Remote Interview Tips to Prepare for Your Next Interview

Remote Interview Tips to Prepare for Your Next Interview

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Among all the steps in landing your dream job, giving an interview is perhaps the most intimidating and significant step, especially with the popularity of remote interviews. Approximately 60% of companies today prefer remote interviews over in-person ones. 

Virtual interviews have transformed the interview process, making it shorter, less costly, more flexible, and highly convenient. However, they also have a fair share of challenges. They depend on technology, which can cause issues at any time. Connecting with your interviewer online also requires more effort.

Whatever the challenges may be, the fact that remote interviews are here to stay is undeniable. Fortunately, we’ve compiled smart remote interview tips, strategies, best practices, and an excellent tool to help you ace your interview. 

So whether you are someone preparing for your interview or a recruiter looking to improve your remote hiring process, we’ve got you covered. 

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Benefits and Disadvantages of Remote Interviews 

Before exploring the tips, let us quickly look at the benefits and disadvantages of a virtual interview. 


Here are the benefits of a virtual job interview:


Remote interviews offer more flexibility in scheduling. You can find a time that works best for you and schedule the interview. The best part, however, is that you don’t have to coordinate travel arrangements. 

Reduced stress

Interviewing in your home or any other familiar environment helps reduce stress and nerves. This also improves your chances of performing better during the interview. 

Cost saving

A video interview saves costs—both for the candidates and the recruiters. Candidates don’t have to travel long distances and spend extra money. On the other hand, recruiters save costs as there are no travel costs to reimburse, no accommodation arrangements for outstation candidates, fewer delays and cancellations, and reduced time-to-hire. 


You can participate in interviews from the comfort of your home or any location with a stable and reliable internet connection, making it highly convenient. 

Bonus: Benefits of virtual teams!


Remote interviews can also have some disadvantages and create challenges for the interviewer and the interviewees.

Issues with technology

Connectivity issues, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions are common when using technology. However, these issues during your interview can disrupt your flow and negatively impact your performance. 


The home is often a busy place with many distractions. Factors like family members or roommates working at home, friends and relatives visiting, and children or pets to care for can affect your focus during the interview. 

Limited non-verbal cues

Virtual interviews make it challenging for the interviewer and interviewee to gauge each other’s reactions and non-verbal cues. So, they might face difficulty adjusting their responses and judging the situation.  

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Preparing for a Remote Interview

Want to nail down the interview and create a lasting impression on the interviewer? We got you! 

Here are some virtual interview tips to help you prepare and get the job of your dreams. 

Research the company

The first and most significant step is researching the company and its culture. Don’t stop after learning what the company does and how. Understand why the company does what it does. What is their vision? What do they want to achieve?

Further, check the background information, brand values, founders, company culture, funding rounds, investors, competition, and company structure. 

This will help you present yourself as a genuinely interested candidate. You can ask more relevant questions and answer with better foresight. The interviewer is also more likely to think of you as a reliable candidate when they see the amount of research you’ve done. 

For this information, check the company’s website and websites like Glassdoor and Crunchbase. You can also contact the company’s present or former employees to learn more about their culture. 

Choose the best spot

When discussing first impressions, your virtual background matters almost as much as your appearance. Therefore, clean up the space you plan on using during the interview. Choose a simple spot with minimal distractions, like in front of a blank wall. 

The idea is to keep the interviewer’s attention on you, not your background. If you cannot find a distraction-free background, you can use a simple and clean virtual background. 

The next thing to check is the lighting. Don’t use a backlit area or light in the back, as it will shadow your face. You don’t want the interviewer to spend their time figuring out how you look. Instead, use a light source from the front to give a clear view. If you have a desk light, put it in front. 

And once your background is ready, use the camera to check its appearance. 

Dress to impress

The interviewer expects you to look polished and professional, so you must dress well. While the idea of giving an interview in pajamas and a formal shirt may sound tempting, it is a big no. You don’t know when you might have to stand up. What if the doorbell rings, and you’ve got to open the door? Your pajamas may not give the best impression. 

Therefore, wear formal clothes, even if wearing them in your home feels ridiculous. Another benefit of dressing formally is that it helps you get in the right headspace. 

You can wear a button-up shirt or a top with an interesting (but not overdone) print. A tidy pullover will also do. If you’re remote interviewing for a finance or law role, you might want to wear a suit. 

Once you’re ready, check whether the outfit looks good using your camera. The overall idea is to appear attractive, tidy, and professional.

Test your tech setup beforehand

Since it’s a virtual interview, you must use the internet and technology, which means you’re at its complete mercy. Therefore, test your setup in advance. If you’re using a remote collaboration tool you’ve never used, use it beforehand to understand the features, especially muting, unmuting, sharing screens, turning on audio and video, etc. 

Consider having a friend join a meeting to test the video platform. You can also check out online videos and blogs if testing the tool is not possible.

Another thing you must do is conduct a speed test. Simply type ‘internet speed test’ online and check if your internet connection is fast. Remember to check both the download and upload speeds. You can also have an alternate internet device on hand in case of problems with your current connection,

While all of this preparation may not prevent technical issues from occurring, it will prepare you to handle them calmly. 

Understand virtual etiquette

Virtual meeting etiquette sets the interview’s tone and proves your professionalism. Here are the video interview skills you must know:

  • Avoid using bold hues and busy patterns in the background and clothes. Keep it neutral instead
  • Be mindful of how far or close you’re to the screen. Check this when you’re testing the background and your appearance
  • Look at the webcam while speaking. This will help you make eye contact with the interviewer and look focused. Add a sticky note or googly eyes near the webcam to remind you to look there
  • Nod your head to show you understand what the interviewer is saying
  • If you’re using an external webcam, check the placement to find the best position
  • Sit up straight without slouching or slumping in your chair. Maintain an open posture and keep your hands relaxed
  • Even if you’re nervous, try not to fidget

Takes notes 

One of the benefits of a video interview is that you can keep and make notes during the interview. However, that doesn’t mean you should keep fully prepared answers before you.

Fully prepared answers may seem like a great idea, but they can make you sound like you’re reading instead of conversing. Additionally, they can break your natural flow while conversing. 

Therefore, if you’re keeping notes, practice using them before the interview to ensure you can utilize them without breaking the flow of the conversation. Keep them short—ideally, not more than a page—and refer to them minimally. 

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Take notes during your interview without looking distracted using ClickUp Notepad

Write down your previous work milestones in ClickUp Notepad to keep them handy. If the recruiter asks you to share your most impactful work, you will already have a prepared list of projects or tasks to share. 

Another way to use notes during the interview is to note potential questions to ask later. This is an excellent way of showing that you’re engaged and focused on the interviewer’s words. 

Ask the right questions

Even with your research, you must have questions about the company and its culture. This is especially relevant in virtual interviews, where you don’t physically see the company office, facilities, teams, etc. 

Therefore, don’t stop yourself from asking the right questions.

Ask questions you would be curious about while ensuring you do not ask potentially controversial questions. For example, you can ask about the company’s vision, office culture, the team you’ll be working with, opportunities for training and progress, etc., but avoid asking questions on subjects like termination, separation, etc.

If you’re unsure what to ask, use AI chat assistants to generate relevant questions you can ask during the interview. Keep these questions handy and write them in order of importance using a simple yet handy tool like ClickUp Notes.


It is natural to be nervous during the interview. But there are ways to reduce that nervousness and not let it show in your body language or face. Try rehearsing a few times before the interview.

Here are the things you should focus on:

  • Check your speaking rate. You should not be too slow or too fast while speaking, as both can make you seem nervous. You can check this by recording yourself and listening to the audio
  • Use hand gestures while speaking, and keep an open posture. Crossing your arms is a big no during any interview, whether in-person or virtual
  • Ensure your head and top of the shoulders dominate the screen during the interview
  • Try not to look at yourself when speaking

Prepare for distractions

To reduce distraction from your environment, ensure you are alone in a room with the door closed during the interview. With many electronic devices surrounding us, it is a good practice to:

  • Turn off notifications
  • Switch off your cell phone (or put it on silent)
  • Use do-not-disturb
  • Close social media and extra browser tabs

However, there is always a chance of getting interrupted during the interview. For instance, you might be alone at home when the doorbell rings. Preparing how you will react in such cases will reduce your chances of getting flustered. 

The idea is to be as professional as possible. So, if you’ve got a pet that may make noises or jump around in the background, you can mention it in the beginning to prepare the interviewer. 

If someone rings your doorbell, acknowledge the interruption, apologize, and stay calm. The interviewer knows you’re at home, and sudden interruptions, while unfortunate, are also a part of life. 

Build a rapport 

Interviews are more than just back-and-forth questions and answers; they are two-way discussions. You only have a short interview duration to answer the interviewer’s questions, show your personality, and connect with them.

Answer their questions, comment on their responses, and add your questions at the right time. Let the conversation flow as naturally as possible. 

Research beforehand and find out if you share common interests with the interviewer. Check their LinkedIn or company profile, or Google them. 

Ultimately, be open, friendly, authentic, and aim for a genuine conversation.

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Conducting a Remote Interview

If you’re a recruitment professional preparing to conduct virtual job interviews, here are some tips to ensure they’re a success:

Use the right tool

Technology is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of conducting a remote interview. Using the right recruitment tool can make a difference in your recruitment process.

In addition to using video platforms like Zoom and Skype, you can leverage tools like ClickUp to make your planning, scheduling, and implementation much smoother and more organized. 

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Customize and streamline your recruitment with ClickUp

ClickUp is an HR, recruitment, and onboarding tool that offers many features to make your hiring process more efficient, productive, and fun. 

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Connect your favorite apps to ClickUp with over 1,000+ integrations

With ClickUp’s 1,000+ integrations, you can integrate all the apps you need to conduct remote interviews smoothly. You can integrate Zoom, Slack, Google Sheets, Skype, and more. 

Bonus: 15 best HR software!

From recording interviews to taking quick notes and streamlining the recruitment process, ClickUp for Human Resources lets you do all this and more. 

Let us explore.

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Share screen recordings to convey your message precisely without the need for an email chain or in-person meeting with Clip by ClickUp
Record interviews with ClickUp Clip

Record your interviews, share them with anyone, and send quick messages along with the recording using ClickUp Clip. ClickUp also lets you create a task from the recording and assign team members so you can quickly get their opinions on the candidates’ performance. 

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Ask questions and summarize interviews with ClickUp Brain

Use ClickUp Brain to find the right words to describe positions, generate potential questions to ask your candidates, and even summarize the interviews.  

Bonus: Best AI tools for recruitment! 

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ClickUp Notepad feature to Capture Ideas
Capture interview notes with ClickUp Notepad

Taking notes is incredibly crucial during interviews. It gives your candidates confidence and serves as a baseline for scoring them. With ClickUp Notepad, you can quickly make notes and add formatting, convert them into trackable tasks, and access them from anywhere. 

Interview Templates
Design and optimize your interview process with ClickUp’s Interview Process Template

ClickUp offers many interview templates to standardize your interview process and ensure all candidates are treated equally. You can use ClickUp’s Interview Process Template to ask the right questions in the correct order, structure your process, assess candidates quickly, and collaborate with stakeholders and team members. 

Share interview details

Sharing all the necessary details with the candidates is crucial when conducting a remote interview. Ensure all your candidates receive the same information. Here’s the list of details you should share:

  • Time and duration of the interview
  • Names and details of interviewers, along with links to their profiles
  • The platform you’ll be using, including a guide on how to use it
  • Any extra documents candidates need to prepare
  • Share a backup number so the candidate can reach you in case of technology glitches

You can also mention the dress code and information about using audio and video.

To stand out and show you care, it’s best to include virtual interview tips, like troubleshooting or changing your background. Remember, an interview is a two-way process. So, while you’re assessing the candidate, the candidate is also assessing you.  

Minimize distractions and interruptions

Minimizing distractions and conducting the interview smoothly, whether in the office or at home, is crucial. Here’s what you can do to minimize interruptions:

  • Lock the door and inform others (family, friends, or coworkers) not to disturb you
  • Find a quiet and clean space. If you use a busy background, the candidate may get easily distracted
  • Use do-not-disturb on phones and computers, or turn your notifications off
  • Dress professionally, even if you are working from home
  • Remove any distracting objects from your desk 
  • Keep the lighting in front of you so the candidate can see you clearly 

Value professional conduct

Showing the candidates that a video interview is just as professional as an in-person interview is crucial. Prioritize clear and timely communication throughout the recruitment journey. Set clear expectations with candidates regarding interview schedules, formats, and logistics. 

Apart from minimizing distractions, respect candidates’ time and privacy. Avoid any last-minute changes or cancellations. If you’re recording the interview, inform the candidate beforehand. 

Lastly, approach each interaction with empathy, respect, and integrity. Be courteous and professional while sharing constructive feedback with the candidates. 

Leverage storytelling

Remote interviews make it hard for candidates to understand your company’s culture and meet the team. That’s why you’ve got to introduce it to them. Start by briefly introducing your company, including company values, culture, and background introductions. You can use a storytelling format to share stories showcasing your culture and values. 

During the interview, you can also use storytelling to connect with candidates. Invite them to share stories about their experiences, challenges, and achievements. Encourage them to provide specific examples demonstrating their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. 

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Collaborate with potential candidates using ClickUp Whiteboard

You can also use interactive features, like collaborative documents and virtual whiteboards, to encourage candidates to actively participate, create a visual of their experience, or explain their approach to problem-solving. 

Prepare for technical issues

Test your tech setup before interviewing to minimize technical hiccups. If you’re using the software for the first time, consider doing a test run and getting familiar with the features. 

If you’re working from home, ensure your internet connection is stable and the signal strength is adequate. You can use an online speed test to check your internet speed. 

Lastly, prepare a plan B. Ensure you have the candidate’s number and email in case of interruption. You can immediately connect with them over video chat or reschedule as soon as possible. 

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Drive Recruitment Success With ClickUp

Virtual interviews will continue shaping the recruitment world, offering opportunities and challenges for recruiters and candidates. With the remote interview tips in this article, you can adopt a proactive approach and ensure all your interviews go smoothly. 

Using a tool like ClickUp for all your recruitment needs can help you navigate the complexities of remote interviews with confidence and competence. Why not try it yourself? Sign up for free and try its features today!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you succeed in a remote interview?

Preparing thoroughly, testing your technology beforehand, dressing professionally, creating a quiet and distraction-free environment, maintaining eye contact, and practicing active listening can help you succeed in a video interview.

How do you conduct a remote interview?

Here are some tips for conducting a remote interview: 

  • Schedule the interview in advance
  • Choose a reliable video conferencing platform
  • Send clear instructions to the candidate
  • Test the technology beforehand
  • Establish rapport with the candidate
  • Use a structured approach to assess their qualifications and fit for the role

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