
The 2024 State of Productivity Report

By ClickUp

The secrets of high-performing organizations — and how you can integrate teamwork, processes, and tools to unlock world-class productivity


Intro banner

At ClickUp, our mission is simple: save people time by creating the everything app for work.

We believe productivity is not a destination but a journey, with every team member capable of steering the ship toward greater efficiency, one small improvement at a time.

That's why we teamed up with to survey over 400 teams from around the globe. Our goal?

To understand what sets high performing teams apart in their approach to teamwork, processes, and tools. We believe the insights revealed in this report can help your organization bridge the productivity gap by empowering your teams to work smarter, not harder.

Gaurav Agarwal

Gaurav AgarwalChief Operating Officer at ClickUp

"As the COO of ClickUp, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of seamless collaboration, efficient operations, and goal-oriented work with the right tools on an organization's productivity.

The insights in this report affirm our philosophy of redefining work and driving our continuous effort to create an all-in-one solution that brings your teams closer together, saving time and increasing productivity. I trust that you will find these insights as impactful as we did."

Survey methodology and demographics

We reached out to 400 teams, encompassing a diverse range of roles from frontline workers to executive leaders, across 20 industries worldwide.

This broad spectrum ensured a rich variety of perspectives on productivity, with a self-assessment of current productivity levels followed by a holistic breakdown of how their teams perform across all aspects of work:

  • Visibility
  • Workflows
  • Collaboration
  • AI & Automation
  • Tools & Integrations
  • ...and much more!

The productivity gap

Our survey uncovered a stark reality: 93% of organizations feel they're falling short on productivity.

This gap calls for a deep dive into the challenges and lessons from highly productive teams.

How we ranked high and low performers

Respondents were asked to rate their team's productivity on a scale of 1 to 6. Throughout this report, we define high performers and low performers as:

High performers

as those who rated their teams as a 5 or 6.

Low performers

as those who rated their teams as a 1 or 2.

The key causes of the productivity gap

The survey data reveals a combination of factors that contribute to productivity loss, which combined together, emerge into four distinct themes:

Disconnected tools and visibility

Low performing teams are four times more likely to use 15 or more tools.

This results in difficulty staying updated, tracking progress, and identifying issues, causing increased stress and inefficiency.

Fragmented communication

Only 26% of low performing teams believe their teams work collaboratively.

Fragmented communication across various channels and dispersed teams hinder effective collaboration.

Work and data silos

Low performing teams are five times more likely to lack central access to work details.

Departments often work in isolation, focusing only on their goals, which leads to internal competition.

Complex workflows and lack of automation

80% of low performing teams still struggle with busywork due to lack of automation.

Complex workflows and inconsistent processes prevent effective automation.

Zeb Evans

Zeb EvansFounder and CEO at ClickUp

Productivity today is largely broken.

It's mostly because of the sheer volume of software and platforms and tools that we have to switch between in order to get work done. The time it takes to toggle between these platforms makes us less efficient and valuable context is lost.

We all spend so much time asking questions about work – where answers live, what the status updates are, who owns what – at the expense of doing the actual work.

9 ways teams close the productivity gap

Most orgs arent productive

In this report, you'll learn 9 strategies used by high performing teams to solve the challenges above in their approach to teamwork, tools, and processes that you can adopt in your organization to unlock higher levels of productivity.

1. Measuring productivity: a complex yet crucial task

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Despite its importance, 40% of teams lack a formal productivity measurement method.

Measuring productivity isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. While some teams have it down to a science, others are still figuring it out.

This gap represents a missed opportunity for many organizations. High-performing teams leverage a mix of quantitative metrics, feedback, and technology to gain a comprehensive understanding of productivity.

Over 40% of respondents

didn't have a formal way to measure productivity, rising to almost 50% for low-performing teams.

Nearly 25%

of high performing teams lack an established approach.

Quantitative performance metrics

are the most popular method for measurement at 35% of all responses.

Key takeaways:

  • High performing teams employ a multitude of productivity metrics, including output, quality, and impact, providing a well-rounded understanding of performance.
  • Regularly updating and refining measurement approaches ensures they remain aligned with organizational goals and changes in team dynamics.
  • Leveraging advanced technology for real-time data collection and analysis enhances the accuracy and timeliness of insights for continued growth.
Chris Hicken

Chris HickenChief Productivity Officer at ClickUp

"Formal productivity measurement methods are critical for sustained improvement. As companies grow, they need to evolve their metrics to encompass not just output but also impact and quality."

2. Tool overload: a hidden productivity killer

Tool overload banner

Over 87% of high-performing teams use nine or fewer tools, while low-performing teams struggle with tool overload.

The paradox of productivity tools is that more isn't always better. Our findings indicate that high-performing teams typically use nine or fewer tools, avoiding the pitfalls of tool overload.

Excessive tools can lead to fragmentation, confusion, and inefficiencies, hindering a team's ability to function cohesively.

Over 87% of high performing teams

use 9 or fewer tools.

Low performing teams

are 4 times more likely to use 15+ tools.

One-third of respondents

use between 5 and 9 tools.

Key takeaways:

  • High performing teams consolidate the number of tools they use, which helps streamline workflows and reduce fragmentation.
  • Effective integration of tools ensures that all teams work together seamlessly, enhancing overall productivity and minimizing disruption.
  • Centralizing operations through a unified platform consolidates resources, providing clarity and improving coordination among team members.
Lauren Makielski_Hawke Media.png

Lauren Makielski Vice President of Operations at Hawke Media

"Effective integration ensures that the number of tools doesn't contribute to bloat, as the transition between tools is seamless for employees.

Essentially anything that we need to do, we put in a single tool and be sure it's being tracked and that we're getting sh*t done for our clients."

3. Integrating AI: the key to staying competitive

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79% of business leaders believe AI is essential for competition.

AI has arguably become the greatest technological advancement in aiding human productivity. While many businesses recognize this potential for AI, 49% of those surveyed still struggle with how to scale its application broadly across their organizations.

Studies show that successful integration can boost individual work performance by up to 40%, allowing teams to significantly reducing costs and streamlining operations.

79% of businesses believe

that without AI, they would not be able to effectively compete in their industry.

Only 49% of companies

have widely adopted AI across teams.

58% of business leaders

plan to replace headcount with AI in 2024.

Key takeaways

  • High-performing teams embrace AI solutions as a distinct advantage, using them to automate routine processes and optimize resource allocation.
  • The gap between recognizing AI's importance and its implementation suggests a significant opportunity for many organizations to improve work application.
  • Training and development in AI are essential for maximizing its potential, ensuring teams can effectively utilize AI tools and solutions.

"In the last 18 months, AI has created new productivity enhancements, including task automation, performance coaching, and predictive analytics. Companies that embrace AI can achieve notable gains, while those that do not may struggle to keep up," says Chris Hicken, Chief Productivity Officer at ClickUp.

Mike Coons

Mike CoonProgram Manager at DISH Network 

"Today, with AI integrated into our digital workspace, all I have to do is type a question, ‘What’s the latest on this project?’ and I get a fully formatted list of everything that’s happened. "

4. Documentation: the unsung hero of efficiency

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High performing teams are 8 times more likely to document all daily work

Documentation might not be the most glamorous part of work, but it's crucial.

High performing teams embrace documentation practices for improved information gathering, knowledge sharing, and decision-making — while low performing teams suffer from fragmented knowledge that create inefficiencies.

High performing teams are 5 times more likely

to agree that documentation is ingrained in team culture.

High performing teams are also 8 times

more likely to document all aspects of daily work in a central repository.

Low performing teams are almost 6 times

less likely to have documentation ingrained in team culture.

Key takeaways

  • Effective documentation practices are a strategic asset that contribute to smoother workflows and improved operational efficiency.
  • Centralized and accessible documentation prevents knowledge silos and ensures all team members can easily find and use essential information.
  • Integrating documentation into daily workflows helps maintain up-to-date records and supports more informed decision-making.
Steven Kearny

Steven KearnyStrategic Customer Success Lead at ClickUp

"At ClickUp, we believe that documentation is the backbone of operational efficiency. When teams have easy access to well-organized information, they can work more independently and make informed decisions quickly."

5. Centralizing work: The path to team productivity

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High performing teams are 5 times more likely to centralize project details.

Centralizing work within a single platform is a distinct advantage of high performing teams.

This approach enhances visibility, ensures consistency, and fosters a collaborative environment, while low-performing teams suffer from fragmented project details and lack of visibility.

High performing teams are 5 times more likely

to strongly agree with having one centralized place for work.

Only 1 in 5 respondents strongly agreed

that all critical project details are readily available via one central tool.

Key takeaways

  • Highly productive teams effectively centralize work details, enhancing visibility and transparency.
  • This centralization must be complemented with effective collaboration practices and streamlined workflows.
  • Investing in a central work management platform ensures consistency, reduces silos, and streamlines operations.
Christa Keers

Christa KeersSenior Project Manager at University of Missouri

"Getting all the work into one place is key to getting accurate status updates and providing transparency to all stakeholders.

Today, we collaborate within one system and have visibility into critical data. This allows our various teams to report progress, identify workload and capacity issues, and plan in a more accurate way. "

6. Ownership drives operational accountability

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High performing teams are two times more likely to have clear workflow ownership compared to low performing teams

In high-performing teams, everyone knows who's responsible for what. This clarity in roles and responsibilities, often managed by a PMO or COE, ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

Assigning responsibility for workflows and best practices is crucial for operations, while low-performing teams often lack clear accountability structures, leading to non-impactful work and poor collaboration.

34% of teams assign this role to

a Centralized Project Management Office (PMO) or Center of Operational Excellence (COE).

Low performing teams are nearly twice as likely

not to have clear ownership of workflow efficiency.

Key takeaways

  • Highly productive teams adjust the ownership of operational excellence based on business needs.
  • Centralizing responsibilities under the PMO or COE drives structured teamwork and collaboration.
  • Clear workflow ownership and accountability improve productivity by ensuring dedicated oversight and defined success metrics.
Tanya Cummings

Tanya CummingsDirector of Global Marketing Communications at MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions

"Having all of the dependencies, assigned roles, well documented tasks, and standard documents already thought out in a reusable format has been crucial to optimizing our workflows."

7. Aligning work with objectives for impactful work

Aligning Work Banner

High performing teams are twice as likely to ensure projects align with strategic priorities.

When teams know how their work aligns with the company's broader goals, they become more invested in the work that matters. It’s not just about checking off tasks; it's about contributing to impactful results.

High-performing teams make this alignment a priority, ensuring everyone is on the same page, fostering a sense of purpose and that drives performance.

However, many teams struggle with this alignment, leading to a lack of direction and low impact work.

High performing teams are twice as likely

to ensure projects align with strategic priorities.

Only 27% of respondents strongly agreed

that their projects are directly connected to organizational objectives.

Key takeaways

  • Improving alignment between work and organizational objectives significantly enhances productivity.
  • Highly productive teams ensure that projects are not only visible but also directly tied to strategic goals, creating a cohesive and motivated workforce.
  • Documenting goals and connecting them to tasks via a unified project view enhances alignment and ownership.
Chris Hicken

Chris HickenChief Productivity Officer at ClickUp

"The evidence is clear. When we can clearly connect each employee's work to company objectives, productivity improves."

8. Automation: The key to eliminating busywork

Automating busywork banner

60% of high performing teams minimize busywork through automation.

Busywork or "ghost work" is the silent killer of productivity. High-performing teams combat this by leveraging automation to eliminate mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on high-impact work.

However, many organizations still struggle with busywork, resulting in inefficiencies and wasted resources.

60% of high performing teams agree

that busywork is minimized through automation.

Almost 80% of low performing teams

disagreed that busywork is minimized through automation.

Key takeaways

  • High-performing teams use automation to minimize busywork, freeing up time for more valuable and strategic activities.
  • Implementing automation reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies, improving the overall quality of work.
  • The use of advanced tools and technologies to automate routine tasks enhances efficiency and helps maintain a focus on critical business objectives.
Steven Kearny

Steven KearnyStrategic Customer Success Lead at ClickUp

"Almost 40% of high performing teams believe busywork is not effectively reduced by automation, indicating that it remains a significant opportunity even among teams that say they're highly efficient."

9. Collaborative culture valued, but not always implemented

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85% of high performing teams foster strong collaborative cultures

While many organizations preach the importance of collaboration, implementing a genuinely collaborative culture is where the challenge lies.

Our survey found that high-performing teams excel by fostering environments where collaboration is not just encouraged but is the default.

These teams are characterized by transparency, shared goals, and open communication, setting the stage for enhanced performance and innovation.

Over 85% of high performing teams agree

that teams are empowered to work together.

Only 26% of low performers agree that

their teams are empowered to work together.

Key takeaways

  • Promote transparent communication: High-performing teams prioritize openness, ensuring all members are informed and aligned.
  • Establish shared goals: Identify common objectives that unite team efforts and foster collective effort and impact.
  • Invest in collaborative tools: Use platforms that support real-time communication, file sharing, and project management to break down silos and enhance teamwork.
Chris Hicken

Chris HickenChief Productivity Officer at ClickUp

"Highly productive teams succeed by empowering their teams through transparency, accountability, and the right tools. By centralizing work, sharing goals, and fostering open communication, they create environments where collaboration thrives and performance increases."

Our 6 strategic recommendations

Most orgs arent productive

Our survey reveals that a whopping 93% of respondents believe there's room for improvement in their productivity.

The primary challenges highlighted include a lack of visibility into work and progress, poor team collaboration, work and data silos, and minimal automation paired with complex workflows.

To effectively bridge the productivity gap, organizations must adopt a comprehensive strategy that tackles these challenges head-on.

Here are six strategic recommendations based on our survey insights to help your organization achieve and sustain world-class productivity:

Centralize and integrate tools

This centralization enhances visibility and streamlines workflows, addressing the common problem of work and data silos.

Leverage AI and automation

Investing in AI-driven strategies and automation tools can eliminate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and allow organizations to focus on high-impact work.

Align teamwork with strategic goals

By documenting goals and connecting them to tasks, organizations can ensure clear visibility and work alignment with business goals.

Start measuring productivity

Establishing subjective feedback and objective analytics are essential for organizations to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and drive productivity.

Foster collaboration and ownership

Ensuring dedicated workflow oversight and promoting transparency can significantly help teams work drive impact against shared goals.

Simplify and streamline workflows

By simplifying processes and eliminating unnecessary steps, organizations can reduce busywork and improve productivity.

angela bunner

Angela BunnerGVP of Solutions and GTM Enablement at ClickUp

"Productivity is an ongoing journey that requires integrating teamwork, processes, and tools to empower every team member.

At ClickUp, we're committed to supporting this journey by investing in technology, fostering collaboration, and refining our strategies. Use the insights from this report to identify areas for improvement and take actionable steps.

Even small changes can lead to significant gains. ClickUp is here to help you achieve lasting success."

How ClickUp can help

At ClickUp, we understand that disconnected work leads to lost productivity.

That's why we created the everything app for work.

ClickUp consolidates all aspects of work, from project management to collaboration, all in one place to simplify work and boost productivity.

Everything your teams need in one place

ClickUp brings together all essential work tools in one platform.

ClickUp 3.0 - AI

Manage projects, communicate in real-time, collaborate on documents, brainstorm with whiteboards, track time, and create forms—all from a single hub. This integration helps your team stay organized and productive.

ClickUp 3.0 - Automation Recipe

Supercharged by AI and automation

Automate repetitive tasks, write and summarize content, manage tasks, and get intelligent updates.

Advanced search functionality allows you to find any file, whether it's in ClickUp, a connected app, or your local drive, making information retrieval effortless.

ClickUp 3.0 - Sprint View

Customizable solutions for every team

ClickUp offers pre-built solutions for teams of all types and sizes, from managing sprints and bugs to centralizing marketing campaigns and tracking sales activities.

With infinite customization, you can build workflows and tools specific to your business processes, ensuring that ClickUp meets your company's unique needs.

Next steps

Ready to close the productivity gap, step into the future of work, and join the ranks of the world's most productive teams?

Here are a few ways to get started:

talk to sales

Book a personalized session

Schedule a no-pressure, one-on-one with an expert to explore productivity solutions for your team.