How to Apply Data Validation in Excel

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You’re leading a big product launch. Your team has worked hard for months. They’ve tested the product, asked customers what they think, and studied the market. You have this important information recorded in an Excel reporting spreadsheet.

As the launch day approaches, you decide to review the reporting spreadsheet—and notice a pricing error and a higher-than-usual customer rating.

Your confidence drops. How many other errors are lurking in this data? How long will it take to check and verify every cell?

You can avoid this anxiety by setting up data validation in Excel. 

Data validation in Excel turns potential data inaccuracy into accurate workflows. Since you set a logical range for entries, incorrect information gets flagged immediately. No more out-of-range customer ratings.

This guide will show you how to use data validation in Excel to save you time, reduce stress, and, most importantly, build confidence in your data.

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Understanding the Basics of Data Validation in Excel

Data validation in Excel is a powerful feature that allows you to control what users can enter into specific cells. It checks if the data being entered meets specific criteria you set, ensuring only valid information makes it into your spreadsheet.

Data validation allows you to:

  1. Control what type of data can be added to your sheet
  2. Provide users with a list of acceptable options
  3. Create custom rules for data entry

Let’s walk you through the data validation process step by step.

Step 1: Select the cells

First, highlight the Excel cells where you want to apply the validation. This could be a single cell, a column, or a range of cells.

Select cells
via Excel

Step 2: Access data validation

Navigate to the Data tab on the Excel ribbon and select Data Validation.

Access data validation

Step 3: Choose validation criteria

In the Data Validation dialog box, you’ll see a dropdown menu under Allow. Based on your requirements, choose any option from the list.

Choose validation criteria

For instance, let’s set a rule to ensure a cell only accepts whole numbers between 10 and 100:

3.1 Select Whole Number from the Allow dropdown. You’ll notice it’ll unlock more related fields

Whole Number criteria

3.2 Set Data to Between

Set data

3.3 Enter 10 in the Minimum field and 100 in the Maximum field and click OK

Add value in Min and Max field

Once you have validated these criteria, users will be restricted from putting invalid values. In this case, they can’t enter any digit less than 10 or more than 100. Let’s try that.

Criteria of min and max field

To make your data collection process even more organized, you can use the Input Message option to inform users what information they need to put in that cell.

Step 4: Set up messages under the Input Message tab (optional)

To display a message that indicates to the user what data is allowed in a specific cell, click the Input Message tab in the data validation dialog and perform the following steps:

4.1 Check the ‘Show input message when the cell is selected’ box

Show input message when the cell is selected box

4.2 Enter a title for your message. Here, we gave the title ‘Information!’ under the input message tab

Information title Feature

4.3 Type a helpful message that will appear when users select the cell. Click OK

Add input message

Upon selecting the validated cell, the user will see the following message:

Input message example

Step 5: Configure error alert (optional)

Similarly, you can customize the error alert under the Error Alert tab for invalid data entered in a cell.

To create a custom error message, navigate to the Error Alert tab in the data validation dialog and define the following parameters:

5.1 Select the ‘Show error alert after invalid data is entered’ checkbox

Configure error alert

5.2 In the Style dropdown, choose the desired alert type

Style Dropdown feature: Data Validation excel

5.3 Enter the title and text of the error message in the corresponding areas and click OK

Title and text error example

Now, if any user tries to input any invalid data, Excel will display the alert message that we just customized.

Alert message: Data Validation excel

Sometimes, the built-in validation options aren’t enough for complex rules. In these cases, you can use custom formulas.

To use a custom formula:

  1. Choose Custom from the Allow dropdown in the Data Validation dialog
  2. In the Formula box, enter your custom formula

💡Key Point: Custom formulas must return TRUE for valid data and FALSE for invalid data.

By mastering these basics of data validation in Excel, you’re well on your way to creating more robust, error-free spreadsheets.

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Advanced Data Validation Techniques in Excel

While basic data validation rules are useful for simple scenarios, Excel offers more sophisticated options for complex data management needs. Here are some advanced techniques:

1. Dependent drop-down lists

Create cascading lists where the options in one list depend on the selection in another. For example, say you want to show cities in a drop-down list based on the state selected in the sheet.

  • Create named ranges for your lists
  • Use the INDIRECT function in data validation

Example: =INDIRECT(A1)

In this example, A1 contains the name of the range to use for the dropdown.

2. Combining multiple conditions

Use AND, OR, NOT functions to create complex logical tests.

Example: Value must be between 1-10 OR 20-30


3. Dynamic ranges for validation

Use dynamic named ranges to automatically update validation lists as data changes. 

For example, if you’re tracking customer information and frequently adding new clients, a dynamic named range can help ensure that the most current client list is available for selection in various forms and reports.

  • Create a dynamic named range using OFFSET or TABLE functions
  • Use this named range in your data validation

4. Data validation with conditional formatting

Combine data validation with conditional formatting for visual feedback.

  • Set up a data validation rule
  • Apply conditional formatting based on the same or similar criteria

For example, say you’re tracking sales numbers against targets. You could apply conditional formatting so that sales below target are colored red, while those above target are green.

5. Cross-sheet validation

Validate data against values on other sheets or even other workbooks.

Example: Ensure a value exists in Sheet2


While these techniques offer powerful data control, they can also make your spreadsheets more complex. So, always document your advanced validation rules for future reference.

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Examples of Data Validation Types and Their Practical Applications

We’ve seen how data validation can transform a spreadsheet from a potential minefield into a powerful, error-resistant tool. Let’s check out some common data validation types with their real-world applications.

1. Whole number

Let’s say you’re leading a project and want to track the working hours of your team members. You want to make sure team members enter only whole numbers between 3 and 24.

How to set it up:

  • Click your cell or column
  • Go to the Data tab and click Data Validation
  • Choose Whole Number from the dropdown
  • Set Minimum to 3 and Maximum to 24
Whole number data validation

Now, your team can’t enter working hours outside of this criteria.

2. Decimal

This is great when you need to work with numbers that aren’t always whole, like prices or measurements.

Let’s say you’re tracking expenses and want to make sure people enter dollars and cents correctly:

  • Click your cell or column
  • Go to Data tab > Data Validation
  • Choose Decimal from the dropdown
  • Set the minimum to 0 (we don’t want negative expenses)
  • You can set a maximum, too, like 1000, if that makes sense for your budget
Decimal Validation criteria

Now, your team members are restricted to numbers like 10.50 or 3.75.

3. List

This one’s great for creating dropdowns. Let’s say you’re a content manager who wants to track writer assignment statuses.

Here’s how you can use List Validation in Excel:

  • Select your cells
  • Data tab > Data Validation
  • Choose List from the dropdown
  • Type your options like this: Not Started, In Progress, Completed
List Validation criteria

You now have a neat dropdown menu in your cells.

4. Date

This is perfect for when you need dates within a specific range, like submission deadlines for a task.

Try this:

  • Select your date cells
  • Data tab > Data Validation
  • Choose Date from the dropdown
  • Set a Start Date (like today) and an End Date (maybe a week from now)
Date Validation criteria

This way, no one can enter dates outside your task timeline by mistake.

5. Time

This is super handy for schedules or when you’re logging durations. Imagine you’re making a workout log and want to record exercise times:

  • Select your date cells
  • Data tab > Data Validation
  • Pick Time from the dropdown
  • You can set a start time (like 00:00 for midnight) and end time (like 23:59 for 11:59 PM)
Time Validation Criteria

This way, you’ll always have properly formatted times in your workout log!

6. Text length

This one’s great when you need text to be a certain length, like for codes or IDs. Let’s say you’re a teacher, and student IDs should always be six characters:

  • Highlight your ID column
  • Data tab > Data Validation
  • Select Text length from the dropdown
  • Choose Equal to and enter 6
Text length Validation criteria

Now, only 6-character IDs will be accepted—no more missing digits or extra-long IDs.

7. Custom

This one’s a bit trickier but super useful! Let’s say you only want to allow values greater than the cell above.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Select your cells
  • Data tab > Data Validation
  • Choose Custom from the dropdown
  • In the formula box, type: =A2>A1 (assuming you’re starting in A2)
Custom Validation Criteria: Data Validation excel

Now, each value must be larger than the one above it.

Don’t be afraid to play around with these options. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at using them. They’ll save you tons of time in the long run by preventing mistakes.

If something doesn’t work right, you can always adjust your data validation settings.

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Troubleshooting Common Data Validation Challenges

Sometimes, data validation doesn’t work quite as we expect. Let’s discuss some common problems and how to fix them.

Dropdown list not showing

You set up a list validation but can’t find the dropdown arrow. Let’s check a couple of things:

  • Verify that the In-cell dropdown box in the Data Validation dialog is checked
  • Make sure your source list doesn’t have any blank cells in it

Excel rejecting valid dates

Excel can be a bit picky about dates sometimes. If it rejects your dates, try these tricks:

  • Sometimes Excel gets confused between mm/dd/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy. Try changing the date format
  • Use either dashes (-) or slashes (/) for all your dates. Don’t mix them up

Invalid data still getting through

If invalid data is sneaking past your validation, let’s double-check a couple of things:

  • Look for the Ignore Blank checkbox in Data Validation. If it’s checked, blank entries will be allowed
  • Ensure you’ve set up an Error Alert, not just an Input Message

Custom formula validation not working

When your custom formula always shows as invalid or valid:

  • Check if you’re using the correct cell references
  • Remember to start your formula with an equals sign (=)

Can’t edit cells after adding validation

If your validated cells seem locked, check these:

  • Check if the sheet is protected. Go to the Review tab and click Unprotect Sheet
  • Right-click the cell, select Format Cells, go to Protection, and ensure Locked isn’t checked

Validation disappears when copying cells

If the regular copy-and-paste function doesn’t reflect validation, try this instead:

  • Use Paste Special and choose just Validation to keep the rules
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How to Find and Remove Data Validation in Excel

Sometimes, you might need to change or remove data validation rules. Maybe you inherited a spreadsheet, or your data needs have changed. Don’t worry—finding and removing data validation is easy once you know how.

Finding cells with data validation

To see which cells have data validation:

  1. Go to the Home tab
  2. Navigate to the Editing Group
  3. Click Find & Select
  4. Choose Data Validation
Finding cells with data validation

Excel will now highlight all cells that have data validation rules.

Removing data validation

To remove data validation from cells:

  1. Select the cells you want to change (Use the “Finding cells with data validation” steps above if needed)
  2. Go to the Data tab
  3. Click Data Validation
  4. In the window that opens, click Clear All
  5. Click OK
Removing Data validation

The data validation rules are now gone from those cells.

Knowing how to find and remove data validation gives you more control over your spreadsheets, allowing you to change them as your needs change.

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Excel Challenges and Limitations

Excel is a powerful tool, but it’s not perfect for every situation. As your projects grow, you might face some challenges. Let’s look at some common issues:

Scalability issues

Excel works great for small to medium-sized datasets. But as your data grows, you might hit some roadblocks:

  • Row limits: Excel has a maximum of 1,048,576 rows per sheet. This might seem like a lot, but for big data projects that require a large Excel database, it’s not enough
  • Performance problems: Large spreadsheets with many formulas can become slow and unstable. You might notice a lag when scrolling or calculating data
  • Memory constraints: Excel loads all data into your computer’s memory. With very large files, this can slow down your entire system

Collaboration challenges

While Excel has improved its sharing features, it still has some collaboration hurdles:

  • Version control: Keeping track of who made what changes and when can be tricky, especially with many team members
  • Real-time editing: Multiple users can edit shared workbooks, but it’s not as smooth as purpose-built collaboration tools
  • Comment limitations: Excel’s commenting system is basic, making detailed discussions about specific data points cumbersome

Data validation and entry limitations

Excel’s data validation features, while useful, have some restrictions when compared to other data entry software:

  • Complex validation rules: Setting up advanced data validation often requires complex formulas, which can be error-prone
  • Limited user guidance: It’s hard to provide clear, in-cell instructions for data entry
  • Inconsistent data entry: Without strict controls, users might enter data in inconsistent formats, leading to analysis problems later

Automation and workflow limitations

Excel has some automation features, but they might not meet advanced needs:

  • Limited built-in automation: While Excel has features like macros, creating complex automated workflows often requires advanced programming skills
  • No native task management: Excel isn’t designed for task tracking or project management, lacking features like assignees, due dates, or status tracking

Security concerns

For sensitive data, Excel might not provide the level of security you need:

  • Basic permission settings: While you can password-protect workbooks, Excel lacks advanced security features like encryption or detailed access logs
  • Sharing risks: It’s easy to accidentally share an entire workbook when you only meant to share specific data
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Excel Alternatives

While Excel is a powerful tool, it has limitations for complex project management and large-scale data handling. In such cases, you should explore Excel alternatives

Let’s explore ClickUp, an all-in-one productivity platform that addresses many of Excel’s shortcomings.


ClickUp is more than just a spreadsheet software. It’s a comprehensive productivity platform that handles tasks, projects, and databases. Here’s why it’s a worthy Excel alternative:

Versatile table view

ClickUp’s Table View is the heart of its database functionality.

ClickUp Table View: Data Validation excel
Create powerful and visual databases with ClickUp Table View

Here’s what it can help you do:

  • No-code database creation: Set up a database in seconds without any coding knowledge
  • Custom Fields: Use over 15 field types (like text, numbers, dropdowns, and more) to tailor your database to your needs
  • Relationship fields: Link entries across different databases, creating a relational database system without complex formulas
  • Easy data manipulation: Sort, filter, and group data with just a few clicks
  • Bulk editing: Make changes to multiple entries at once, saving time and reducing errors
ClickUp Features
View and organize your data, projects, and workflows in any way you like with ClickUp

What’s more, unlike Excel’s fixed grid, ClickUp Table View offers 15+ views to interact with your data:

This variety allows you to switch views without changing your underlying data, giving you new insights and perspectives.

ClickUp’s ability to provide multiple views (people react differently to different views) of project tasks allows us to build a core framework for a project very quickly, which can be easily understood by all involved. This simplifies the entire project.

Andrew Houghton, Senior Project Manager, Aptean

Collaboration features

ClickUp Whiteboard: Data Validation excel
Transform your team’s thoughts into synchronized actions using ClickUp Whiteboards

ClickUp shines when it comes to teamwork:

  • Real-time editing: Multiple team members can work on the same dataset simultaneously without conflicts
  • Comments and mentions: Discuss specific data points or entries right where the data lives
  • Virtual collaboration: Use ClickUp Whiteboards for brainstorming database designs or workflows
  • Permissions: Set granular access levels for different team members or clients

Powerful automation

ClickUp Automations: Data Validation excel
Use prebuilt ClickUp Automations or customize them to your needs

The idea of data validation on ClickUp is working smarter, not harder. Here’s how ClickUp Automations does this:

  • Custom automation builder: Create automation that fits your data validation needs. No coding is required—just set it up and let it run
  • Command and control: Automate data validation tasks. Describe what you need  and let ClickUp Brain, an AI tool, auto-configure workflows
  • Import or integrate: Import Excel spreadsheet data in multiple formats or plug your database via 1000+ free ClickUp Integrations, including Google Sheets

Automation can handle data entry, status updates, notifications, and more, reducing human error and freeing up your time.

Templates for quick setup

Data validation from scratch can be difficult, especially if you’ve never done it. To assist you,  ClickUp offers:

  • 1,000+ pre-built templates for various database needs, from content calendars to employee directories
  • Customizable project management Excel templates to fit your data validation needs

One such great beginner-friendly template is the ClickUp Spreadsheet Template. This feature-rich, adaptable, and ready-to-use template has customizable subcategories to help you collect and manage critical data.

Validate data in multiple view options—List, Board, Grid, Doc, Map, and Form with the ClickUp Spreadsheet Template

This template enables you to:

  • Assign statuses like In Progress to track who’s doing what
  • Set deadlines or create recurring tasks 
  • Highlight what matters most by setting task priorities
  • Analyze sentiment by allowing team members to vote on key issues
  • Directly assign tasks to stakeholders for accountability
  • Easily set dependencies, change assignees, or merge tasks into subtasks
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Choose the Right Tool for Your Data Needs

Excel remains a powerful and versatile tool for many data management tasks. However, you must recognize its limitations, especially when dealing with large datasets, complex relationships, or collaborative projects.

Alternatives like ClickUp offer innovative solutions to some of Excel’s challenges, particularly in collaboration and automation.

When choosing a data management tool, consider scalability, ease of use, collaboration features, and integration capabilities. The goal is to find a solution that enhances your productivity and helps you derive deep insights.

Sign up on ClickUp today!

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