The world's most innovative Search

Everything you've been looking for, suddenly at your fingertips, with Connected Search.

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Search Everything

Find a needle in your (tech) stack

Quickly find any file, whether it's in ClickUp, a connected app, or your local drive. Add custom search commands like shortcuts to links, storing text for later, and more to search for anything all in one place.

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Find Anything

Easily connect your favorite apps.

Extend Search to your favorite apps and put and end to searching them one-by-one to find what you're looking for.


Unleash Knowledge

Bring people and information closer together

Free knowledge trapped in siloed systems, and make it instantly accessible to everyone across your organization.

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Personalize Results

Search that knows exactly what you're looking for.

Connected search is constantly getting to know you better to provide more personalized and relevant search results in the blink of an eye.

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Access Anywhere

Start your search, your way

Access Connected Search from just about anywhere, including the Command Center, Global Action Bar, or your desktop—it's always a click or keystroke away.

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