How to find clients for copywriting

How to Find Clients for Copywriting to Build Your Business

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Freelance copywriting seems like a free ticket to making money from anywhere. Just grab a laptop and get a WiFi connection; clients will be lining up to pay you.

At least, that’s what self-proclaimed online gurus and influencers will tell you.

The truth? While copywriting is a lucrative career, finding clients as a beginner requires much more than a computer. Like any skilled profession, copywriting demands real training, effort, and strategic marketing of your services.

Established copywriting clients won’t simply fall into your lap without the right portfolio and proven process. You need to treat it as you would any other legitimate business venture.

That’s exactly what this comprehensive guide will help you with. 

Whether you’re still exploring copywriting as a career path or are ready to start a digital marketing agency and land big projects, you’ll find a proven game plan for methodically finding your first copywriting clients and consistently growing from there. 

We’ll cover everything from building your skills and essential portfolio to perfecting your outreach and leveraging the channels and tools for maximum impact.

Together, let’s figure out how to find clients for copywriting.

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Your First Steps as a Copywriter

Breaking into any new field can feel intimidating. But here’s the good news—you don’t need years of experience to start with copywriting. Here are a few things you can do to kick things off:

1. Learn the tricks of the copywriting trade

First, you’ve got to study the core copywriting skills and principles.

You’ll want to dive into books, courses, online forums, and resources that teach you things like:

  • How to zero in on your audience’s deepest desires (and fears!)
  • Tried-and-true persuasive writing techniques to craft irresistible copy
  • Doing deep research to sell that product/service better than anyone else
  • Crafting magnetic headlines that grab attention and don’t let go
  • Writing calls-to-action that inspire massive action and results

Some top-shelf material to get your hands on?

Books like the classics “Ca$hvertising” and “The Copywriter’s Handbook.” Or check out blog posts, resources, and online courses from celebrated copywriting websites like CopyHackers and VeryGoodCopy. You can also follow copywriting experts like Eddie Shleyner on LinkedIn.

2. Craft a website that screams “Hire Me!”

What better way to convince a potential client of your copywriting talent than advertising your own services? If you convert them, you have already proven your copywriting chops!

How do you go about it?

Craft a website that can double up as your online portfolio. Include:

  • Your offer and positioning in a clear message
  • An eye-catching portfolio tailored to your target clients (e.g. showcase campaigns you’ve done for FMCG products if targeting FMCG companies or link to a real-estate website revamp you were part of in case that’s your target audience)
  • A razor-sharp design that’s clean and easy on the eyes

There are tons of affordable or free solutions, like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace, that make website building a breeze. Just focus on highlighting your value through strong copywriting and visuals!

Here are three samples for inspiration:

3. Speak the language of social media and digital marketing

You need to deeply understand the digital landscape in which most of your writing will be used—websites, social media, email campaigns, digital ads, and more. This way, you’ll know the best ways to integrate high-converting copy for maximum impact. And you’ll be able to consult on full-funnel marketing strategies.

Start by following industry influencers and brands known for their excellent content. Then, jump in and create your own engaging posts. This is a great way to demonstrate your understanding of social media marketing and build an online presence for your freelance writing business.

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Building a Solid Foundation to Gain Clients

With the basics covered, it’s time to construct your foundation to attract those first great clients. This nitty-gritty work will set you apart and get you hired.

Craft an irresistible portfolio (even without experience)

An impressive portfolio is your key to unlocking rewarding copywriting opportunities. Why? Because clients want proof that you can walk the walk before hiring you.

But what if you’re just starting out as a freelance writer with zero experience?

Be scrappy and create stellar sample pieces on your own:

  • Write spec copy for fictional companies, products you love, or services you’re passionate about
  • Or, offer to create pro bono samples for small businesses, nonprofits, friends, and family. Treat it like you’re working for a real paid client

This demonstrates your understanding of different copywriting styles and target audiences.

Once you’ve assembled those first sample pieces, it’s time to package them up in a compelling portfolio website or PDF. Ensure it’s visually appealing and effectively highlights the key skills and results for each sample.

Define and “productize” your copywriting services

While you might be a jack-of-all-trades with a knack for every kind of copy, focusing on a specific niche makes you a more attractive option for clients in those areas

Define specific services and packages you’ll provide, such as:

  • Website copywriting
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Sales funnel copywriting
  • Blogging and SEO content
  • Direct mail packages
  • Social media caption writing

Suppose you’ve specific experience and knowledge of an industry. In that case, you can also position yourself as a specialist, for example, an email copywriter for e-commerce businesses or a web copywriter for accounting firms. 

Break it down, give them options, and showcase your expertise. It makes what a client is paying for ultra-clear.

Get some visibility

With services defined and an impressive portfolio, you can leverage all the online job boards like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, etc., and actively bid on relevant projects. But don’t limit yourself to these platforms where competition is fierce and the pay may not be the best. 

Go a step further to find copywriting clients:

  • Create profiles and get active on freelancer community hubs like Reddit’s r/freelanceWriters and freelancing Facebook groups
Reddit freelance writing community
via Reddit
  • You can also consider joining Slack marketing communities for freelance writers, like Peak Freelance, Superpath, Top of the Funnel (TOFU), and others, where you’ll find like-minded people (and gigs!)
  • Don’t just focus on pitching and self-promotion. Share your expertise, answer questions, and build relationships with potential clients and collaborators on social platforms and communities
  • Optimize your own website for SEO and build out your social media presence

Guest post in publications in your niche

Guest posting, also known as guest blogging, is writing content for another website. You, the copywriter, contribute an article or blog post on a topic relevant to the website’s audience and niche. In return, the website owner publishes your content with a byline that often includes a link back to your website or portfolio.

Landing a guest post on a well-respected blog can put you on the radar of content marketing industry leaders who might become future clients or collaborators.

Finding guest posting opportunities using Google Search
Finding guest posting opportunities using Google Search (via Google)

Here’s a dead simple technique to quickly find relevant websites in your niche that accept guest posts:

  • Let’s say you’re a copywriter specializing in writing about gardening topics. First, brainstorm some relevant keywords.  Think broad (e.g., “gardening tips”) and specific (e.g., “how to grow a hydroponic garden”)
  • Now it’s time to combine your brainstormed keywords with search terms indicating guest blogging opportunities. Here are some powerful combinations:
    • Your Keyword + “guest blog” OR “guest post”
    • Your Keyword + “write for us”
    • Your Keyword + “submit an article” OR “submit a guest post”
    • Your Keyword + “contribute guest post” OR “contribute to our blog”
    • For an extra edge, consider adding these search terms to your mix: “guest blogging guidelines” and “contributor guidelines”

Pro tip: Explore websites you already frequent and admire. Many established blogs have dedicated “guest post” pages outlining their submission process.

Remember, quality content is key! Tailor your pitches to each website’s audience and editorial style to make a strong first impression.

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Reaching Out to Potential Clients

 With your solid foundation, it’s time to get proactive and start reaching out to prospective clients directly. This is the hustle that separates the strugglers from the successful copywriters.

Cold pitching

One of your most powerful tools for client outreach is cold pitching. This is the process of contacting potential clients who aren’t yet expecting to hear from you and pitching to get on their radar and secure work.

Cold pitching 101: Ditch the template; craft a conversation starter

Identify your ideal clients and decision-makers at companies you’d want to write for. Then, research and identify some of their recent challenges.  Highlight a specific pain point you can address with your copywriting skills.

Example: Let’s say you see a local bakery struggling with social media engagement. Your pitch could start with

“I noticed your recent Facebook posts haven’t been getting the traction they deserve. I specialize in crafting scroll-stopping captions that boost engagement and drive sales. With my content calendar, GoodBake was able to drive 2x shares on their posts and bring in 30% more orders within 2 months. Would you be open to a quick call to discuss how I can help?”

Generic emails are a snoozefest reserved for the Spam folder. Your personalized email pitch should:

  • Hook your prospect with a relevant, attention-grabbing opener
  • Clearly explain the specific copywriting service you can provide
  • Highlight experienced results and successful past client work
  • Promotes your unique skills, expertise, and value proposition
  • Closes with a call-to-action like scheduling an intro call

Network and reach out to existing connections

Cold pitching isn’t the only way to get in front of clients. Don’t sleep on your existing connections, either! 

Contact colleagues, friends, family, and past contacts to inform them about your services. You’ll be amazed at how many referrals come through your network.

Sample networking message (via LinkedIn)
Sample networking message (via LinkedIn)

It’s also wise to connect with other copywriters, not just clients. See if any are looking for subcontractors or to partner up on projects. Networking within the industry can create great opportunities.

Pitch to local businesses, charities, and digital marketing agencies

Many small businesses lack the resources for a full-time copywriter. 

Target local shops, restaurants, or service providers and showcase how your skills can help them revamp their website content or boost their social media posts’ reach and conversion rate. The same goes for nonprofits, charities, and local digital marketing agencies.

Make use of copywriting job directories

Finally, they should be listed in copywriting job directories and databases where clients search for talent. Some top ones are Constant Content, Writers Domain, and Contena Premium. These can drive inbound client inquiries your way.

While they can be a good starting point, be selective. Ensure the directory you choose is reputable and has a good track record.

An amazing tool for all this outreach and pitching? ClickUp Docs! You can use it to draft and polish pitch templates and actual pitches, get feedback, and share live edits with teammates. ClickUp’s capabilities extend way beyond that though.

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Generate a highly personalized cold pitch using ClickUp Brain

With ClickUp Brain‘s AI assist, you can rapidly create checklists, automate cold pitch email sequences, outsource brainstorming and text summarization, and more. It’s an incredibly powerful productivity sidekick for copywriting tasks like ideation, writing, and editing. 

Reaching out to potential clients is a numbers game. The more targeted pitches you send out, the higher your chances of landing that dream client.

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Utilizing Digital Marketing Channels and Platforms

Copywriting gigs today increasingly revolve around online marketing channels. Digitizing your freelance writing business is vital for landing clients and staying relevant. The goal is to make your name known, build credibility, make connections, and position yourself for where the clients are actively looking to hire writers.

Skip the one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, identify your niche (e.g., e-commerce copywriting, healthcare content) and target social media platforms where your ideal clients hang out, such as the Facebook or Slack groups we shared above.

For B2B audiences, focus on LinkedIn and Twitter. Craving a creative community? Explore Instagram and Pinterest.

Here’s an overview of the top digital marketing channels to find clients for copywriting.

1. Reddit

While not the first platform that springs to mind, Reddit communities like r/SmallBusiness or niche subreddits related to your target clients can be a goldmine for leads.

The trick is not to just lurk in the shadows! Offer valuable advice in comment sections, answer questions related to copywriting, and even create helpful “how-to” posts (but avoid blatant self-promotion).

By establishing yourself as a helpful expert, you’ll naturally attract potential clients who see your value.

2. Twitter

Many marketing and business-oriented Twitter accounts host regular chat sessions using specific hashtags (e.g., #ContentMarketingChat). These chats are a fantastic way to connect with potential clients and industry influencers in real time.

3. LinkedIn

Showcase your writing prowess on LinkedIn by publishing bite-sized copywriting tips or detailed industry insights. This establishes you as a thought leader and attracts clients seeking similar expertise.

Use an AI copywriting tool like ClickUp Brain to brainstorm engaging talking points and craft insightful posts beforehand. 

Craft a solid social media plan for your personal brand with the ClickUp Digital Marketing Agency Social Media Marketing Plan Template

ClickUp’s Social Media Content Plan Template can ensure you don’t run out of things to say. Use it to organize and track your content creation process, brainstorm and store ideas, and more.

When you want to schedule posts ahead of time and not manually publish them each day, use ClickUp’s Social Media Posting Schedule Template

Plan and schedule your upcoming social media posts using List, Calendar, and Board view in ClickUp

It lets you:

  • Produce content with consistency, avoiding last-minute rush
  • Optimize content for multiple social platforms to boost reach
  • Track post performance and get insights to improve your content strategy

Pro tip: Content creation takes time. Don’t let your hard work go to waste! Repurpose your blog posts into bite-sized LinkedIn articles, or transform insightful tweets into short explainer videos for Instagram. ClickUp makes this a breeze!

4. Partnering up with complementary service providers

To diversify income streams, form strategic partnerships with other service providers. For example, team up with web designers, marketing agencies, or ad specialists. Offer bundled packages that combine your copywriting expertise with their services. This creates a win-win situation for everyone.

The key to cracking the social media game, irrespective of your chosen platform, is to offer valuable insights, participate in discussions, and subtly showcase your skills. When someone needs a copywriter, you’ll be the first name that comes to mind.

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Effectively Managing Projects and Tracking Your Progress

So far, we’ve laid the groundwork for your copywriting career. However, attracting great clients and scoring high-paying copywriting gigs is the first step. 

Now, the real work begins: delivering high-quality work on time while juggling multiple projects. This is where many freelance copywriters fail.

The key to success is developing mastery of project management and consistently tracking your progress. It’s just as crucial as your writing skills.

The importance of tracking successes and learning from your experiences

As a freelancer, you are the CEO of your own business. Part of growing that business is taking note of what’s working well, what needs improvement, and constantly evolving.

Every completed project is a chance to get client feedback, analyze results, and extract key insights to apply to your next gig. Tracking this progress over time showcases your capabilities to prospective clients and helps you market yourself more effectively.

Understanding the new “currency” in the copywriting world  

Understanding the new “currency” of social proof and testimonials is vital for marketing yourself. In a crowded marketplace, clients want to work with proven copywriters with a strong reputation and portfolio.

LinkedIn Recommendations
Adding Recommendations to your LinkedIn profile is a great way to convince future clients of your capabilities (via LinkedIn)

Pro tip: Getting a strong video testimonial for your website or a recommendation on LinkedIn can really boost your profile and make you stand out to potential collaborators and clients. 

  • Send a personalized request to a former client or collaborator with firsthand experience of the skills you want to highlight
  • Mention a specific project you worked on or a skill you demonstrated they can speak to. You can even offer a bullet point list as a prompt

Here’s the process:

  • Go to your profile and scroll down to the “Recommendations” section
  • Click the “+” button and select “Ask for a recommendation.”
  • Search for the person you want to recommend you
  • Craft a personalized message following the tips above
  • End with gratitude, and let them know you understand if they’re unable to write a recommendation. You can also offer to return the favor

Using a freelance project management tool 

This level of organization and progress-tracking is where a freelance project management tool like ClickUp becomes invaluable. It’s designed to help freelancers and creators like yourself streamline pretty much every aspect of project workflow.

ClickUp Dashboards for paid media
Monitor your most essential progress metrics in one place with customizable ClickUp Dashboards

Track progress; celebrate achievements

With ClickUp Goals and ClickUp Dashboards, you can set long-term targets for income, new client acquisition, etc., and track your journey through easy visualization. Seeing that motivating progress keeps you focused! Don’t forget to celebrate the small wins!

ClickUp Goals for Marketing
Tracking progress and achieving targets is easier with ClickUp Goals

Manage each task effortlessly 

ClickUp Tasks and subtasks allow you to brilliantly organize and manage every piece of work for a copywriting project in one place—no more juggling multiple copywriting apps and tools

Custom fields and task dependencies in ClickUp
Use Custom Fields and task Dependencies in ClickUp to stay on top of your copywriting deliverables

Use custom fields and attachments to record all information on a task in one place, including client details, creative briefs, style guidelines, references, success metrics, etc. 

Custom task statuses in ClickUp, such as “Not Started”, “In Progress”, “Feedback Needed” etc., help you pinpoint where things stand at a glance.

ClickUp’s custom statuses
Create tasks with ClickUp’s custom statuses to track progress easily

ClickUp’s Calendar view makes it easy to visualize deadlines and schedule tasks to stay on top of writing timelines. It also helps you avoid double-booking yourself and ensures you never miss a deadline again. You can toggle between other ClickUp Views, like Lists and Boards, based on your preferences.

As you work through tasks, ClickUp’s built-in Time Tracking gives you precise insight into effort levels for each project piece. That data becomes invaluable for accurately billing clients and continually refining your pricing. No more guesswork, just clear data to ensure you get paid what you’re worth.

ClickUp Project Time Tracking
Easily track time, set estimates, and add notes to your tasks through ClickUp Project Time Tracking

Automate busywork; free up creative bandwidth

You deserve to use your creative energy to generate stellar copy, not for repetitive busy work. 

Clickup Automations

Try ClickUp Automations to automate tedious tasks and get a breather from boredom. Here are some ideas to automate your workflows:

  • Auto-assign editors: When a project reaches the “Editing” stage, automatically assign it to your editor, saving you time and keeping the process moving
  • Automated reminders: Set reminders to nudge clients for feedback or gently ping yourself on upcoming deadlines
  • Streamlined communication: Use automations to trigger email notifications when project statuses change, keeping everyone in the loop
ClickUp Automations
Automate mundane admin tasks and focus on what matters with ClickUp Automations

ClickUp Templates

Create pre-filled one-pager templates for common project types (e.g., blog posts, website copy), eliminating repetitive tasks

In addition to the templates you create, ClickUp offers a whole suite of ready-made, easily customizable templates, including creative brief templates, for your writing projects. 

The ClickUp Content Calendar Template, for instance, is perfect for organizing and scheduling all your client projects and deadlines in one place.

Organize and schedule your content in one place with the ClickUp Content Calendar Template

Use this template to:

  • Visualize your workload: See your entire writing schedule at a glance, with deadlines, projects, and assigned tasks laid out clearly in a Board/Workflow view
  • Plan and prioritize tasks: Schedule content creation for different clients in the Calendar view, ensuring a steady flow of work without overloading yourself
  • Collaborate without a hitch: Share your calendar with clients to keep them informed of project progress and upcoming deliverables
  • Crush your deadlines: Set due dates for each task and receive automated reminders to keep you on track

ClickUp Brain’s AI Writer for Work

In addition to templates, you can also use ClickUp Brain’s AI Writer for Work to brainstorm on content and copy ideas; generate creative headlines, intros, and call-to-actions; and analyze your writing and suggest improvements.

ClickUp Brain AI Writer for Work
Use ClickUp Brain’s AI Writer for Work to generate copy for ads, landing pages, product descriptions, blog posts, and more

It’s an AI writing tool and proofing assistant that helps you refine your copy for clarity, tone, grammar, and overall impact.

ClickUp Brain AI Writer for Work
Polish your copy—change tone and style, and check grammar and spelling accuracy with ClickUp Brain

ClickUp Brain can summarize client feedback, lengthy documents, or comment threads, saving you precious research and analysis time.

With this level of organization and progress insight, you’re freeing up maximum time to focus on the reason you started—producing brilliant, results-driving copy!

Enhance client communication

Miscommunication is a freelancer’s worst nightmare. 

ClickUp equips you with a suite of features to keep your clients informed and on the same page:

  • Fast-track updates and approvals: Move beyond endless email threads! Try ClickUp Chat for real-time conversations with clients. Need to share quick updates without all the typing, or fast-track approvals? Send a screen recording with narration using ClickUp Clips
ClickUp Clips
Use ClickUp Clips to record a video and voiceover and share your ideas clearly
  • Mention clients and collaborators: Leave clear and threaded comments directly on Tasks, Docs, or even within the Chat view.  Mention specific team members (@theirname) to ensure they see important updates
ClickUp Chat View
Give instant feedback or collaborate for updates with ClickUp Chat View
  • Brainstorm together: Stuck in a creative rut? Collaborate visually with ClickUp’s Whiteboards.  Upload images, sketch out ideas, and brainstorm with clients in real time
  • Get feedback at your fingertips: Gather client input efficiently with ClickUp Forms. Create custom forms to collect feedback on drafts, project progress, or overall satisfaction

The bottom line?

Don’t sleep on mastering project management skills. Combining that with your remarkable command over words will allow you to thrive as a standout freelance copywriter.

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Avoiding Pitfalls and Spotting Red Flags

While the freelance copywriting journey is immensely rewarding, it also has its share of potential pitfalls. 

Red flag #1: Shady, disreputable clients who don’t respect your time, skills, or the value you provide

Yes, plenty of them are out there trying to take advantage of freelancers.

Some telltale signs include:

  • Downplaying or diminishing the scope of work involved
  • Refusing to provide detailed specs or creative briefing upfront
  • Expecting ludicrous turnaround times or unlimited revisions
  • Bargaining for rock-bottom rates and nickel-and-diming you
  • Ghosting you or going AWOL during the process

The unique difficulty here is that, unlike a traditional job, you don’t have HR or a manager to deal with problematic clients. You must set boundaries and qualifications.

An effective approach? 

Before agreeing to any work, undergo a thorough vetting process, such as an intake questionnaire or consultation, and protect yourself with ironclad contracts. 

Get everything in writing, including the scope of work, deadlines, and, most importantly, your payment terms. If a prospect pushes back aggressively, it may be best to walk away and avoid the hassle.

It’s also wise to ask for a percentage of payment upfront. Doing this protects you from non-payment issues until you build a trusted relationship with a client.

Red flag #2: Not diversifying your lead channels

Another common pitfall is overreliance on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and freelance marketplaces. While these can provide an influx of gig opportunities when starting out, they also come with some big risks.

Heavily undercutting rates and race-to-the-bottom pricing wars are rampant on these sites as freelancers from across the globe bid aggressively low. There’s also a lack of vetting, so clients can be shady or have unrealistic expectations.

Focus on cherry-picking clients that align with your ideal target rate and scope. Look for clients with clear project descriptions, realistic budgets, and positive feedback from previous freelancers.

Bonus tip: Build relationships with your ideal clients! Deliver exceptional work, communicate clearly, and exceed expectations. Happy clients are more likely to refer you to others and become long-term collaborators.

The unique value here is to diversify your lead channels from the start. Prioritize building your own online presence, portfolio site, warm networking and pitching directly to clients. The goal is to position yourself as an affordable but premium service over commoditized Upwork gig selling.

Red flag #3: Micromanagement

Does your client want to control every word you write, making revisions that stray from your initial strategy?

During the initial consultation, discuss your revision process and establish clear communication channels to avoid this. Explain your expertise and the value you bring, but also be open to constructive feedback.

Being aware of the common traps and red flags can save you from major headaches down the road. Make sure you’re prepared and have done your research before signing on any projects.

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Sustaining and Growing Your Client Base

Landing those first few clients as a new copywriter is an amazing feeling. But the real key to long-term freelance success? Learning how to sustain and grow that client base over time continually. Here are some powerful tips:

Tap into referrals

For freelance service providers like yourself, referrals are absolute gold. They instantly bypass skepticism since they come from someone the prospect knows and trusts.

Beyond the obvious benefit of warm leads, referrals showcase your value in a way self-promotion can’t. It’s social proof that you delivered exceptional results for another client. That builds confidence to hire you.

The unique part is making referrals an automated, repeatable process for your business rather than just reacting to word-of-mouth.

Send a specific request for a referral and testimonial at the end of each successful project. You can craft a post-project appreciation email to your clients. Subtly mention how much you enjoyed the project and casually ask if they know anyone else who might benefit from your copywriting services. This gentle approach reminds them of the value you delivered and opens the door for a referral without feeling pushy.

You can also:

  • Offer incentives like bundled service discounts or cash rewards for referrals
  • Create a page on your website for video or written case studies highlighting your work
  • Develop glowing case study samples you can use in pitches and proposals
  • Promote referrals and testimonials consistently across your marketing channels

Retain your existing clients

Focusing solely on new clients is a mistake. Prioritize strategies to engage and retain your existing client base, too.

Some key tactics include:

  • Sending friendly check-in emails every few months to ask about new project needs
  • Implementing surveys and feedback loops to improve your service
  • Offering bundled service packages or retainers for better value
  • Sending thoughtful gifts for referrals or long-term partnerships
  • Sharing free, helpful content and resources to nurture the relationship
  • Building affiliations by contributing guest posts or cross-promotions

As for tools, ClickUp can be your ally for automating many of these sustaining and growth processes.

ClickUp Brain for emails
Use ClickUp Brain to auto-generate custom emails

ClickUp Brain can provide tailored suggestions and templates for AI-generated referral and testimonial request emails. You can even have it write the first drafts to streamline your workflow! 

The best part? You can write (and send) these emails right within ClickUp using ClickUp’s email management features.

On the retention side, use ClickUp’s Recurring Tasks and reminders to schedule follow-up sequences with clients, including quarterly check-ins, satisfaction surveys, and more. 

By tapping into these strategies, you’ll prevent that dreaded “feast or famine” cycle. You’ll always have new prospects coming through the funnel as well as opportunities to expand with current clients.

Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.
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The Key to Finding Your First, Fiftieth, and Five-Hundredth Copywriting Client(s)

Every successful copywriter has been through the struggle of their first client hunt. If you encounter obstacles, don’t get discouraged—view them as steps getting you closer to your goals.

No matter which specific strategies you employ, ensure you’re leveling up your capabilities in tandem. 

The most in-demand (and highest-paid) copywriters are multi-talented. They:

  • Have a versatile portfolio showcasing expertise in areas like email marketing, websites, brand messaging, video scripts, social media, and more. Specialization is great, but don’t pigeonhole yourself either
  • Offer complementary services beyond writing, such as SEO strategy, content services like repurposing and distribution, or even basic design abilities. More value implies more revenue potential
  • Use the latest tools and technology to be efficient creators at scale. From AI writing assistance to project management solutions and beyond
  • Invest in continual learning and studying the best in their craft. The greats are eternal students
  • Understand copywriting’s role in the bigger-picture marketing and sales funnels. They aim to be strategic partners, not just hired writing hands

Remember that finding clients requires perseverance and grit above all else. Rejection and self-doubt are par for the course.

You can create a self-perpetuating growth engine by combining your stellar client service with ClickUp’s project management tool and the systemized strategies we shared.

Take charge of your freelance copywriting career. Sign up for ClickUp today!

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