View the tasks that meet specific criteria from a Workspace. Responses are limited to 100 tasks per page.
You can only view task information of tasks you can access.
Our Try It modal currently supports filtering by two or more Lists, Folders, or Spaces. To filter by a single List, Folder, or Space, we recommend using a free app like Postman to test our public API.
page | integer <int32> Page to fetch (starts at 0). |
order_by | string Order by a particular field. By default, tasks are ordered by |
reverse | boolean Tasks are displayed in reverse order. |
subtasks | boolean Include or exclude subtasks. By default, subtasks are excluded. |
space_ids | Array of strings Filter by Spaces. For example: |
project_ids | Array of strings Filter by Folders. For example: |
list_ids[] | Array of strings Filter by Lists. For example: |
statuses | Array of strings Filter by statuses. Use |
include_closed | boolean Include or excluse closed tasks. By default, they are excluded. |
assignees | Array of strings Filter by Assignees using people's ClickUp user id. For example: |
tags | Array of strings Filter by tags. User |
due_date_gt | integer <int64> Filter by due date greater than Unix time in milliseconds. |
due_date_lt | integer <int64> Filter by due date less than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_created_gt | integer <int64> Filter by date created greater than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_created_lt | integer <int64> Filter by date created less than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_updated_gt | integer <int64> Filter by date updated greater than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_updated_lt | integer <int64> Filter by date updated less than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_done_gt | integer <int64> Filter by date done greater than Unix time in milliseconds. |
date_done_lt | integer <int64> Filter by date done less than Unix time in milliseconds. |
custom_fields | Array of strings Include tasks with specific values in one or more Custom Fields. Custom Relationships are included. |
custom_task_ids | boolean If you want to reference a task by its custom task id, this value must be |
team_id | number <double> Only used when the |
parent | string Include the parent task ID to return subtasks. |
include_markdown_description | boolean To return task descriptions in Markdown format, use |
custom_items | Array of numbers Filter by custom task types. For example: |
{- "tasks": [
- {
- "id": "av1",
- "custom_id": null,
- "name": "My First Task",
- "text_content": "Task description",
- "description": "Task description",
- "markdown_description": "Task description",
- "status": {
- "status": "Open",
- "type": "open",
- "orderindex": 1,
- "color": "#000000"
}, - "orderindex": "1.0000",
- "date_created": "1508369194377",
- "date_updated": "1508369194377",
- "date_closed": "1508369194377",
- "date_done": "1508369194377",
- "creator": {
- "id": 123,
- "username": "John Doe",
- "color": "#000000",
- "email": "",
}, - "assignees": [
- {
- "id": 123,
- "username": "John Doe",
- "color": "#000000",
- "email": "",
], - "watchers": [
- {
- "id": 123,
- "username": "John Doe",
- "color": "#000000",
- "email": "",
], - "checklists": [
- {
- "id": "d41340bc-2f17-43cc-ae71-86628f45825f",
- "task_id": "3cxv9f",
- "name": "Checklist",
- "date_created": "1618455803730",
- "orderindex": 1,
- "creator": 2770032,
- "resolved": 0,
- "unresolved": 1,
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "9398cb3d-55a4-4c45-ab46-2a47a371e375",
- "name": "checklist item 1",
- "orderindex": 0,
- "assignee": null,
- "resolved": false,
- "parent": null,
- "date_created": "1618455810454",
- "children": [ ]
], - "tags": [
- {
- "name": "tagged",
- "tag_fg": "#000000",
- "tag_bg": "#000000"
], - "parent": "av2",
- "priority": 1,
- "due_date": "1508369194377",
- "start_date": "1508369194377",
- "points": 3,
- "time_estimate": 1.2,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "id": "be43f58e-989e-4233-9f25-27584f094b74",
- "name": "Location type Custom Field",
- "type": "location",
- "type_config": { },
- "date_created": "1617765143523",
- "hide_from_guests": false,
- "required": false
], - "dependencies": [ ],
- "linked_tasks": [ ],
- "team_id": "1234",
- "permission_level": "create",
- "list": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "List",
- "access": true
}, - "project": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "Folder",
- "hidden": false,
- "access": true
}, - "folder": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "Folder",
- "hidden": false,
- "access": true
}, - "space": {
- "id": "1"