Gantt Charts

Time Tracking Software for Interpreters

Track your time effortlessly with the best time tracking software for Interpreters, seamlessly integrated with ClickUp. Say goodbye to manual time tracking and never miss a billable minute again. Streamline your workflow, improve productivity, and boost your bottom line with our user-friendly time tracking solution. Sign up today and take control of your time like never before!

Free forever. No credit card.


Organize tracked time, add notes, and more.

Add notes to your time entries to reference exactly what you spent time on.


Time Reporting

View detailed reporting on your time.

See your time entries and filter them in any number of ways to build customized reports. Group time entries together, see estimates, and segment billable and non-billable entries.


Ways To Use Time Tracking Software for Interpreters

Time Tracking for Interpreters

  1. Appointment Scheduling and Management

  • Efficient Scheduling: Helps interpreters manage their appointments by tracking time spent on each assignment, ensuring accurate billing and scheduling for future assignments.
  • Client Management: Allows interpreters to track time spent with each client, helping to prioritize clients and allocate time effectively based on demand.

  1. Billing and Invoicing

  • Accurate Billing: Tracks time spent on interpreting sessions to generate accurate invoices for clients, reducing disputes and ensuring fair compensation.
  • Expense Tracking: Helps interpreters monitor expenses related to each assignment, facilitating reimbursement and overall financial management.

  1. Performance Evaluation

  • Performance Metrics: Provides interpreters with insights into their productivity and efficiency by tracking time spent on different tasks, aiding in self-improvement and goal setting.
  • Quality Assessment: Enables interpreters to analyze time spent on each interpretation task to identify areas for improvement in language proficiency and communication skills.

  1. Project Management

  • Task Allocation: Helps interpreters allocate time for different projects or clients, ensuring a balanced workload and meeting deadlines effectively.
  • Resource Planning: Allows interpreters to estimate the time required for each project, aiding in resource planning and optimizing work schedules.

  1. Professional Development

  • Training Time Tracking: Monitors time spent on continuing education and professional development activities, ensuring interpreters meet certification requirements and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Skill Enhancement: Tracks time spent on practicing language skills or cultural knowledge, facilitating targeted improvement efforts and enhancing overall performance.

  1. Client Communication and Reporting

  • Communication Tracking: Logs time spent on client communication, including emails, calls, and meetings, ensuring interpreters maintain clear and timely communication with clients.
  • Reporting: Provides interpreters with data on time spent on different tasks, enabling them to create detailed reports for clients or internal review, showcasing their dedication and professionalism.

Challenges a Time Tracking Tool Solves for Interpreters

Tracking Billable Hours

Differentiating Between Different Projects

Managing Travel Time

Improving Time Efficiency

Generating Detailed Reports

Ensuring Compliance with Contracts and Agreements

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I track my time accurately while interpreting multiple sessions in a day?

By using time tracking software that allows you to easily switch between different sessions throughout the day, accurately recording the time spent on each task or project.

Is there a way to integrate the time tracking software with my calendar to automatically log my interpreting appointments?

Yes, time tracking software can often integrate with calendars to automatically log interpreting appointments, providing a seamless and efficient way to track your time and activities.

Can the time tracking software generate reports that show how much time I have spent on each interpreting project or client?

Yes, time tracking software can generate detailed reports that show the amount of time spent on each interpreting project or client, providing valuable insights into time allocation and project profitability.

Get started with Gantt Charts now