Workflow Automation Examples Featured Image

10 Workflow Automation Examples and Use Cases

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Workflow automation uses technology to handle repetitive tasks and streamline processes, allowing your team to focus on more strategic work.

For example, creating a contract for a new customer typically involves drafting a contract, entering the relevant details, tweaking terms, converting it to a PDF or other format, and sending it out for approvals and signatures. 

Many of these steps are subject to human error. But with workflow automation, you simply fill out a form, and the system handles the rest, creating the contract, sending it off for an electronic signature, and tracking everything.

According to a McKinsey survey, 66% of organizations are already piloting automation in various business units. Workflow automation is a significant part of this trend. Unlike business process automation, which covers broader processes, workflow automation focuses on streamlining individual tasks within those processes.

To free up human talent to focus on more valuable tasks, let’s understand the tools and examples that can help automate your workflows.

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The Basics of Workflow Automation

Workflow automation can turn tedious, manual steps into smooth, automated processes, fueling productivity and making your life easier. But with so many ways to structure workflows, figuring out the best approach can be a real head-scratcher.

Three types of workflows

  • Sequential workflows: In a sequential workflow, work moves from one step to the next in a straight line. For example, processing an online order involves verifying payment, packing the goods, and shipping them out. It’s straightforward and perfect for routine tasks. These workflows are ideal for routine tasks like order processing, invoice approval, or employee onboarding, where the steps are fixed and the outcome is generally predictable
  • State machine workflows: Work changes state based on specific conditions in a state machine workflow. A customer support ticket, for instance, can start as ‘new’ and then become ‘assigned,’ ‘in progress,’ ‘resolved,’ or even ‘reopened.’ It’s flexible and can handle more complex scenarios
  • Rules-based workflows: Work is guided based on predefined criteria in a rules-based workflow. For example, a loan application might be approved or denied based on credit score, income, and other factors. Since these workflows are highly adaptable, they are suitable for handling complex scenarios with multiple decision points, such as fraud detection, insurance claims processing, or dynamic pricing strategies

Three components of a workflow

A workflow typically comprises three essential components that ensure smooth and efficient operations. These components are:

  • Input: It consists of all necessary data, information, and resources to start the workflow. This might include customer requests, content briefs, or raw materials. The quality of this input directly affects the final result. Different input sources require specific handling methods. For instance, digital inputs can be processed quickly, while physical ones may need scanning or manual entry
  • Process: This refers to the series of steps or actions needed to transform the input into the desired output. Define the goal, break it down into tasks, sequence them, assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor progress. Different tasks require different approaches, so customization is critical. Established process management methodologies like Lean and Six Sigma can help optimize business workflow for efficiency and quality
  • Output: The output is the final deliverable from the workflow; it could be a document, product, or completed project. Ensure the output meets specifications by defining it clearly, reviewing it regularly, and maintaining strong communication and collaboration among team members to achieve high-quality results

To illustrate how workflows operate, let’s look at the workflow diagram of a typical Capital Expenditure (CapEx) request process. It all starts when an employee submits a form detailing their request. This form first goes to their departmental manager for initial approval.

Once approved, the request is assessed based on the funds required to determine the appropriate financial approver. After receiving final approval, the requested information is transferred to the accounting system. This might trigger additional actions, such as purchasing or tracking expenses.

This step-by-step process ensures every CapEx request is handled efficiently, complies with financial controls, and maintains clear visibility throughout the approval cycle.

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10 Workflow Automation Examples

An automated workflow can dramatically enhance efficiency and productivity across various departments.. 66% of knowledge workers say automation frees them to focus on more exciting projects.

Let’s explore ten concrete examples of workflow automation in different business areas.  

1. Product lifecycle workflow

A product’s lifecycle is the journey it takes from inception to obsolescence. This journey typically involves four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Automation, performing tasks with minimal human intervention, can significantly streamline these stages.

Automation can expedite testing when a new product is released, ensuring its functionality and compatibility. It can also efficiently manage orders, inventory, and customer inquiries as demand grows.

2. Customer support workflow 

The benefits of workflow automation are perhaps most evident in customer support. By automating tasks like ticket routing, resolution tracking, and response generation, businesses can swiftly address customer issues and free up staff for more complex problems.

You can create an automated ticketing system. When a customer submits a query, it’s instantly transformed into a digital ticket, assigned to the right agent, and even sends an automatic acknowledgment to the customer. This speeds up response times and ensures no issue is unresolved.

3. Accounts payable workflow

Accounts Payable is the department responsible for managing a company’s outgoing payments. This involves receiving invoices, verifying their accuracy, getting approvals, and paying suppliers. Traditionally, these processes are paper-based, error-prone manual processes, leading to delays and frustration.

With automation, it’s scanned, transformed into digital data, and automatically compared to the original purchase order. If everything matches, the system routes it for approval. Once approved, the payment is generated and sent electronically, eliminating the need for manual checks and envelopes.

4. Expense approval workflow

Combing through an expense report has traditionally been time-consuming and highly subject to human error, often involving manual data entry and paper-based workflows. This burdens finance teams, delays reimbursements, and hinders financial visibility.

Organizations can significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy with an automated expense approval workflow. For instance, implementing automation rules such as ‘automatically approve expenses below $50, route expenses between $50 and $200 to team leads, and require manager approval for amounts exceeding $200’ can streamline the process. This frees finance teams to focus on higher-value tasks and ensures timely employee reimbursements.

5. Workflow for onboarding new employees

Onboarding new employees involves gathering crucial information, assigning tasks, and ensuring a positive first impression. Traditionally, this process is manual, time-consuming, and prone to errors.

For example, when a new employee accepts a job offer, automation can directly populate their information into human resources, finance, and IT systems without human intervention. Welcome emails, including the next steps and necessary paperwork, are generated and sent automatically. Even scheduling orientation meetings and assigning a mentor can be automated, freeing up HR to focus on enriching the employee experience, attracting the best talent, and fostering a welcoming company culture.

6. Payroll workflow

Let’s say a company has 500 employees. Traditionally, calculating payroll would involve manually inputting hours worked, calculating overtime, applying tax rates, and generating pay stubs for each employee. This is time-consuming and prone to errors.

For payroll, the company can use its workflow automation software to:

  1. Import employee time data directly from timekeeping systems
  2. Automatically calculate wages, overtime, and deductions based on predefined rules and tax tables
  3. Generate pay stubs and direct deposit files with a click of a button
  4. Create reports on labor costs, tax liabilities, and other payroll metrics for analysis

This automation saves countless hours of manual work, reduces errors, and provides valuable insights into payroll data.

7. Lead management workflow

Lead Management involves capturing, scoring, and nurturing leads from the initial point of contact to conversion. Manual lead management can take an inordinate amount of time, hindering efficiency and potentially missing out on valuable opportunities. Automation enhances this process by handling repetitive and effort-intensive manual tasks. Did you know companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost?

Let’s take an example of a SaaS company that sells project management software. This company can use automation to streamline its lead generation process. For example, when someone downloads its free process mapping template, their information is automatically captured and added to their CRM system.

Based on the type of template downloaded, the lead might be assigned a specific score indicating their potential interest. If their score is high, they’re immediately routed to a sales rep for follow-up and conversion. This saves time, ensures no leads slip through the cracks, and helps sales focus on converting leads and engaging with the most promising prospects.

8. Workflow for segmenting subscribers

Marketing can use automation to categorize their audience into groups according to interests, preferences, or behaviors. This personalized tactic ensures that your messages reach the individuals at the moment, enhancing their significance and effectiveness.

For example, a skincare brand may categorize its subscribers by skin type. Individuals with oily skin would receive emails featuring products tailored to control oiliness, while those with dry skin would be recommended hydrating moisturizers. Automation simplifies this process by allocating subscribers to the relevant category based on their information, such as skin type or past purchases. By doing this, the company can deliver targeted emails without bombarding everyone with irrelevant promotions.

9. Sales pipeline workflow

Keeping the sales pipeline up-to-date and accurate is crucial for sales reps to focus on the right deals at the right time. Manually tracking and updating the pipeline can be a drag; like herding cats, losing track of things is easy.

An automated workflow can turn this chaotic process into a well-oiled machine. For example, imagine a sales rep closes a deal. Instead of manually updating the deal stage fields in their CRM, the system can automatically move the deal to the ‘closed-won’ category once the contract is signed electronically. This ensures accuracy, saves time, and prevents crucial information from slipping through the cracks.

10. Customer lifecycle management (CLM) workflow

CLM is about understanding a customer’s journey, from discovering your brand to becoming a loyal advocate. CLM helps you map out this journey by dividing it into stages like awareness, learning about your product, making a purchase, enjoying what they bought, and finally, recommending you to others.

To make this easier, you can use automation. For example, if someone reads your blog and signs up for your newsletter, automation can label them ‘new learners.’ If they later buy something, it can move them to the ‘customer’ stage. By tracking these steps, you can tailor your messages and offers to each customer, building stronger relationships and turning them into raving fans.

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Implementing Workflow Automation in Different Business Areas

88% of SMBs say automation helps them compete with larger companies by moving faster. Automating repetitive tasks helps to enhance efficiency, ensure consistency, and free up time for more strategic activities. This section will explore how you can leverage tools to automate workflows effectively. 

ClickUp: A catalyst for setting up workflow automation

ClickUp is an all-in-one work management tool for managing workflows, projects, teams, tasks, checklists, and documents. At its core lies a powerful automation engine that allows users to focus on higher-level strategic work.

ClickUp Automations follows the principle: ‘If this happens, then do that.’ It’s composed of three primary elements:

  • Triggers: These are events or actions that initiate the automation. For instance, a task is created, a due date approaching, or a specific status change
  • Conditions: These are optional criteria that must be met before the automation executes. For example, the automation might only run if the task is assigned to a specific person or belongs to a particular project
  • Actions: These tasks are performed automatically when the trigger and conditions are met. This could include assigning tasks, changing due dates, sending notifications, or updating Custom Fields
ClickUp Automations
Set triggers, conditions, and actions to streamline your tasks and boost productivity with ClickUp Automations

ClickUp Brain is an AI automation builder that creates customized workflow automation with triggers and actions on any Space, Folder, or List. 

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open your Space, Folder, or List
  2. Click Automations
  3. Type a description of your desired automation. (Example: When a task is active, assign it to Alex)
  4. Click Create Automation
  5. AI will suggest automation based on your description. If it’s not perfect, you can modify it as needed
  6. Once you’re satisfied, activate the automation

Example: If you have multiple Active statuses, AI might suggest a general ‘Change assignees to Alex’ action. You can then specify the exact status you want to trigger the automation.

ClickUp Brain
Convert time-consuming, repetitive tasks into streamlined, efficient processes with ClickUp Brain

You can use ClickUp’s 100+ ready-to-use workflow automation templates to implement common workflows.

How to browse templates

  • Templates are stored in the Automations menu and grouped into categories like Move, Statuses, and Creation
  • Apply Automations to Spaces, Folders, and Lists
  • Click Add Automation to open the Automations model

How do you set up an automation template?

  1. Select a category from the left menu
  2. Click the template
  3. Complete required information
  4. Click ‘Create’
ClickUp workflow automation templates
Automate tasks and updates with over 100+ pre-built ClickUp workflow automation templates

With ClickUp’s dynamic assignees, you can automatically assign tasks based on who created them, is watching them, or is triggering an action. 

How to use dynamic assignees

  • Enable or disable: Admins can turn this feature on or off in the ClickApps settings
  • Add assignees: Click the assignee’s avatar in Task view and select additional ones
  • Remove assignees: Hover over an assignee’s avatar and click the x icon
  • Reassigning: Hover over an assignee’s avatar and click the Reassign icon
  • Sort by assignees: Sort tasks by multiple assignees in List and Board views
  • Filter by assignees: Filter tasks by multiple assignees in Task views

The best part of this feature is that it automatically notifies teams when responsibilities change.

ClickUp's Dynamic Assignees
Always assign tasks to the right person automatically using ClickUp’s Dynamic Assignees

You can assign tasks to the right person and ensure that updates are shared promptly by pre-defining assignees and watchers for tasks within a specific location through ClickUp’s project shortcuts.

ClickUp Project Shortcuts
Eliminate manual effort, reduce errors, ensure consistency, and keep your team focused on delivering results with ClickUp Project Shortcuts

With ClickUp’s email automation, you can automatically send emails based on specific actions, keep clients in the loop, send task reminders, inform partners of project progress, and respond promptly to customer feedback.

How do you create automated emails on ClickUp?

  1. Enable automation and email ClickApps: Ensure these are activated in your Workspace settings
  2. Navigate to the Space, Folder, or List: Where you want the automation to apply
  3. Create a new automation: Go to Automations>Browse>Email
  4. Select a trigger: Choose when the email should be sent (e.g. when a task is created)
  5. Customize the email: Set the sender, recipient, subject, and body. Use variables like task name, due date, etc
  6. Create the automation: Save your settings
ClickUp Automations
 Streamline communication by automating email sends based on task actions, form submissions, or other triggers

With ClickUp’s audit log feature, you can review automation status actions taken, pinpoint specific changes with detailed location information, make adjustments, and maintain control over your workspace. 

What are the events tracked on audit logs?

  • User log: Logins, role changes, user invitations, etc.
  • Task log: Task creation, deletion, edits, assignee changes, etc.

How to access and search audit logs

  1. Click your Workspace avatar in the top left corner
  2. Select Audit Logs
  3. Choose the User or Task tab to view the desired log
  4. Use the filters on the right to search by:
    1. Date
    2. User
    3. Status (Success/Failed)

ClickUp’s audit logs are perfect for accessing a comprehensive history of all automation activity in one central location.

ClickUp’s audit logs
Easily track changes and troubleshoot issues with ClickUp’s audit logs

Another helpful feature of ClickUp’s AI-powered workflow automation is that you can add AI-generated custom fields to your tasks and projects. Trigger Custom Field updates based on specific events and let AI populate them with valuable insights like task summaries, project updates, data analysis, and customer sentiment.

ClickUp’s AI Actions
Generate customer sentiment reports, summarize complex project updates, or analyze task progress With ClickUp’s AI Actions

Finally, ClickUp offers integrations and webhooks to connect your favorite apps. You can create a unified workflow and automate tasks across platforms like HubSpot, GitHub, and Twilio. You can also create custom webhooks to integrate with any other tool. 

Benefits of using ClickUp Workflow Automation

ClickUp’s workflow automation capabilities offer a potent blend of simplicity and power. Its user-friendly interface allows teams to construct tailored processes, from basic task delegation to intricate multi-stage operations. 

  • ClickUp’s automation liberates teams from mundane tasks, granting them more time for strategic, high-value work and thus improving efficiency
ClickUp Automations 
Automate your workflow and increase productivity with ClickUp
  • Its automated workflows minimize errors and ensure consistent task completion
  • With ClickUp’s automated dependencies and reminders, teams can maintain a clear project overview, preventing delays and bottlenecks
  • ClickUp’s real-time project visibility, automated notifications, and comments keep everyone informed, promoting a collaborative and productive work environment
  • ClickUp’s automated task assignment and progress tracking create a clear framework for individual responsibilities, thus promoting ownership within teams

Here’s what Derek Clements, a Marketing Manager from BankGloucester, has to say about using ClickUp workflow automation:

I’m able to enter every task and project assigned to me quickly with start dates, due dates, and notes. I can then set up automation so that every time a start date comes up, that task is automatically added to my current project list.

Derek Clements, Marketing Manager from BankGloucester

Common bottlenecks in workflow automation and how to mitigate them

Workflow automation can benefit businesses significantly but can also be challenging to implement. Let’s check out some of the common challenges and tips to overcome them.

1. Your employees may resist the implementation of workflow automation

This could be due to fear of job loss, difficulty adapting to new technology, or a preference for familiar manual processes.

To overcome this, you can: 

  • Communicate how automation benefits everyone, including job security and increased efficiency
  • Include employees in the process of building ownership
  • Ensure employees are well-equipped to use the new system through thoughtful training programs

2. Integrating workflow automation with existing systems can be difficult

This is often due to incompatible data formats, system architectures, and security protocols.

To overcome this challenge, you can: 

  • Begin with less critical processes to identify potential issues
  • Create data maps to ensure smooth data transfers between systems
  • Use pre-built connectors offered by modern workflow management software

3. Data inconsistencies can mess up automation

When the data fed into automated systems is inconsistent or incorrect, it can lead to errors in the outputs and processes. For instance, if a sales automation tool relies on inaccurate customer data, it might generate faulty reports, send incorrect communications, or make erroneous recommendations.

To overcome this challenge, you can: 

  • Set rules for how data is collected, stored, and used
  • Fix errors and inconsistencies in your data
  • Make sure data is accurate and complete
  • Keep an eye on data quality to catch problems early

4. You might have to automate workflows that use sensitive data.

Data breaches and unauthorized access could compromise sensitive data within your automated workflows.

To overcome this challenge, you can: 

  • Use robust security measures like encryption and access controls
  • Train employees on data security
  • Stay up-to-date on security threats and use the platform’s security features
Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.
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Accelerate Your Team’s Workflows with ClickUp

Workflow automation is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a practical tool that can revolutionize your business’s operations. From streamlining financial processes to optimizing sales pipelines, the potential applications are vast, and the benefits are undeniable. Increased efficiency, reduced errors, faster turnaround times, and data-driven insights are just the beginning.

ClickUp is an intuitive workflow automation platform that empowers businesses of all sizes to design and implement workflows tailored to their unique needs. 

Remember, workflow automation empowers your team to reach their full potential.

Are you ready to transform your business with workflow automation? Get started with ClickUp today!

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