Learn about the limitations of formatting when importing or exporting Docs.


The following elements are supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs.

Element Plain and markdown text support
Normal text Yes
Heading 1 Yes
Heading 2 Yes
Heading 3 Yes
Heading 4 Yes
Alignment No
Checklist No
Bulleted List Yes
Numbered List Yes
Toggle List No
Banner No
Code Block Yes, but code formatting is lost
Quote Yes


Inline elements are not supported by plain or markdown text when importing or exporting Docs.


Views are not supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs.


The following embed elements are supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs:

Element Plain and markdown text support
YouTube No
Vimeo No
Loom No
Miro No
Giphy No
Google Drive No
Google Slides No
Google Docs No
Google Sheets No
Attachment Yes, but sizing is not retained
Embed a task No
Embed a Doc No
Embed a Whiteboard No
Embed org chart No


The following formatting elements are supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs:

Element Plain and markdown text support
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Underline No
Strikethrough Yes
Indent No
Inline code Yes
Website link Yes

Advanced blocks

The following advanced block elements are supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs:

Element Plain and markdown text support
Synced content No
Columns No
Divider Yes
Button Yes, but it turns into an unformatted link
Table of contents No
Table Yes, but it loses formatting
Sticky table of contents No
New slide No

Text colors, background colors, and badges

Text colors, background colors, and badges are not supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs.

Covers, icons, comments, page styles, and wikis

Covers, icons, comments, page styles, and wikis are not supported by plain and markdown text when importing or exporting Docs.