Peer Feedback Examples

Peer Feedback Examples for Effective Performance

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Are you tired of the never-ending performance review cycles? Us too!

What if we say there’s a better way to encourage your team members to support each other than just filling out forms?

Peer review feedback is a powerful mechanism to help your team continuously improve, increase engagement, and even have some fun in the feedback process.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to implement effective peer review feedback processes, with examples, tips, and tricks to help you implement the process as you read along.

So grab a cup of coffee, get ready, and explore the world of peer review feedback together!

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What is Peer Review Feedback?

Peer review feedback is an established process through which colleagues provide feedback to one another based on their observations of work-related behavior, skills, and performance.

But why is giving peer feedback important?

  • Multiple perspectives: Peer review eliminates supervisor bias and personal favoritism. It lets your team see themselves through the eyes of their colleagues, providing a broader perspective of their strengths and areas for improvement
  • Boosts engagement: When team members feel valued and heard by their peers, they stay invested in their work and are motivated to excel. Eventually, fostering a culture of accountability, motivating individuals to perform at their best
  • Skill enhancement: Regular feedback acts as a catalyst for growth, keeping development at the forefront and allowing team members to learn and grow
  • Stronger teams: Peer review feedback facilitates open communication and collaboration, building a more supportive and cohesive team environment

Peer-to-peer feedback can never be templated. It works best when integrated with other vital elements:

  • Performance appraisals: Peers filling feedback forms provide valuable insights into individual team member performance and contributions to the team
  • Goal setting: Peer feedback is used to adjust or refine team or individual workflows to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal
  • Employee engagement: Effective peer feedback session helps overcome the information silos and motivates your team to contribute, share, and collaborate with team members

What are the Types of Peer Feedback?

Peer feedback comes in various forms depending on your review structure and process. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Formative feedback: Occurs during a project or task and focuses on providing suggestions and improvements to enhance the ongoing work
  • Summative feedback: This type is usually given at the end of a project or task. It’s used to assess the overall quality and effectiveness of the completed work
  • Qualitative feedback: Focused on providing descriptive and detailed comments about the work, highlighting specific strengths and areas for improvement
  • Quantitative feedback: Uses numerical data or metrics to measure performance and provide objective feedback on specific criteria
  • Upward feedback: In this scenario, team members give feedback to their supervisors. This is helpful in cases of leadership reviews for managers to gain insights from subordinates and understand overall team dynamics
  • Peer-to-peer feedback: This is the bread and butter of peer review. Here, colleagues provide feedback to each other on performance, offering valuable insights into areas like collaboration, problem-solving, and work ethic

The Difference Between Positive and Constructive Feedback

Both positive and constructive feedback are crucial for effective peer reviews. Let’s see how the two differ:

Positive feedback

Positive feedback is used to pump you up. It boosts morale, reinforces good work habits, and builds a culture of appreciation. It acknowledges and celebrates a colleague’s strengths, accomplishments, and positive contributions to the team. 

Constructive feedback

Constructive feedback communicates areas for improvement while being respectful and solution-oriented. The key to this feedback is being specific and actionable without being too subjective or objective. Balanced! ⚖️

What is an example of feedback?

Here’s a well-rounded employee feedback example incorporating both positive and constructive elements:

Scenario: David is your in-house copywriter specializing in creating client pitch decks. You’re sharing feedback with him after he delivered a beautiful client presentation.

Positive feedback example: “David, I’m impressed with your attention to detail. You’re quick at catching errors and ensuring quality output. This past week, your spontaneous thinking helped identify significant issues with the client’s presentation early on. Keep up the good work!”

Constructive feedback example: “I’m impressed with your attention to detail and quality output. However, I noticed that sometimes your meticulousness leads to longer task turnaround times. Perhaps exploring some prioritization techniques could help you manage your workflow more efficiently. I’ve got a few books in mind. Let me know if you need some guidance.”

This example highlights a strength, acknowledges a specific instance that benefitted the team, and then offers a constructive suggestion for improvement delivered in a supportive way.

This kind of balanced feedback creates a quality peer feedback and review experience.  

Having said that—how can these short paragraphs of text have a bigger impact on your team?

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How Peer Review Feedback Improves Performance Across the Board

Peer reviews aren’t just about ticking boxes—it’s a process that significantly impacts your team’s performance.

Let’s explore how meaningful feedback fuels improvement across key areas:


Peer reviews help identify leadership qualities like clear communication skills, rightful delegation, and the ability to inspire others.

They also highlight areas where a present or future leader could improve, such as providing constructive feedback to peers or cultivating an inclusive decision-making process.

Peer feedback example for leadership: “Michael, your leadership skills are exceptional, and you provide excellent guidance to your team members. To further develop your leadership abilities, consider providing specific feedback and coaching to your team members. This will help them grow professionally and contribute effectively to the team’s success.”


Peer feedback is excellent for featuring an all-inclusive working environment. It acknowledges good collaboration skills while identifying areas for improvement, like communication barriers or uneven workload distribution within the team.

Peer feedback example to enhance teamwork: “The way the design and development teams collaborated on the new app was fantastic. Regular communication updates and clear task ownership ensured everyone equally contributed to the project. Perhaps implementing a similar communication structure for future cross-functional projects would be beneficial.”


Observing a colleague’s approach to challenges can offer fresh perspectives and lead to an efficient problem-solving process for the team. Use an employee feedback tool to encourage colleagues to share best practices and learn from each other’s experiences.

Peer feedback example for problem-solving: “John’s analytical skills were invaluable when we encountered a technical issue with the new software. His systematic approach to troubleshooting helped us identify the root cause quickly and efficiently. I suggest he share his strategy with the team during a training session; it would benefit everyone.”

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The Power of Positive Peer Review Feedback

Positive feedback is a potent motivator. It reinforces good work, boosts morale, and creates a sense of accomplishment. All in all, positive peer review contribute to employee well-being and team building. Here’s how:

  • Employee retention: Feeling valued by colleagues increases job satisfaction and keeps employees for a longer period
  • Motivation: Being recognized motivates employees to maintain high-performance levels and strive for continued improvement
  • Team building: Positive feedback builds a supportive environment where colleagues celebrate each other’s successes and stay motivated to excel

​​What is a good example of positive feedback?

Scenario: Positive feedback when an employee takes the initiative

Feedback example: “Jakub, thank you for your extra efforts on the client’s project. You did an amazing job, and your commitment has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good work.”

This is an excellent example of a positive feedback for several reasons:

  • Specificity: The feedback is specific to a project or task the employee worked on, making it clear what the employee did well
  • Recognition of effort: The feedback acknowledges the employee’s extra efforts, showing that their hard work is valued
  • Personal touch: The message is personalized, addressing the employee directly and expressing gratitude for their work
  • Positive tone: The feedback maintains a positive tone, focusing on the employee’s strengths and accomplishments rather than weaknesses or areas for improvement.

Additional positive peer feedback examples in life include:

  • Recognizing a coworker for their strong work ethic
  • Praising someone for taking initiatives
  • Expressing gratitude for a helpful gesture
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The Essence of Constructive Criticism In Peer Review Feedback

Constructive criticism involves honest feedback that highlights improvement areas while being respectful and solution-oriented. Delivering constructive criticism politely is crucial; however, we sometimes unknowingly sound impolite.

Here are a few things you must consider to make your feedback sound less critical and more actionable and respectful:

  1. Focus on behavior, not the person
    • Instead of: “You’re always late to meetings.”
    • Try: “I noticed you’ve been arriving late to the last few meetings. Is there anything I can help with to ensure you’re on time?”
  2. Use ‘I’ statements
    • Instead of: “This presentation was confusing.”
    • Try: “I found some sections of the presentation difficult to follow. Perhaps adding some visuals or clearer explanations could help.”
  3. Be specific and provide examples
    • Instead of: “Your work needs improvement.”
    • Try: “There were a few typos and formatting inconsistencies in your recent report. It will help if you spend an hour proofreading your work before submitting it.”
  4. Offer solutions and suggestions
    • Instead of: “This could have been better.”
    • Try: “I think this approach could be more effective if you consider [your suggestion]. Would you be open to trying it out?”
  5. Maintain a positive and respectful tone
    • Use a friendly and encouraging tone throughout the conversation
    • Avoid accusatory language or negative body language
  6. Focus on the future and improvement
    • Instead of: “Why did you do it this way?”
    • Try: “Moving forward, let’s approach it this way to achieve even better results.”
  7. Be open to feedback:
    • Remember that the goal is to help the person improve, so be receptive to their response and open to discussing their perspective

What is a good example of giving constructive criticism?

Scenario: A team member constantly misses deadlines, and you want to discuss this issue with him without sounding bossy. 

Feedback example: “I noticed that you’ve been missing project deadlines. Moving forward, I suggest you create a schedule outlining the steps and tracking your progress as you progress the project. Additionally, you can set up reminders and priorities for tasks on ClickUp to ensure that high-priority tasks are completed on time.”

This example is a good illustration of constructive criticism for several reasons:

  • Specificity: The feedback is specific about the issue and helps the recipient understand what needs improvement
  • Focuses on future improvements: The feedback provides concrete suggestions for improvement, such as creating a schedule and setting reminders. This gives the recipient a clear path to follow for improvement
  • Use of I statements and focus on behavior: The feedback focuses on improving the recipient’s performance rather than attacking their character. It emphasizes the need for better time management and provides practical advice on how to achieve it
  • Positive tonality: The tone of the feedback is supportive and helpful, aiming to assist the recipient in improving rather than simply criticizing
  • Balance: The feedback balances positive and negative aspects, acknowledging the recipient’s efforts and providing constructive guidance for improvement

Five constructive peer feedback examples for high performers

  1. “While your reports are consistently accurate, consider exploring data visualization tools to make them even more impactful.”
  2. “You’re a strong presenter, but your delivery could be more engaging if you incorporate storytelling elements.”
  3. “You have excellent problem-solving skills. Taking on additional leadership roles in future projects would allow you to develop your potential further.”
  4. “Your technical skills are outstanding. Mentoring a junior team member could help refine your communication and collaboration skills.”
  5. “You’re a highly motivated individual. Seeking additional challenges will help you expand your skill set and keep your work stimulating.”
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Peer Review Feedback in Different Scenarios

Peer feedback is valuable in any scenario or workplace involving collaboration, conflict resolution, or consensus decision-making. 

Let’s look at some examples of peer feedback in different scenarios. 


Peer feedback can acknowledge successful teamwork and suggest communication or project management improvements during collaborative efforts. 

Feedback example involving strengths: “I appreciate your willingness to share your expertise and collaborate on this project. Your insights and suggestions were invaluable.”

Feedback example involving improvement areas: “While I admire your collaborative spirit, let’s try not to cut others when they’re speaking. Everyone will get a chance to speak, but one by one.”

Conflict resolution

Peer resolution results in a positive work environment rather than fueling conflicts. Peer feedback can help with conflict resolution strategies, highlight effective communication, and suggest approaches for future disagreements.

Feedback example involving strengths: “I was impressed with your ability to remain calm and collected during the recent disagreement. You actively listened to different perspectives and handled the situation very well.”

Feedback example involving improvement areas: “You handled the conflict well overall. But I noticed you seemed hesitant to express your opinion at times. It’s important to feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and concerns in conflict situations. I’ve got your back!”

Consensus decision-making

Feedback can focus on an individual’s contribution to discussions, offering suggestions for better-articulating ideas or actively listening to others’ perspectives.

Feedback examples involving strengths: “Your ability to listen to diverse viewpoints and consider different options was crucial in reaching a consensus on this decision. You helped us find a solution that met everyone’s needs.”

Feedback examples involving improvement areas: “I felt you sometimes struggled to summarize key points and ensure everyone was on the same page. It might be helpful to use visual aids or clear summaries to facilitate consensus building.”

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Using 360-degree Feedback in the Peer Review Process

360-degree feedback is a comprehensive approach incorporating feedback from various sources, including peers, managers, subordinates, and even clients (if applicable).

Benefits of using 360-degree feedback in peer review

  • Provides a more holistic view: Incorporates multiple perspectives from various stakeholders
  • Reduces bias: Lessens the impact of individual bias or favoritism on the overall evaluation
  • Encourages self-evaluation: Employees can see how their performance is perceived from different angles

Drawbacks of using 360-degree feedback

  • Time-consuming: Gathering feedback from multiple sources can be a lengthy process
  • Potential for anonymity issues: If anonymity is not guaranteed, employees might hesitate to offer or ask for honest feedback

How ClickUp facilitates 360-degree feedback in peer review

If you’re an HR professional in a growing company, you’d know how hard it is to gather and transform peer reviews into data and then reports. Have you ever wished for a technology to help with effective feedback management?

Well! Have you tried ClickUp? 😬

ClickUp is an end-to-end project management software that features tools, templates, and resources to facilitate 360° feedback among team members.  

Let’s see how ClickUp helps implement effective peer review feedback processes.

Customizable forms

ClickUp Form View
ClickUp’s Form View makes it easy to organize, interpret, and manage peer feedback forms under one roof

ClickUp’s Form View lets you design dynamic surveys to gather peer feedback. Consider it as a central hub for storing all 360-degree feedback data. You can choose from its extensive gallery of form templates or create custom forms that include:

  • Rating scales: Evaluate performance on specific criteria using scales like ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’
  • Multiple choice questions: Offer predefined options for feedback on skills or behaviors
  • Open-ended questions: Allow peers to provide detailed and specific feedback in their own words
Use conditional logic to adjust the form based on the recipient’s answers dynamically

Custom fields

ClickUp allows you to add custom fields to your forms, capturing data specific to your needs. Examples include:

  • Reviewer name: Maintain anonymity if desired
  • Relationship to employee: Specify if the reviewer is a colleague, direct report, or manager
  • Department: Categorize feedback based on the reviewer’s department


ClickUp lets you automate feedback processes using conditional logic. Use it to:

  • Distribute forms to reviewers upon initiating a review cycle
  • Send email reminders to complete forms before the deadlines
  • Transfer data from completed forms directly into your CRM or Google Sheets for easy analysis (ClickUp integrates with 1000+ apps)
Distribute forms and send follow-up reminders to complete the assessments on time using automation
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How to Write a Peer Feedback: Dos and Don’ts

Writing effective feedback for peer evaluation can feel like navigating a minefield. 

Here are some crucial performance review tips for employees to conquer peer review feedback:


  • Prepare questions and take feedback notes: ClickUp’s Notepad is a great ally to jot down all the necessary questions for your feedback round
  • Focus on specific behaviors: Avoid vague statements. Instead, use ClickUp Docs to compile specific examples that illustrate the behavior you’re addressing
  • Be clear and concise: Get straight to the point. ClickUp Brain offers AI-powered suggestions to help you craft clear and concise feedback within Docs
  • Offer solutions: Don’t just point out problems. In ClickUp’s Docs, suggest specific actions the colleague can take to improve alongside the constructive criticism
  • Be respectful: Maintain a professional and positive tone throughout the feedback. ClickUp’s Chat View allows for casual conversations alongside formal feedback, encouraging a positive work environment
  • Focus on the future and improvement: Feedback aims to help the person develop instead of dwelling on past mistakes. ClickUp’s Goals allow you and your team members to set SMART goals based on the feedback provided collaboratively
ClickUp’s 30-60-90 Day Plan Template is designed to help you manage the process of onboarding new employees.

ClickUp’s 30-60-90 Day Plan Template ensures a smooth transition for new team members. Set clear goals aligned with your team and company’s objectives. Easily track progress with custom statuses and milestones.

Identify the essential skills and behaviors needed to thrive in your new role. This template empowers new hires and job seekers to excel in their first 90 days.


  • Attack personalities: Focus on the behavior, not the person. ClickUp Docs keeps the focus on the objective by providing a platform for specific examples and suggestions
  • Use vague language: Avoid wishy-washy phrases. ClickUp Brain can suggest clear and actionable language to strengthen your feedback
  • Be accusatory or judgmental: Frame feedback constructively. ClickUp’s Chat View allows for open and honest conversations to clarify any concerns before finalizing feedback in Docs
  • Offer unsolicited advice: Stick to relevant areas. ClickUp’s Custom Fields within Docs allow you to tailor feedback to specific performance areas
  • Forget the follow-up: Use ClickUp’s Chat View or comments within Docs to schedule follow-up discussions and track progress on goals set based on the feedback

Benefits of using ClickUp for peer feedback:

  • Streamlined process: Manage the entire peer review process within a centralized platform
  • Improved organization: Organize feedback in a clear and accessible manner in a single performance review software
  • Enhanced collaboration: Using a workplace communication tool facilitates discussion around feedback

To help you with collecting feedback, ClickUp offers pre-built templates for employee feedback forms and performance reviews.

ClickUp’s Performance Review Template

ClickUp’s Performance Review Template is designed to help you evaluate the performance of employees and manage reviews.

Performance reviews don’t have to be a time-consuming headache. ClickUp’s Performance Review Template streamlines the process, empowering you to write concise, action-oriented reviews. 

Analyze performance with custom codes, set clear goals with timelines, and gather valuable 360-degree feedback from colleagues and managers.

This comprehensive template equips you with all the tools you need to conduct quick, effective, and hassle-free reviews. Here are a few more performance review templates to help you choose whichever best fits your use case.

ClickUp’s Feedback Form

ClickUp’s Feedback Form Template is designed to help you capture customer feedback and organize customer data in one place.

ClickUp’s Feedback Form Template helps you design targeted surveys, gather insightful customer data, and quickly analyze responses. This template empowers you to collect valuable feedback that fuels smarter product decisions and creates a customer-centric approach within your business.

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Elevate Your Team’s Peer Review Feedback Experience

Peer review feedback is a powerful tool for continuous improvement and employee development.

Understanding the different types of feedback examples, their impact on key areas, and best practices for delivery can help establish a successful peer review process.

A thriving peer review system relies on ongoing communication and positive reinforcement. A culture of open communication and constructive criticism can truly unleash the power of giving peer review feedback.

ClickUp provides valuable features to streamline the process, manage feedback effectively, and empower employees to reach their full potential. Sign-up for free and simplify your peer feedback process!

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