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How to Use Resource Smoothing to Ensure Timely Project Delivery

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Ever feel like your team’s workload swings between extremes? One week, everyone is scrambling to meet a deadline; another week, they’re twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the next task. It’s enough to frustrate any project manager.

What if there was a way to distribute this workload evenly and maintain a smooth project cadence? Resource smoothing is a project management technique that helps you optimize and allocate resources to ensure a zen-like project experience.

Several factors go into making this technique work. By embracing flexibility, adapting to change, and keeping your project’s needs at the forefront, you can transform your project management from a rollercoaster ride into a smooth, steady journey. 

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What Is Resource Smoothing?

Resource smoothing is a technique in project management that helps optimize resources for timely project completion. It lets you balance resource utilization so that you neither overload nor underutilize organizational resources. 

Imagine you’re running a marketing campaign with bursts of frantic activity surrounding a launch followed by lulls. Resource smoothing can help you evenly spread your budget and team’s workload, avoiding peaks and valleys in resource demand and usage.

Think of a customer service team. Smoothing their project schedule model could involve shifting non-urgent tasks around, cross-training the staff, and hiring temporary help to deal with a seasonal influx of support queries. 

Project managers typically apply resource smoothing to ensure timely delivery for a project with tight deadlines. 

Key characteristics and functionalities of resource smoothing

Now that you understand resource smoothing, here’s a glimpse of its chief characteristics.

  • It focuses on optimizing resources within a fixed project timeline
  • It aims to even out resource usage by avoiding peaks and valleys
  • It ensures adherence to the project’s core dependencies or delivery date

The main functionalities of resource smoothing include moving tasks between periods to balance workload, cross-training teammates, and using tools such as Kanban boards to track resource allocation.

Benefits and limitations of resource smoothing

Let’s see how resource smoothing can be helpful to you and your team alike and how you can make the most of it by avoiding its limitations. 


  • Smoothing avoids burnout and keeps morale high, leading to better work outcomes and higher productivity
  • It ensures every resource is put to efficient use, eliminating downtime and minimizing resource conflicts
  • It saves unnecessary costs. No more scrambling for extra staff during peak time or paying overtime to overworked employees
  • Smoothing means knowing what to expect, making planning and resource scheduling more manageable


  • When things don’t go according to plan, smoothing can make it harder to adapt to unexpected changes, like a sudden surge in orders
  • Smoothing might mean pushing tasks back to fit the plan, potentially delaying deadlines. Think of a product launch where smoothing the workload could delay the release date
  • Overall, resource smoothing is an essential project management tool, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution

How to apply resource smoothing to agile software development

Agile software development thrives on flexibility and adapting to change. Resource smoothing can be applied in various ways here:

  • During sprint planning, estimate tasks not just for effort but also plan in a way that optimizes resources. Prioritize tasks to avoid overloading team members 
  • Cross-train team members for diverse skills, allowing them to switch between tasks based on workload seamlessly
  • Set time limits for tasks (timeboxing), but allow buffer room for unexpected project challenges. Use Kanban boards to visualize workload across teams and adjust tasks in progress

Prioritizing flexibility and adapting to change will help you run your agile development projects without challenges and uncomfortable surprises.

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Resource Smoothing vs. Resource Leveling

You might be wondering why resource smoothing sounds a lot like resource-leveling. Both methods aim to optimize project efficiency and uneven resource allocation, using prioritization, cross-training, and timeboxing approaches. And both lead to improved productivity, reduced project cost, and higher team morale.

But they’re not completely alike. Here are some ways in which resource smoothing differs from resource leveling: 

Resource smoothingResource leveling
Prioritizes working within the time constraints, ensuring tasks always finish on schedulePrioritizes resource constraints, adjusting the schedule to complete tasks and fit available human resources
Adapts the project end date to changes within a fixed timelineMight require extending the project schedule if all the additional resources are limited
Optimizes workload distribution, avoiding excess and deficiencyOtimizes resource utilization, ensuring everyone is fully engaged with the projects and tasks at hand

Best utilization scenarios for both methods

Resource smoothing is ideal for project managers with fixed deadlines and varying physical limitations, resource constraints, and resource demands. 

On the other hand, resource leveling is perfect for handling multiple projects with limited resources and flexible deadlines, such as construction projects with a limited labor force.

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Essential Factors to Consider in Resource Smoothing

Using resource smoothing within your projects can improve efficiency, but consider the following factors to achieve true harmony:

  • The role of web analytics in optimizing resources: By analyzing website traffic patterns and user behavior, you can predict peak demand periods and allocate all the resources accordingly
  • Critical Path Method (CPM) and its relation to resources: CPM shows you which tasks are essential and can’t be delayed. By analyzing resource needs for these tasks, you can spot bottlenecks faster. You can also prioritize those tasks by assigning them to your best people
  • Understanding production scheduling in the context of resources: Production scheduling involves planning each step of a production project and tracking resources to avoid chaos. By tracking where resources are required across the stages of production, you spot bottlenecks and shift resources for a smoother flow
  • Significance of work breakdown structure (WBS) in resource allocation: WBS is like a blueprint that breaks down your project into smaller, manageable tasks. Determining how many resources each task needs gives you a clear picture of your workforce’s capacity and constraints. This helps you allocate resources wisely, avoiding overspending and ensuring each task gets allocated to the right team
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Resource Smoothing, Leveling, and Agile Development

Agile development thrives on flexibility and adaptation, but without strategic resource management, it can be like running a marathon on uneven terrain. That’s when resource smoothing and leveling can help. 

How agile development embraces these methods

Both smoothing and leveling are useful techniques for ensuring balanced workloads and happier teams.

The former irons out the highs and lows of workloads by adjusting tasks and resources without overwhelming anyone. The latter ensures everyone’s plate is optimally full by balancing tasks across multiple projects and teams, with everyone contributing their fair share to the final goal.

Resource management techniques in agile

To enable agile development, you must ensure resources aren’t left to chance. Here are two resource optimization techniques in the agile methodology:

1. Planning with a twist: Agile uses relative effort units (story points) to estimate task resources instead of rigid time estimates. This method prioritizes value, not just the time spent on a task, and avoids overcommitting resources. 

For example, if your team is working on two features, one complex (13 story points) and the other simple (3 points), tackle the more straightforward one first, freeing up resources to manage the complex later.

Now, visualize workload and resource allocation with Kanban boards. Tasks flow through stages such as ‘To Do,’ ‘In Progress,’ and ‘Done,’ giving everyone a clear picture of who’s working on what 

2. Shifting gears, not schedules: Daily stand-up meetings keep everyone informed and accommodate adaptability. Team members share progress, identify roadblocks, and adjust workloads as needed. 

Make it a practice to regularly reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Identify resource allocation issues and adjust processes for future sprints. 

Remember, the agile resource management process is a collaborative effort. Trust your team’s skills, embrace change, and adapt to keep the rhythm flowing

Case studies of teams using smoothing and leveling 

1. The impact of resource smoothing on streamlining operations: A manufacturing company recognized the potential for improving resource utilization and implemented a series of resource smoothing techniques. 

One way to improve processes is to critically analyze production schedules and identify areas where machinery and labor are underutilized or experiencing periods of high demand. 

The company achieved a more balanced and efficient workload by strategically adjusting production schedules and prioritizing tasks based on resource availability and urgency. 

This significantly improved efficiency, with machinery and labor operating optimally.

(Source: PMI Dictionary, Resource Smoothing, Section V, Sub-section B, Case Study 1)

2. The impact of resource leveling on resource management: A construction company reduced project cost and duration by properly leveling and allocating resources. This reduced the losses caused by variations in resource usage.

They optimized resource management through various techniques such as delaying tasks until resources became available, splitting activities within available float, and reducing resource constraints by controlling work hours and providing maximum resources at peak times.

This study demonstrated that resource leveling and scheduling are crucial in maximizing resource utilization efficiency on construction sites.

(Source: Resource Scheduling of Construction Project: Case Study (; )

These real-life case studies demonstrate how organizations successfully employ smoothing and leveling techniques within their teams. 

Through the strategic implementation of these methods, they can utilize the full potential of agile development and achieve significant achievements in performance, efficiency, and overall business value.

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Real-Life Applications and Examples of Resource Smoothing

Resource smoothing and leveling aren’t just theoretical concepts. They’re powerful tools used in diverse industries to achieve operational excellence. Let’s take a look at some real-life scenarios.

Scenarios where these methods have been used

Scenario 1: A marketing agency employed a collaborative resource management strategy to meet tight deadlines. This involved sharing resources and fostering teamwork to optimally utilize the available skillsets across projects. 

By doing so, the agency could smoothen resource demands. It achieved project completion within the set timelines by carefully allocating talent and prioritizing tasks. 

This resource-smoothing approach ensured client satisfaction and fostered a culture of knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the agency.

(Source: PMI Dictionary, Resource Smoothing, Section V, Sub-section B, Case Study 2)

Scenario 2: A software development project team took proactive steps to address potential resource bottlenecks by employing resource smoothing techniques in response to a shortage of developers. 

This involved a two-pronged approach: 

  • adjusting task durations to match available developer capacity
  • allocating team members across tasks based on their skill sets, thus balancing and optimizing their workloads

Through these efforts, the team optimized developer utilization, ensuring efficient resource allocation and meeting project deadlines without compromising project quality.

(Source: PMI Dictionary, Resource Smoothing, Section V, Sub-section A, Example 1)

An agile development team uses a combination of approaches. They prioritize tasks based on resource requirements (smoothing) and adjust their sprint schedule to accommodate manpower availability (leveling) to ensure timely delivery.

Note: The scenarios and case studies were anonymized at source. 

Outcomes and effectiveness of these methods

Both approaches minimize the primary constraints, such as idle time and resource overload, leading to higher productivity and output. Reduced stress and a sense of control boost team morale and motivation, while consistent service quality and timely project delivery lead to happier customers.

Smoothing avoids unnecessary overtime, and leveling can optimize resources and resource allocation, reducing overall project costs.

Choose the right approach, and use ClickUp’s project management software to sail smoothly toward success!

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Resource Management Tools and Applications

From streamlining workflow to optimizing allocation, ClickUp empowers you to take control and boost your team’s efficiency. Let’s look at some of the key features of this project management tool for better resource planning. 

Five ClickUp features for resource smoothing and leveling

1. Workload view

ClickUp’s Workload view
Visualize the workload of each team member via ClickUp’s Workload view

Set and visualize individual and team workloads within ClickUp’s Workload view. Use it to compare each team member’s current or assigned workload against the capacity set. 

You can estimate a task’s efforts in one of the four available ways:

  • Time: The amount of time each person has available
  • Tasks: The number of tasks a person can complete in a day. This is especially useful if tasks require the same amount of effort
  • Points: To give relative sizing to tasks during a sprint
  • Custom Fields: To track capacity and performance if the above methods don’t capture your workflows well

You can view the workload for one or two weeks or months. You can drop existing tasks into your Workload view and create new tasks by clicking anywhere.

These features will simplify task tracking for you, making it easier to schedule resources for them. As your team achieves the goals set and sees progress, they’ll be motivated to keep the momentum going and be more productive.

2. Time tracking

ClickUp’s time-tracking features
Understand the time taken by each group of tasks with ClickUp’s time-tracking features

Record time from your desktop, mobile, or web browser. Connect and integrate your favorite time tracking app to ClickUp to sync time tracked directly within ClickUp. 

View your project time tracked by day, week, month, or any custom range with detailed timesheets, show time totals grouped by start dates and see individual tasks and time entries to understand where time was spent.

This feature helps you keep tabs on how long each task takes. This helps you estimate future project tasks better, avoiding those dreaded overload surprises.

3. Custom Fields

ClickUp’s Custom Fields
Use ClickUp’s Custom Fields for recording and working with different types of data 

ClickUp’s Custom Fields give you a detailed view of resource usage.

Use custom fields such as ‘Expertise Level’ or ‘Certification’ to match team members with tasks based on their specific skills and experience. You can also drill deeper into task estimates versus actual time spent with custom fields such as ‘Design Hours’ and ‘Coding Time.’

Imagine a new feature requiring heavy design work. You can quickly identify your rockstars based on their ‘Design Hours’ and assign them the task.

Keep your project budget in check with custom fields such as ‘Budget Spent’ and ‘Budget Remaining.’ Based on this information, you can adjust your approach for the remaining project tasks, ensuring you stay on track with your project finances.

4. ClickUp’s Resource Planning Template

Reallocate and visualize resources conveniently using ClickUp’s Resource Planning Template 

If your agile sprints are more like bumpy rides than smooth journeys, use ClickUp’s Resource Planning Template to resolve those resource hiccups.

Visualize your team’s schedule and tasks in one glance, identify potential overload zones before they happen, and easily shift tasks between team members based on availability and skill sets, ensuring everyone is rolling at their best pace.

Prioritize tasks based on effort and resource impact, preventing overworked employees and enhancing work-life balance. Keep your team balanced and energized throughout the sprint!

ClickUp also has other resource planning templates to help you plan for agile development better. 

5. Product management Kanban board

ClickUp’s Product Management Kanban board
Gain more flexibility with ClickUp’s Product Management Kanban board

ClickUp’s Kanban board feature is a great smoothing solution.

Tasks flow through stages such as ‘To Do,’ ‘In Progress,’ and ‘Done,’ giving you a clear picture of resource needs at each step. No more hidden bottlenecks slowing progress!

Drag and drop tasks to adjust priority based on resource availability and impact, ensuring the right features get the right attention at the right time.

See who’s working on what with real-time updates and shift resources as needed to keep your product development process flowing smoothly.

Benefits of using ClickUp for resource management workflow

Feeling like your team’s drowning in tasks and buried in spreadsheets? Say goodbye to the chaos of managing resources with the ClickUp Resource Management Software.

ClickUp’s Resource Management Software
Manage your resources with ClickUp’s Resource Management Software
  • Centralize your data: Ditch the scattered emails, sticky notes, and documents. ClickUp centralizes everything—tasks, schedules, communication—in one organized hub
  • Collaboration superpowers: ClickUp’s real-time updates and collaborative features keep everyone on the same page, ensuring smooth handoffs and synergy
  • Time tracking: ClickUp’s global timer helps track time from any device. Set estimates and allocate time efficiently
  • Data-driven decisions: ClickUp’s powerful reporting tools give you insights into your team’s performance and resource utilization, allowing you to make data-driven decisions

ClickUp isn’t just software; it’s your resource management process partner.

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Smoothening Your Project Journey with ClickUp

More than being a fancy term, resource smoothing is your key to running stress-free, efficient projects. By optimizing workload distribution, you empower your team, avoid burnout, and keep projects on track. 

ClickUp’s handy tools, from Workload view to Custom Fields, will help reduce project costs and elevate project outcomes through resource smoothing. 

Start your free ClickUp trial today and see the difference!

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Common FAQs

1. What is resource smoothing?

Resource smoothing flattens your project workload by optimizing resources. It adjusts tasks and resources to avoid overloading some while underutilizing others. Think balanced project flows, not rollercoaster rides!

2. What is the difference between resource smoothing and crashing?

Both techniques optimize workload but with different approaches. Smoothing adjusts tasks and schedules for even distribution, like gently flattening a hilly road. 

Crashing throws more resources at specific tasks to speed things up, potentially increasing project costs and risks.

3. What is meant by resource leveling?

Resource leveling techniques adjust project timelines or resource allocation to ensure everyone works simultaneously, avoiding overloaded heroes or idle bystanders. 

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