpstart your creativity? Enter AI.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can be your brainstorming ally in generating innovative ideas and breaking through the creative blocks.

Let’s look at how you can use AI to develop new ideas.

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Understanding AI for Brainstorming

AI-powered brainstorming tools enhance human creativity. With access to vast amounts of data and a neural network with complex analytical capabilities, these tools can speed up your brainstorming process by acting as idea generators.

As a brainstorming partner, AI can build upon your ideas and nudge you in several creative directions. 

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Benefits of Using AI for Brainstorming

Using AI for brainstorming sessions is a sound strategy. It offers many benefits:

  • Breaking through biases: AI brings ideas that challenge your existing assumptions and biases, leading to more diverse and inclusive solutions
  • Sparking inspiration: By analyzing vast information sets, AI identifies unexpected connections and patterns, leading to creative solutions you might have missed
  • Overcoming writer’s block: Struggling to get started? AI-generated ideas provide a springboard of initial ideas to kickstart your brainstorming process
  • Improving productivity: AI saves valuable time by generating multiple ideas quickly, allowing you to focus on refining and developing the most promising ones

Now, let’s explore some examples showcasing how to use AI for brainstorming sessions. 

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How to Use AI for Brainstorming (With Prompt Examples)

AI can be a game-changer for brainstorming across various fields. Here are some use cases discussed in more detail, with scenarios and prompts to get you started.

1. Product development

Let’s consider that your team is developing or improving a fitness tracker. You have a solid core of features but want to explore innovative ways to keep users engaged.

How can AI for brainstorming help?

AI can analyze user reviews, app usage data, and wearable tech trends to identify unmet needs or pain points. It might suggest features such as gamified challenges for social interaction, personalized workout plans based on fitness tracker data, or AI-powered coaching for targeted goals.

Prompt: “Study data on popular fitness apps and emerging trends in wearable technology. Suggest features that cater to specific user demographics (e.g., busy professionals) and integrate with existing functionalities.”

2. Marketing campaigns

Use AI content creation tools in your brainstorming sessions to analyze social media posts, online reviews, and consumer surveys to understand the target audience’s values and concerns.

This can help you craft marketing strategies that address specific needs and resonate emotionally, such as ‘Clean your home, Clean the planet’ or ‘Powerful cleaning, Gentle on the earth’ for a new line of eco-friendly cleaning products.

Prompt: “Analyze social media conversations about eco-friendly cleaning products and identify consumer preferences. Generate creative messaging highlighting the product’s environmental benefits and positioning it as a socially responsible choice.”


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3. Content creation

AI can help your content brainstorming process by exploring trending hashtags, analyzing popular blogs, and identifying gaps in content.

For example, imagine you want to create content in the travel blogging space. Your AI tool might suggest creating guides to eco-friendly destinations, showcasing eco-conscious travel hacks, or interviewing eco-tourism advocates. In this case, it may have identified lack of sustainable travel options as an unmet user need you could tap into.

You can repeat this process to improve upon the ideas and use AI writing tools to generate valuable content.

Prompt: “Generate a list of trending topics in sustainable travel based on search engine queries and social media discussions. Suggest content formats (e.g., listicles, interviews with eco-travel experts) and create outlines for each topic.”

4. Customer Research

With an AI brainstorming tool, you can analyze vast amounts of sales data, customer demographics, and competitor data to reveal trends such as changes in customer preferences, the rise of online shopping, or new competitor offerings affecting your market share.

Ideas generated by AI tools include hosting in-store events, revamping your product selection, or launching a stronger online presence.

Prompt: “Analyze customer purchase data, foot traffic patterns, and competitor offerings. Identify potential reasons for the decline in foot traffic and suggest strategies to address them.”

5. Design thinking

An AI-powered tool can help you identify design challenges from user recordings of app interactions, heat maps showing user clicks, and user feedback to understand user behavior.

AI-generated ideas can include streamlining the login process, optimizing navigation menus based on user preferences, or incorporating features such as voice commands or chatbots for easier interaction.

Prompt: “Analyze user reviews and app usage data to identify common pain points and frustrations with the existing UI. Suggest design improvements that prioritize user experience and efficiency.”


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Use ClickUp Brain to spot the common pain points in UI or design-related use cases

6. Creative thinking

Overcome creative roadblocks and explore new artistic avenues with AI’s ability to generate ideas and variations on existing themes and suggest unexpected artistic techniques.

If you’re looking at visual arts, you can ask the tool to generate ideas based on:

  • Time period
  • Artists
  • Style (like Art Deco)
  • Mediums (like photography or oil on canvas)

This will help you build a repository of specific ideas, filtered by your preferences.

Prompt: “Analyze the works of (a particular artist or artistic movement). Generate variations on existing styles, suggest new mediums or techniques to experiment with, and brainstorm ideas for a new artistic project inspired by the analysis.”

7. Event planning

If you are planning a company retreat to enhance employee morale and team building, you might be looking for unique and engaging activities that cater to diverse interests.

AI brainstorming tools can analyze employee surveys and past event feedback to understand preferences and interests. It might suggest themes such as a ‘mystery night’ scavenger hunt to encourage collaboration, a ‘global food festival’ to celebrate diversity, or workshops on specific skills employees are interested in learning.

Prompt: “Analyze employee demographics and past event feedback. Suggest creative themes and activities for the retreat that promote team building, cater to different personality types, and create a lasting positive impression.”

8. Scientific research

Scientific research is often overwhelming, given the large amounts of literature available. AI can generate new ideas by analyzing vast scientific literature and research data to find hidden connections and patterns.

It can sift through large datasets and detect anomalies that human researchers might miss. This aids in hypothesis generation and testing.

Prompt: “Study existing research papers and environmental data sets. Identify emerging trends and potential gaps in knowledge related to climate change and its impact on marine life. Suggest new research avenues that could lead to significant breakthroughs.”


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Identify gaps in research and brainstorm ideas with ClickUp Brain

9. Educational learning

AI can analyze student test scores, homework assignments, and online learning interactions to identify strengths and weaknesses. It might suggest specific learning resources based on student preferences or provide feedback that resonates with each student’s learning style.

Prompt: “Examine student performance data and learning styles. Suggest personalized learning activities, content formats (e.g., videos, interactive quizzes), and differentiated instruction strategies to cater to each student’s needs and maximize their learning potential.”

10. Personal projects

You’re an aspiring musician struggling to create a catchy melody for your new song. You need some inspiration to jumpstart your creative process.

An AI brainstorming tool can analyze the music of your favorite artists or popular songs within a specific genre. It might suggest chord progressions or rhythmic patterns as a starting point for your melody or generate variations on existing themes to help you explore new directions.

Prompt: “Analyze popular music in (your chosen genre) and identify common musical elements (e.g., chord progressions, rhythms). Based on the analysis, generate melodic ideas and suggest different musical styles or instruments to experiment with.”

11. Fashion design

How do you ensure your designs are timeless, unique, and not just another boring take on something that’s already been done? It takes a huge amount of research. But AI can do it for you.

It can analyze historical fashion archives, contemporary art exhibitions, and social media discussions on fashion trends. AI-generated ideas might suggest incorporating elements from historical periods such as Art Deco or Victorian fashion with a modern twist.

It can also encourage you to use unusual materials, such as recycled plastics or bio-fabrics, to create a sustainable and visually striking collection.

Prompt: “Examine historical fashion trends, emerging artistic movements, and social media conversations about fashion. Suggest unconventional design elements, material combinations, and color palettes that challenge traditional aesthetics.”

12. Social innovation

AI-powered tools can help you brainstorm innovative solutions to social work and social innovation. For example, AI can help you research the topic of homelessness by analyzing data on homeless populations, social service records, and successful interventions in other locations.

It might suggest solutions like exploring micro-housing options, creating job training programs specifically targeted to homeless individuals, or developing mobile support systems that provide on-the-go assistance.

Prompt: “Study data on homelessness demographics, available resources, and successful social programs in other cities. Suggest creative solutions that address the root causes of homelessness, promote self-sufficiency, and foster social integration.”


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Use ClickUp Brain to find out more about existing social initiatives and brainstorm new ones

13. Financial planning

If you’re new to financial planning and not sure where to start, AI can help. Let it analyze your financial statements and investment goals and come up with ideas. 

Depending on your risk appetite, it can also research alternative investment options beyond traditional stocks and bonds, considering factors such as real estate or sustainable investment opportunities.

You can also use it to keep your spending in check. Using your historical spending data, AI  can predict similar future expenses. This allows you to anticipate upcoming costs and plan your finances accordingly.

Prompt: “Explore risk tolerance, financial goals, and current investment portfolio. Suggest diversification strategies, identify underexplored investment opportunities, and perform simulations to assess portfolio performance under different market conditions.”

When you need to analyze vast legal databases and case summaries to identify precedents related to a legal case, get your AI to do it for you. It can categorize cases based on their relevance, highlighting key arguments, rulings, and legal reasoning that can be used to support your client’s position.

Prompt: “Analyze legal databases, case summaries, and judicial opinions based on (relevant keywords and legal arguments). Identify historical cases with similar legal issues and favorable outcomes that can strengthen the case.”

15. Customer service innovation

Elevate your customer service by using AI brainstorming tools for new ways to resolve issues and improve the customer experience.

For instance, it can analyze sentiment patterns from emails and chats to identify the areas/topics of discussion where customers are struggling the most, like generating invoices or billing in different currencies for example. 

You can also use AI to equip your customer service agents with better knowledge base suggestions and automated responses to common questions.

Prompt: “Study customer service transcripts and identify frequently encountered problems. Suggest innovative solutions that leverage AI chatbots, personalized recommendations, or proactive outreach to improve customer satisfaction.”

16. Disaster relief and response

None of us can plan for a disaster. But when it hits, it’s important to act fast, especially when planning relief operations. An AI tool can speed up the relief planning process for you by:

  • Identify areas needing immediate assistance  
  • Suggest optimized resource allocations for search and rescue operations based on real-time data on weather patterns, infrastructure damage, and social media activity from affected areas.
  • Provide vital information to the affected communities in real time through chatbots (think medical, food and shelter, and long-term rehabilitation)

Prompt: “Analyze real-time data on weather patterns, infrastructure damage reports, and social media activity in (disaster zones). Predict at-risk areas, identify populations needing immediate assistance, and suggest optimal resource allocation for search and rescue efforts.”

17. Naming and branding

Brainstorming a catchy brand name or product name can be a struggle. AI can help you by analyzing competitor names, trademark availability, and popular search terms to suggest unique and memorable options that resonate with your target audience.

Prompt: “Examine competitor names, trademark availability, and popular search queries related to (your brand or product). Suggest unique and memorable names that are easy to pronounce and spell while reflecting (your brand values).”

18. Travel itinerary planning

Use AI to analyze your travel preferences, budget, and desired experiences. Once you have options, ask AI to brainstorm ideas for a personalized and optimized travel itinerary that maximizes your enjoyment and avoids tourist traps.

Prompt: “Analyze my travel preferences, budget constraints, and desired experiences (e.g., cultural immersion, adventurous activities). Suggest unique destinations and hidden gems, and create an itinerary that maximizes my time and enjoyment while staying within budget.”

19. Urban planning and sustainable development

Can AI design smarter cities? Absolutely. By brainstorming innovative solutions to urban challenges such as traffic congestion, resource management, and environmental sustainability, AI can build blueprints to better digital twins of existing cities. It can even predict future expansion trends within a city through predictive modeling. 

Prompt: “Analyze traffic flow data, energy consumption patterns, and environmental impact metrics for a specific urban area. Suggest sustainable development strategies and infrastructure improvements to create a more efficient, livable, and environmentally responsible city.”


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20. Medical research

Breakthroughs within medical research often hinge on making the right connections between data sets. AI tools can analyze medical research papers, patient records, and drug interactions and generate fresh ideas for new treatment options by identifying connections between seemingly unrelated conditions or existing medications.

Prompt: “Analyze existing research on the disease, patient data sets, and known drug interactions. Identify potential correlations between the disease and other conditions or medications. Suggest unforeseen treatment avenues that warrant further investigation.”

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Using AI Software for Brainstorming

AI tools are becoming invaluable across industries. One exciting application is its ability to add to human creativity in brainstorming sessions. AI can significantly enhance the brainstorming process by providing a springboard for ideas and processing vast amounts of information.

And ClickUp Brain can be your best ally here!

ClickUp Brain acts as your instant knowledge hub. Ask questions about tasks, documents, people, or even your company wiki, and get relevant information surfaced in seconds. The feature allows you to ditch the time-consuming task of searching through endless emails and documents and let ideas flow freely.

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ClickUp Brain can help capture key ideas and action items from your brainstorming sessions

ClickUp Brain goes beyond just AI smarts. It offers a suite of features that make brainstorming a breeze:

AI knowledge manager: Imagine having a real-time knowledge base at your fingertips. ClickUp Brain can answer questions about tasks, documents, people, and even company wikis within ClickUp. This eliminates the need to interrupt brainstorming with queries or searches, keeping the creative flow going.

Automated tasks: The feature can automate repetitive tasks such as creating summaries, progress reports, and action items. This frees up time for brainstorming itself, allowing teams to focus on generating ideas rather than administrative work.

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AI writer: Brainstorming often involves generating written content such as outlines, proposals, or marketing copy. ClickUp Brain’s AI writing assistant can help by suggesting wording, checking spelling, and even creating quick replies. This organizes the writing process and ensures clear communication during brainstorming.

Three ClickUp templates to elevate your brainstorming sessions

Break free from established thinking patterns and generate a flood of fresh ideas with ClickUp’s Brainstorming Template

ClickUp’s Brainstorming Template equips you with the tools to generate a flood of ideas, no matter the challenge. This beginner-friendly template offers tips to help guide and structure your brainstorming sessions:

  • Collaborative experience: Brainstorming thrives on a variety of perspectives. Invite people with different backgrounds and experiences to contribute their unique viewpoints and different perspectives to ignite fresh ideas
  • Quantity over quality: In the beginning, prioritize generating many ideas, no matter how outlandish they may seem. Sometimes, small ideas can spark bigger ones
  • Build on each other’s ideas: Encourage participants to piggyback off each other’s suggestions. This can lead to unexpected connections and innovative solutions
Identify high-impact, low-effort wins and decide which innovative ideas are worth the investment with ClickUp’s Business Brainstorming Template

ClickUp’s Business Brainstorming Template is a structured framework for creative minds to improve collaboration and transform brainstorming sessions into actionable results.

This brainstorming template has four key categories—‘What you love’, ‘What you know’, ‘What the world needs’, and ‘What people will pay for’—designed to spark diverse ideas. This framework encourages teams to consider different perspectives and ensures well-rounded solutions.

Once you have a pool of ideas, the template allows you to prioritize them based on factors such as potential impact, cost, and effort required. This helps your team focus on the most promising ideas and avoid wasting time on impractical ones.

ClickUp’s core functionalities shine here. With features such as ClickUp Whiteboards, ClickUp Mind Maps, ClickUp Docs, and custom views, you can easily categorize ideas, track progress, and assign tasks. 

Use this template to promote collaboration by keeping everyone on the same page and allowing real-time feedback.

ClickUp’s Squad Brainstorm Template helps you generate creative solutions and tackle problems as a team.

Streamline your team’s brainstorming process with ClickUp’s Squad Brainstorm Template

Brainstorming sessions can easily go off on tangents. The Squad Brainstorm Template combats this by providing structure. Stay focused on the problem at hand while keeping the discussion flowing freely. This focused approach ensures you save time and get the best solutions.

This template is more than just rigid rules. It’s an idea board that makes brainstorming more engaging, encouraging participation from everyone, especially those who might be less comfortable speaking up in a traditional setting. Unlike free-for-alls, the Squad Brainstorm encourages equal footing. No more dominant personalities or shy voices getting lost in the shuffle.

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Find Your Eureka Moment with ClickUp

AI has the potential to revolutionize brainstorming, taking it from a scattered session to a process that fosters creativity and collaboration. By incorporating AI prompts and software like ClickUp Brain, you can unlock a new level of brainstorming effectiveness.

ClickUp Brain streamlines the process by providing a central hub to capture ideas, spark new ones with AI prompts, and organize them for clear decision-making. Plus, ClickUp offers additional capabilities such as whiteboarding, mind mapping, and collaborative documents to enhance your brainstorming sessions further.

Don’t wait any longer. Try ClickUp today and ace your next brainstorming session!

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