The Challenge
Inefficient meetings, communication, and processes hindered growth
In their work with startups, Red Sky’s departments must collaborate cross-functionally. For example, the recruitment team co-creates Red Sky’s marketing, and the HR team works with the administration team to help establish new portfolio companies (the startups that Red Sky works with), implementing best practices in employee experience.
Organizing processes in this way is a challenge in Red Sky’s ever-changing business environment. In fact, an annual audit of the company's processes showed that it was struggling with several issues that were affecting productivity.
First, Red Sky was holding too many meetings that were not a good use of employees’ time. Second, the company needed to improve the quality of communication between teams. And finally, processes like recruitment for Red Sky’s portfolio companies were inefficient due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders and back-and-forth email communication that took weeks to work through.
“This approach resulted in several challenges, anxious hiring managers, disrupted recruiter scheduling, and missed opportunities to secure the best candidates,” says Ewa Lale, Recruitment Business Partner at Red Sky.
Red Sky’s challenges were preventing it from efficiently making progress toward its goals and providing the best possible service for its portfolio companies. These problems were complicated further by the fact that the company was using 10 different technology tools to try to get work done.
As a company that believes in technology and automation, Red Sky knew it needed a singular productivity platform that would address its issues and seamlessly fit into its organizational culture.

Ewa LaleRecruitment Business Partner at Red Sky
“This approach resulted in several challenges, anxious hiring managers, disrupted recruiter scheduling, and missed opportunities to secure the best candidates.”