LinkedIn Personal Branding Blog Feature

A Guide to Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn is more than just a social media platform for job hunting—it’s a powerful tool for building your personal brand. 

But with millions of professionals vying for attention, how do you make your profile stand out? The answer lies in strategically crafting a brand that highlights your skills and tells your unique story. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what a personal brand is and why it is important. Then we’ll give you a step-by-step guide to creating a personal brand on LinkedIn. Let’s get started.

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What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual. Your personal brand is a culmination of the experiences, skills, and values that differentiate you.

Like your organization has an enticing brand management strategy to build a unique identity in a crowded market, your personal brand is important to create a solid professional reputation in the industry. 

Think of it as your personal marketing campaign, where you share your story and learnings.

Creating a personal brand identity usually involves sharing your viewpoints and demonstrating your expertise in a particular domain or subject matter to present yourself as a thought leader.

You share unique insights and experiences with your audience to create a lasting impression, influencing the audience and sometimes initiating discussion on less-talked about topics. 

Let’s consider an example.

Mel Robbins is a famous motivational speaker and coach. Look carefully and notice what her LinkedIn personal brand is all about. At first glance, her LinkedIn banner indicates that she helps people achieve their goals (Make it Happen). It goes well with her motivational coach profile.

As you scroll down, you can see the ‘About’ section, where she talks about topics like how to be more confident and how to stop hiding at work. 

Robbins’ LinkedIn posts also revolve around the same theme—getting things done.

As you see in this example, this process of sharing your expertise and building a narrative is called personal branding. It translates into establishing an online presence and creating and maintaining a unique image for yourself. 

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Why Building a Personal Brand on LinkedIn is Important?

Here are a few reasons why you should focus on your LinkedIn presence:

Gives you a boost in your career

The job markets are getting tougher with each passing day. With a large number of qualified candidates, the probability of attracting a recruiter with a vanilla resume is minimal. 

But this is unless you have something that differentiates you from the pile of resumes in front of an HR. And that something is your LinkedIn personal brand.

A well-crafted LinkedIn profile acts as your digital business card, showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements. Moreover, when the hiring manager sees you posting insights about your domain, they’ll know you have the knowledge and skills needed for the job. 

A LinkedIn personal brand strategy also helps you connect with other professionals in your industry, including thought leaders, colleagues, and potential mentors. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and even job offers. 

Sharing your learnings on LinkedIn not only helps build credibility but also positions you as a go-to resource for others to answer questions or learn industry news.

Over time, this can lead to speaking engagements, consulting opportunities, or even invitations to contribute to industry publications.

Get new leads for your business

Imagine potential clients reaching out to you instead of the other way around—that’s the hidden power of a strong LinkedIn personal brand. 

When you consistently share valuable insights and engage with your network, you become a magnet for inbound leads. People start to see you as a trusted expert in your field, and instead of you having to chase them down, they come directly to you.

But it doesn’t stop there. When you take the initiative to do outreach, your established personal brand gives you a significant advantage. You’re not just another voice in their inbox; you’re someone they already recognize and trust. 

This makes your outreach efforts far more effective because people are more open to engaging with someone with proven expertise.

Makes you a known figure in your domain

Becoming a known figure in your domain is one of the most powerful outcomes of building a personal brand on LinkedIn. 

When you talk about your area of expertise, you instantly create an association in the reader’s mind. You become the go-to person in your network for insights and knowledge in your field.

For example, Ben Meer talks about building systems that drive growth in your life. He’s now known as ‘The Systems Guy.’ Just by talking about systems, he’s built a community of more than 2 million people with similar interests.

People remember you for the value you bring, and your name becomes synonymous with the subject you discuss. This strong association opens doors to collaboration opportunities. 

Whether it’s partnerships, speaking engagements, or joint ventures, others in your industry want to work with someone who is recognized and respected.

Friendly Reminder: It’s important to build a brand that’s authentic and in your niche. Merely copying someone you might admire will not be true to your story, and your audience can recognize that. The more honest and value-driven you are, the easier it is for you to show up on LinkedIn.

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Steps to Build Your Personal Brand

Here are the steps you can follow to build your personal brand on LinkedIn:

Step #1: Set up your profile

The first step is to set up your LinkedIn profile.

The two most important things for this are your profile picture and a clear headline. These two are what any visitor to your profile would look at first.

If your LinkedIn profile does not have a display picture and the headline does not say much about who you are and what you do, you are letting go of the opportunity to make a meaningful connection. Without a profile picture, your LinkedIn profile hardly adds any value to other LinkedIn users, and they might be skeptical to connect or interact with you. 

So, make sure to create a proper profile with a professional image and a headline. 

While adding the profile picture, keep the following things in mind:

  • Choose a clear, high-quality image where your face is visible and well-lit
  • Dress professionally in a way that reflects your industry
  • Use a simple background that doesn’t distract from your face
  • Smile or have a friendly expression to appear approachable and confident
  • Create a custom LinkedIn URL

Similarly, make sure your headline is detailed. It must contain enough information for someone to want to scroll down.

Psychologist Adam Grant’s profile is a great example of how to set up your LinkedIn profile.

Here’s why his profile stands out:

  • The profile picture checks all the points we’ve mentioned above
  • The headline is crisp yet contains convincing information 

Apart from the profile picture and the headline, there’s another important element of setting up your profile, and that’s your header—the image that is behind your profile picture. 

Notice that Grant’s profile contains a solid header that promotes his books. If you’re a business owner, you can put up a header promoting your business.

On the other hand, if you work for a company, your header could promote your company.

Just like Katie Berg does it:

You can make your LinkedIn header fun, quirky, and colorful. It could be anything but an empty space. Make sure you’re keeping the colors largely neutral or synchronized with your profile’s color theme.

Step #2: Understanding your brand

Your brand will be what you want to talk about on LinkedIn. For example, Ben Meers talks about systems, whereas Mel Robbins talks about confidence and self-growth. 

So, take a step back and think about what makes you unique. What are your core strengths? Identifying these strengths will help you define what sets you apart from others in your field. 

Next, consider your passions. What topics or activities energize you? For example, if you’re passionate about sustainability, that could become a key theme for your brand.

Another approach you can take is to talk about your field of work. For example, a writer would talk about topics like tips on how to write better, share their struggles with writing, or provide resources to improve writing. 

If you’re a developer, you could start sharing programming tips or hacks with your LinkedIn network. By doing this, gradually you’ll become the person known for sharing unique developer hacks. 

ClickUp Branding Template

To get started on your personal branding journey, you can use the ClickUp Branding Template. It helps you build a professional and trustworthy personal identity on LinkedIn. 

Use the ClickUp Branding Template to build a solid personal brand on LinkedIn

With this template, you can:

Step #3: Optimizing your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn has over 1 billion members. So, creating a profile and letting it be won’t cut it. Optimizing your profile regularly is necessary. This can look like updating your newly learned skills and recent achievements, which helps improve visibility in search results. LinkedIn also provides plenty of sections for you to do that.

Here are the sections you should update on your LinkedIn profile:

  • About: Give a quick professional summary, including your unique value proposition and achievements
  • Experience and skills: Highlight your past and current roles and your skills
  • Education and certifications: Add your degrees, name of the educational institution, and industry certifications
  • Recommendations: Request your mentors, clients, or coworkers to give you recommendations on LinkedIn
  • Other achievements: Include any professional awards, recognitions, or honors you’ve received

You will need to add relevant information to each of these sections. And it’s helpful if each piece of information highlights your strengths and skills and builds a coherent narrative. This enhances the overall look and credibility of your profile.

💡Pro Tip: You can also use ChatGPT prompts for LinkedIn to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Using the About section wisely

The About section of LinkedIn is your space to stand out.

With 2600 characters, you can highlight what you do, how you do it, why it matters, and how you can help others. Start with a strong, attention-grabbing opening that reflects your passion or a key achievement. 

Focus on the impact you’ve made rather than just listing tasks. For example, you can say, “I lead a high-performing sales team that consistently exceeds targets through innovative strategies,” instead of “I manage a sales team.”

Speak directly to your target audience—whether you’re seeking new opportunities or offering services as an entrepreneur, make it clear why someone should connect with you or consider you for an opportunity.

Friendly Note: You can also make your About Me section stand out by adding a creative elevator pitch. You can use instances from your childhood that display the qualities that you most care about today. Remember that it’s important to have a hook that can entice your audience to know more about you. 

Step #4: Create high-quality authoritative content

Creating high-quality, authoritative content is essential for building your personal brand on LinkedIn. 

Over time, this consistent effort compounds, and that’s how your brand is built—by regularly showing up with valuable insights that establish you as a leader in your field.

Posting high-quality content is non-negotiable. If you try to cut corners with mediocre posts, you’ll struggle to make an impact. Your audience is looking for valuable content that informs, inspires, or solves a problem, so it’s crucial to put in the effort to create posts that truly resonate.

Here’s how Lara Costa, a LinkedIn personal branding consultant, recommends creating engaging LinkedIn posts:

You can use ClickUp Docs for creating content for LinkedIn. 

ClickUp Docs helps you organize ideas, draft posts, and collaborate with others to refine your content before you publish. It’s a great way to create impactful content.

Use ClickUp Docs to create posts for Linkedin personal branding

ClickUp Social Media Template

Additionally, you can streamline your content creation process with the ClickUp Social Media Template. This template helps you plan and schedule your posts, making it easier to stay consistent with your high-quality content. 

Plan and organize your LinkedIn posts with ClickUp Social Media Template

With this template, you can:

  • Organizing content ideas and plans
  • Creating a unified plan for all your social channels
  • Ensure cohesive messaging across all your social platforms to build a unique personality

You can start by adding all the post ideas under the To-Do section. As and when the tasks progress, you can keep moving them along the board. For each to-do, you can assign dates, time estimates, tags, priorities, and even track time. 

💡 Bonus: Create engaging and impactful LinkedIn posts with ClickUp’s LinkedIn Post Generator

Step #5: Engage with your network

Engaging with your professional network on LinkedIn is just as important as creating relevant content.

It’s not enough to post and then disappear—you need to actively participate in conversations, comment on others’ posts, and respond to comments on your content. 

In these small ways, brand management helps build relationships, shows that you’re approachable, and keeps you top-of-mind within your industry. 

By engaging regularly, you also gain visibility, as LinkedIn’s algorithm favors profiles that are active and interactive. The more you engage, the more your network will grow, and the more opportunities will come your way.

Additionally, you can also join relevant LinkedIn groups to be in a community of link-minded people.

Step #6: Stay consistent

Consistency is key to building a strong personal brand on LinkedIn. Posting high-quality content once in a while won’t have the same impact as showing up regularly. When you stay consistent—whether that’s posting weekly, engaging daily, or a mix of both—you build momentum. 

Your audience starts to anticipate your content, and over time, your consistent presence helps solidify your reputation as a reliable source of information and insight. 

Consistency also signals to potential employers, clients, and collaborators that you’re committed and reliable, qualities that are highly valued in any professional setting.

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Craft your Personal Brand with ClickUp

In your personal branding journey on LinkedIn or other social media platforms, staying organized, consistent, and strategic is crucial—and that’s where ClickUp comes in. 

With its solid features, ClickUp helps you streamline every aspect of building your personal brand, from content creation to task management. 

Whether you’re drafting posts in ClickUp Docs, planning your content calendar, or tracking your engagement activities, ClickUp provides the tools you need to stay on top of your game. 

By using ClickUp, you can ensure that every piece of content you create and every interaction you have is intentional and aligned with your brand goals. Don’t wait around longer to build your brand. 

Sign up for ClickUp today to get started.

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