Try the API in your web browser

Every API endpoint in our documentation can be tested directly from your browser using the interactive "Try It" panel on the right side of each endpoint.

Try an endpoint

  1. Navigate to any endpoint in the Reference section
  2. Look for the "Try It" panel on the right side
  3. Fill in the required parameters and customize optional ones
  4. Click "Send" to make the request


When you're logged into your ClickUp account on this documentation site:

  • Your personal API token is automatically included in requests
  • All API calls are made against your actual ClickUp account and Workspaces
  • No need to manually add authentication headers

Customize requests

The "Try It" panel lets you:

  • Input path parameters
  • Add query parameters
  • Modify request bodies for POST/PUT requests
  • See the full request URL and headers
  • View response data in a formatted JSON viewer
  • Track your request history